7. Show Me Your Best Fangirl

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We got off the train and I looked around. The station was super busy even though it was 6:30 in the morning. "Stick close," Squid said, "It's really easy to get lost here." I followed him and we maneuvered our way through the crowd towards the exit. The second we stepped outside I was awestruck.

"Woah, it's amazing." I could see Big Ben and the London Eye and the Thames River along with many impressive buildings.

"Yeah, it's pretty great, huh?" He checked his phone, "We'd better hurry, they're waiting for us."

"Waiting for you you mean. Did you even tell them I was coming?"

"Well who doesn't like surprises?"

"Wow, ok, this won't be awkward at all. Did anyone else get passes to hand out?"

"Uh, I don't know."

"Oh great, everyone's going to give me funny looks."

"Don't worry, if you're with me, no one will mess with ya."

"If you say so."

"I do say so. Now, right this way." We followed him a ways and he stopped in front of a big warehouse-like building with a Minecon banner out front. "Here we are."

"Really? I thought this was the ice cream shop," I said teasingly.

"Ha, ha, very funny. Come on, we're already late."

We walked in and Ash was sitting there. "What took you so long mate? And who's this? Wait, do I recognize that hand?" he said looking at me.

"Um, no, I don't think so. It's nice to meet you though."

We shook hands and Squid introduced us, "Sorry, we just got off the train. This is Angel and her dad, Steve."

"It's a pleasure. Can I steal Squid from you for a minute though? He needs to come sign in."

"Don't they have to too?"

"Um, I'm not sure actually. I guess they should come just in case. I need to talk to you though."

"Mmkay." They walked ahead a bit and we followed at a distance.

"Who's that?" my dad asked. "Ash?"


"What did he mean about a hand?"

"Uh, I have no idea," I lied. The hallways were pretty boring but we passed some sort of cafeteria that I hoped we would stop in because I hadn't eaten breakfast. We walked past it and got to a table that was set up and the guys talked to a lady stationed there. After a minute, they waved us over.

"Ok, we got it all sorted. Just sign your name here and put this on your pass," Squid said and handed us name tags. We signed in and got given "goody bags" and were on our way. I rummaged around in my bag, there were a few souvenirs and a marker and booklet for autographs. I slung it over my shoulder and peeked at what Squid and Ash were looking at.

"Your schedules?" I asked.

"Yup, we're gonna be busy bees today."

"Alright, we'll leave you to it then."

"But don't you want the Slippery Cheese experience?"

"No no, I don't want us to drag you down. I'm sure I'll see you around and at the signing."

"And on stage."

"Yes, and on stage."

"You know with these you can go backstage, right?"

"You mentioned that."

"I didn't hear him say that," my dad said.

"Oh uh, he told me on the train," I lied. "But I don't know, I think it might be better in the audience."

"Well, you do get reserved front seats as well."

"Woah, really?"

"Mhmm, you'll get to sit by Lee and Tom and I think ChooChoo might be down there too. I'm sure there are others but I can't think of them right now."

"Wow, cool." We walked a little farther and finally got to the main area. "Oh. My. God."

The place was massive, I couldn't even see the other end. There were loads of stands with carnival type games and merchandise everywhere. In the middle was a replica of Big Ben with the Ender Dragon wrapping around it. Lots of Minecraft and London themed decorations were dotted around and up above I could see windows looking out of hallways.

"This is amazing," I said.

"You haven't seen nothing yet. Hey Ash, do you know where everyone is?"

He looked around and pointed, "I think I see them over there." I looked in that direction and saw a group of people walking around.

"Well let's go introduce you, shall we?" We walked over to them and I got a little nervous. I didn't see anyone else that looked like fans.

Stampy saw us and came over. "There you are, we've been waiting."

"Sorry, I forgot how long it takes to get over here. Well what's everyone up to?"

"We've just been goofing around, we don't have to go backstage until 7:20 so we have like half an hour to do whatever. Oh, who's this?" he asked, noticing my dad and me.

Squid didn't say anything so I stuck out my hand, "Hi, I'm Angel and this is my dad, Steve. Squid invited us."

He shook our hands, "Alrighty then, well welcome to Minecon! I'm Stampy, in case you couldn't tell."

"I could tell."

"Good, good. Well, I think we were just going to take pictures with ourselves." I cocked an eyebrow at that.

"Oh, you've gotta see this," Squid said and we started walking again.

In a few moments, I caught a glimpse of where we were going. "Wow, how'd you manage to get this?" Set up was a green screen with life-size versions of Stampy and Squid's skins in front of it.

"We actually had no idea they were doing this, we just saw it yesterday."

"Huh, cool."

"Cool? This is awesome! Here, check this out." He brought us over to a computer that was hooked up to the camera. "You can choose whatever background you want and then have it printed out!"

I looked at some of the different options, "This one's cool." It was a simple shimmery blue with bubble type effects. Suddenly a picture came through of a few people from our group standing by the figures and making silly faces.

"You want to take one?" Squid asked.

I shrugged, "Not particularly."

"Oh, of course you do. Come on." We went back to the mini set and watched a few more people take pictures.

"Alright, it's time for these guys to take one," Ash said after a bit and pushed Stampy and Squid into the frame. They stood by their characters and did some random poses. After they took a few shots, David looked at me and smirked. I waved my hands in a "no way" motion but he grabbed my arm and plonked me in between them.

"Squid!" I complained.

"Oh, come on, this is fun!"

"Everyone's looking at me," I moaned.


"So I'm shy, remember?"

"Well maybe we can fix that today." I turned to the camera and pointed my thumb at Squid, making a face like "can you believe this guy?" Everyone laughed and he said, "See? Fun! Do something else." I put my elbows on the figures' shoulders and smirked, trying to look cool. He laughed after they took the shot, "You're a natural! Here, I got an idea."

Before I could ask what it was, he lifted me up and set me on his character's head. "Hey! You couldn't ask first? Do you even know if these things are sturdy?"

"I'm sure it's fine, you're light as a feather anyway." I glared at them teasingly and they looked at me as if inspecting fine art for one of the pictures.

"What's the view like up there?" someone called.

I looked around and could see literally everything. It was so colorful and creative and it made me smile. "Absolutely amazing. Although as much as I'd love to stay up here, I should probably get down before this thing collapses."

I went to jump down but Squid stopped me. "No no your majesty, allow us."

He waved Ash over and he bowed, "Meh lady." I rolled my eyes but played along. Ash and Stampy took my hands and Squid made a step by locking his fingers together. I walked down acting dignified and everyone laughed.

"This must not be your first photo shoot, huh?" he asked.

"Nope, I did one with my cousin once," I replied. "You're not too bad yourselves though."

"Well let's go see how these things turned out." We went back to the computer and looked at the pictures that had been taken. "Wow, these are awesome!" Squid said, hitting print on all of them.

"Dude, you're gonna waste all the ink for everyone else."

He shrugged, "Sucks to be them."

"Wow, you're nice."

"I know."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the pictures that had been printed out. "How you wanna divide these?" Squid took the stack from me and picked out a few then handed the rest to Stampy. He took a couple and gave me the remaining ones.

"I think this should be fair."

I looked through what they had left for me, "Yeah, these are perfect." I stuck them in my bag and looked around, "So, what's next?"

"Is anyone else hungry?" Squid asked.

"Um, yeah! I'm practically dying right now."

"Well we can't have that, now can we? Follow me." We gathered up a few more people and went to the cafeteria place I had seen when we came in. They had a small breakfast buffet set up so we grabbed some plates and walked down the line. I took a few things and then followed Squid to a table. Stampy, Lee, Ash, and Sqaishey joined us.

"That was quite the show you guys put on back there," Sqaishey said.

No one replied so I said, "Squid dragged me into it, I never would've done it otherwise."

"Really? You looked very photogenic."

"Oh uh, thanks."

"I'm Sqaishey by the way. You're Angel, right?"

"Um, yeah. How'd you know?"

"Oh, Stamps told me. I think it's sweet that Squid invited you. Are you excited?"

"Yeah, of course! I can't wait to see you guys on stage, that's like the whole reason we came." I bit my lip, Wow, totally didn't sound fan girly at all. "Uh, I mean..." I couldn't think of a cover up so I looked at the floor, totally embarrassed.

I expected Squid to say something cocky but instead he said, "Have you guys seen the schedule? It's like a kilometer long! I can't imagine what yours must be like Stamps."

"Yep, today will definitely be a busy day."

"I'd like to see this schedule," I said. Squid pulled out his and handed it to me. I muttered through some of the things on it, "Walk around, opening ceremony," I paused and looked at him, smirking, "Blindfold challenge?"

He slid his fingers along his lips, "I'm not saying nothing."

"Double negative," I muttered.



He looked at his watch, "You guys done? We should probably head to the stage."

"Yeah, I'm ready," I said, "But where is the stage? I didn't see it even when I was on your head."

"Oh no, it's not in there. It's way too big. We've gotta go over there." He pointed out the window to another large building that had a crowd forming out front.

"Huh, looks like we've got some eager beavers already. Are you gonna have to sneak around back or can you just walk past?"

"We're going to go in the side entrance but we don't have to sneak."

"Well this should be interesting." We cleaned up our mess and headed outside. It was a nice morning, not too hot with a nice breeze. I stayed on the far side of our group to try and hide myself from the fans.

A few girls saw us and whispered to each other. After a few seconds they shouted, "We love you Squid!" He looked at them and waved, flashing a smile. They giggled and waved back.

"Mate, you're like a proper celebrity! How do I get fan girls?" Ash asked. I rolled my eyes and made a gag-me gesture behind their backs.

Sqaishey laughed and Squid turned around, "Did I miss something?"

"Nope," she replied but winked at me.

He shook his head, "More secrets?" I just shrugged. He slowed and fell into step with me. "How come you're not like that?" he asked, gesturing over his shoulder toward the girls.

I lifted an eyebrow, "You want me to be?"

"Oh, I know under that cool act you're just like them."

"Ha, you wish. But trust me, if I was like that you would've ditched me after I said two words."

"You wanna bet?"

"No, not really."

"Oh come on, show me your best fangirl. Do it to Ash, he said he wanted some."

Ash hadn't been paying attention but turned around when he heard his name. "What do I want some of?" Squid gestured toward him so I stepped up to him, acting shy and giddy.

"Excuse me, are you AshDubh?"

"Uh, yeah, I thought-"

"OMG, hi!" I said in a high-pitched voice and jumped up and down, "I can't believe this is really happening, I'm your biggest fan! I absolutely love your build battles! They're so cool! Can you sign my book?" I pulled out my autograph book and looked at him expectantly.

"Uh, sure?" He took it from me and signed it.

When he gave it back to me, I held it wide-eyed and delicately like it was a gold bar. "Thank you thank you thank you! You're awesome! Can't wait to see you on stage!"

"Uh, yeah," he said with a confused expression and turned away.

I looked back to Squid, smirking. "How was that?"

He shrugged but was grinning, "Not bad. I guess you can scare us away."

Sqaishey was laughing, "Wow, that was amazing. He had no idea what was going on! I was trying not to laugh the whole time, you're quite an actress."

"So I've heard."

Squid grabbed Ash's shoulder and turned him toward us, "Mate, you just got played."


"Hey, sorry about that," I said, "Squid wanted to see my best fangirl impression so I tried it on you. How did I do?"

He was confused for a second but then grinned, "Ooohh, that was good! I was really confused, I thought you had a twin that had come up to me or something."

"Do you still want fangirls?"

He considered for a moment, "From a distance." We all laughed and a minute later, got to the door and stepped inside.


Sorry if this part's kind of boring and all over the place. I just saw those statues of their skins in the vlog and was like, "Yes, I need to incorporate these somehow."

How would you guys react if you met your favorite celebs? Would you be able to keep your cool, or would you go full out fangirl/boy mode? I like to think I'd be able to hold myself together, but to be honest I would probably break down in tears. I'm such an emotional person, haha. Oh well, everyone's different.

Thanks for reading peoples ;) ☮ Peace ☮ - Elsie

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