40. I, I Mean, Rest

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First thing the next morning, I told Tycer that I could come. He couldn’t quite believe it, but was ecstatic when I finally convinced him that it was true. He told me everyone that was going to be there and what I should say about it on my channel and social medias. I posted a video about the event and loads of people said they were super excited that I was going to be there.
I was busy editing a thumbnail the day after I posted the info video when David skyped me. “Hey Charming,” I said distractedly as I fiddled with the color wheel.
“So, I saw that video yesterday…”
At the moment I had forgotten exactly what I had put up so I just said, “Cool.”
“Mhmm, and uh, did it ever occur to you that maybe, I would want to know this information?”
I was currently frustrated with my picky computer and still not sure what he was talking about so I muttered, “Sorry.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were invited to Minevention?!” he suddenly exclaimed and I jumped, causing the mouse to move and ruin what I had been working on.
I sighed exasperatedly and turned to him, my mind finally comprehending what he had been saying. “Did I not tell you?”
“Oh, my bad. I guess I was distracted with getting everything ready.”
He rolled his eyes at me and I just shrugged. “Well this is awesome! I’m so glad you got this opportunity, are you excited?”
“Duh! This is going to be awesome!”
He pouted, “I wish I had been invited.”
“Well this is a small scale thing, they didn’t expect people like you would want to come.”
“Yeah, I know.” He paused and looked me over, “Please don’t get scared by this, but you do realize that people are going to see who you are, right?”
I sucked in a breath and glanced away. I actually hadn’t thought of that. I forced a smile and said, “Of course, it won’t be so bad. Not that many people are going to be there and it’s not like I’m putting my face on my channel or anything.” I chuckled nervously and knew he could tell I was unsettled by that fact, but he didn’t carry on about it.
“This is great for you Angel. I remember my first convention, the feeling of having someone come up to you and their face lighting up… it’s priceless.”
I pushed away my uneasiness and said, “Yeah, I can’t wait.”
He suddenly frowned, “Wait, what are you going to wear?”
“Uh, clothes I’m guessing.”
“No no, I mean you don’t have any merch! How are people going to know who you are if you aren’t reppin’ something?”
“Well I’ll be with the guys most of the time so if they recognize them, they’ll probably be able to guess who I am.”
He shook his head, “We’re setting you up a Spreadshirt page.”
I groaned, “Really?”
“Yes really! People love merch! Don’t think I didn’t notice when you wore an AshDubh shirt that one day.”
I rolled my eyes, “Fine, what do we have to do?”
He walked me through how to design things and put them on the website and when we were done, I posted a link to it on all my medias. Immediately people started asking questions like “Are they international?” or, “What sizes do they come in?” and even, “Is there more than just shirts?”
“Wow, they all seem excited.”
“Of course they are! They love ya girl. Or maybe they just can’t get enough of the awesome logo.” He smirked, “Who designed it for you again?”
I sighed and rolled my eyes, “You did.”
He grinned pridefully, “Yes I did.” We hung out for a bit longer and eventually said goodbye. I placed an order for a shirt and six hats, one for me and five to give out as prizes at Minevention.
Soon, the day came for me to leave. My parents stayed with me at the airport until it was time to board and when they finally left, I suddenly felt a bit nervous. I was really doing this. I was going to a foreign country by myself. But my excitement overpowered my nerves and I was jittery the whole ride.
When we finally arrived, I gathered my suitcase and went to look for Arran who said he would meet me there. I eventually found him and he grinned when he saw me.
    “Hey, so glad you could make it!” he said, pulling me into a hug.
I laughed, “I know, I can’t believe I’m actually here! It’s so exciting.”
“You can say that again. What do you say we go meet the rest of the crew?” He brought me to a restaurant and we went over to a table where everyone was sitting.
“Hey Elsie!” Jimmy said.
I grinned as I sat down, “It’s so nice to see all of you.” I met each of their eyes in turn and they all smiled at me, even Snake. Unfortunately Chache couldn’t make it, but other than him they were all here, plus a few others I recognized from Minecon.
“Finally, I’m not the only girl!” Netty- Stampy’s sister- said.
I laughed, “I know, right? Being with guys all the time is rough.”
“We should totally do a video together sometime! Girl power for the win, am I right?”
We high-fived, “Totally.”
“So Elsie,” Ryan said and I turned to him. “We hear you’re some big shot now, huh?”
It suddenly dawned on me that I had the most subscribers out of everyone here. I shrugged, “I suppose.”
“Got any tips for us little people?”
Everyone turned their eyes to me expectantly and I shrunk into my seat nervously. I had no idea what to say. I finally cleared my throat and began, “Well, first of all, you gotta have fun. If you’re not having fun, your audience isn’t having fun.”
“Never would’ve guessed that,” Caff said and they all chuckled.
I smirked and continued, “Second, do all the collabs you can. It’s the fastest way for new people to see you. Third, put out the best content possible. People aren’t stupid, they know rubbish when they see it. Finally, be you. Don’t be someone else whether that person is someone famous or a character you made up. You have to be real. People will connect with you that way.”
There was a moment of silence and I looked around at everyone again. Finally, Snake raised his drink, “Here, here!” They all repeated the cheer and clinked their glasses together.
“Oh, one more thing.” They all looked at me and I shrugged, “It doesn’t hurt to have a friend with four million subs either.” They laughed and I raised my cup again, “To YouTube!”
“To YouTube!”
When everyone had finished, we started heading for the hotel. It was the night before Minevention so everyone was expected to get a good night’s sleep. My room was pretty tiny, but I wasn’t expecting much else.
I started unpacking my things and not five minutes later, there was a knock at the door. “Who is it?” I called.
I smiled as I opened the door, “Hey, how you been?”
He looked me up and down and his eyes lingered on my chest for a moment before snapping back up to my face. I pretended not to notice as he said, “Good. Good, yeah.”
I glanced at what he was holding, “What’s that you got there?”
“Oh, it’s my laptop. It’s why I came to talk to you actually. Remember when I said I was working on a mod?”
“Of course.”
“Well, it’s done!”
“Oh, that’s great! Why are you telling me though?”
He scratched his neck, “You, said you’d want to try it out.”
I smirked, “Oh yeah, I almost forgot.” I opened the door a bit wider, “Come on in.” I went and sat on the bed since there wasn’t a couch. When I looked back at the door, he was still standing outside of it. I rolled my eyes and patted the spot next to me, “I’m not going to bite you.”
He hesitantly stepped inside and closed the door, shuffling over and setting himself next to me. He opened the laptop and Minecraft was already up and ready to go. “Okay, well, it’s basically a questing mod. If you press this button it’ll bring up your log and tell you what you have going on. It adds a bit of magic, some new mobs, but it’s mainly tech based. See all these new machines?”
He explained it a bit more and when he was done I grinned, “Wow, that is so cool! You did this all by yourself?” He nodded. “What gave you the idea to make this?”
“The Area series. Once I saw the first modpack, I figured it would be cool to have one mod that combined everything together. I wanted to make it my own though of course, I didn’t copy anything.” He glanced at me, “You, want to try it now?”
“Do you even have to ask?” He handed the computer to me and I fiddled around with everything for a while. I could tell he kept looking at me, specifically the girl parts of me, but I pretended not to notice and just payed attention to the game. Eventually I handed it back to him, “That is totally epic, you’re going to be an awesome programmer.”
He smiled sheepishly, “Thanks.”
“Do you think I could maybe, showcase it on my channel?”
He subconsciously pulled the laptop closer to him and his mouth gaped open slightly, “What? Are you serious?”
“Well, yeah. I’m sure everyone would love it, it’s so unique.”
He blushed, “You really think that?”
“Of course.”
He thought about it for a minute and finally said, “Okay, if you really want to. That would be great!”
I smiled, “Cool. It’s getting kind of late though, we should probably get some sleep.”
“Yeah, I totally need some breast.” His eyes widened in horror and he quickly corrected himself, “Rest! I, I mean, rest. I need some rest, not... that.”
I laughed it off and walked him to the door, “Goodnight Myles.”
His cheeks were bright red and he just gave me a small wave as he left. He obviously wasn’t around girls much.

I don't even know what the thing with Myles was xD I really shouldn't try to be funny, it never works out. Same goes with this part as the last one, I just kinda skimmed it. Now I have to go sit in the car for another 5-6 hours. Yay...

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