"Glad you decided to join me" Tony commented, leaning against the main elevator continuously pressing the button even though the lift was already there "Right this way" he said entering the awaiting lift. Loki followed him standing in a reserved manner on the furthest side from Tony, who noticed this and sighed "You know, I'm really not that bad."
"Keep telling yourself that Mr Stark."
"No I'm serious, I- I don't know I feel kinda bad, maybe I came off on the wrong foot. It's just- I just don't want you to hate me ya know?" he faltered rubbing his neck awkwardly. Ah shit why did he even care so much about what Loki thought of him? He's never even thought twice about whether someone thought well of him of not, so why the change? What was so special about Loki that made him want so badly to be liked by him?
"If you want me to like you, you're going to have to try harder than that."
"Okay, yeah I can do that." He confirmed to himself, nodding to Loki with determination who's surprised expression coordinated comically with the ding of the elevator arriving at the levels dedicated to the Avengers personal living quarters. Tony smiled his cute little smile, his eyes lighting up as he stepped out of the elevator, he was fairly adorable when he wasn't talking if Loki was honest with himself, there was something strangely enticing about his carefree and confident yet soft and playful personality. Even when he was being extremely agitating, Loki could only find Tony amusing and while he only ever expressed distain towards him Loki secretly found himself starting to enjoy conversing with this peculiar little mortal man. From the lift they were ejected into the entrance room which opened onto a sleek kitchen, living room and dining room, a wall of window extended along the entire side of the apartment onlooking the busy scene of New York. They continued though the living space and down a hall until they reached the first door.
"So this can be your room, um if you find anything wrong with it just ask and I can have it changed. Also that Thor's room" Tony pointed down the hall "I just assumed you'd probably wanna stay with him because he's your brother.. just rather than being by yourself or with any of the others since you don't really know them too well and all" Tony was ranting slightly, but then again wasn't he always? They stepped into the a gloomy room which was a model example of modern design yet with a darkened twist, the right side of the room was an entire wall of tinted glass displaying a staggering view of the city half obscured by heavy black curtains which coordinated with the opposing wall which consisted of a feature wall of black bricks with a small inset fireplace, flickering warmly with soft orange flames. The flooring was dark oak and walls patterned murky grey wallpaper, in the centre of the room was a large silver and black rug which looked incredibly soft and had atop it a grand double bed of heavy dark wood and a matching wooden bedside table on each side. The bed was layered in different hues of grey in the form of quality sheets and a puffy looking duvet, a dark fur throw was swept elegantly over the foot of the bed. A delicate black chandelier dripping in crystals and light hung from the centre of the room draping it in a soft glow of warm light and adding the finishing touch to this stunning room.
Loki stepped further inside to find that around the corner to the right was a small library alcove, the walls wrapped in bookcases and fitted with a pair of plush armchairs, a coffee table of matching wood to the bed frame sat in the middle. As Loki poked around the room curiously, Tony remained at the door anticipating Loki's verdict. "Err there's a bathroom down there" Tony pointed to the left "and um you know if you want anything changed or added or whatnot just left me or Jarvis know and I'll change it to whatever you want."
"What? No. It's perfect." Loki said sincerely before slipping back to his guarded facade "I appreciate your hospitality Mr Stark."
"I thought you'd like it. I don't know it kinda fits your style." Tony laughed cautiously, not getting a response he changed topics, "The Avengers live here on and off from missions and are usually down in the penthouse which we use as a sort of common room I guess, that's also where my room is just in case you wanted to visit." Tony winked, smirking at Loki's annoyed expression and slight blush.
"I shall keep that in mind when I go to slit your throat in your sleep." Loki deadpanned in such a serious tone, Tony almost regretted telling him where he slept.
"Jarvis, remember to lock my door at night from this moment forwards."
"Of course sir."
Loki smiled at the sound of the AI's voice. "Hello Jarvis. Will you be residing within this room as well?"
"Good evening Loki. I reside in every room of this building and will be summoned with a simple calling of name or spoken request."
"It's a pleasure to have access to your company."
Tony stood baffled at their conversation "Whoa when did you two get so cosy with each other?"
"Jarvis, is by far one of the more intellectual beings within this building, of course I took it upon myself to befriend him."
"Ah quick reminder I'm the one who actually created Jarvis and that he's more or less equal to my own intelligence."
"I would say more so."
Tony looked dramatically taken aback "Well okay then. Party should be like smart casual so you know don't wear anything too fancy..." He paused looking Loki up and down "Actually nope I have a feeling you just don't do casual. Come on we'll get you something to wear." He decided grabbing hold of Loki's arm and dragged him from the room, Loki pulled his arm away roughly. "Don't touch me." He hissed, Tony ignored him but didn't take his arm again and continued back to the lift, Loki followed him curious as to where they were going.
The elevator arrived with a ding back at the penthouse, which was now empty besides Thor and Bruce playing a friendly game of pool both dressed for the evening. "Greetings brother. Hello Bruce." He nodded, stopping to acknowledge them to which Bruce reacted with a raised eyebrow and concerned look "Hey Loki" he responded uneasily, obviously surprised at Loki's civility especially when he let Tony grab hold of his arm and drag him out of the room once again "Did you see that too?" Bruce asked Thor.
"I believe so." He replied hesitantly.
The lights turned on automatically when they entered the bedroom, Tony stood there holding Loki's wrist for a moment looking at him curiously before letting go, Loki was internally disappointed with the removal of Tony unexpectedly soft, warm hand but didn't express anything. The room was fairly neat compared to the disorder of the man who owned it and it was lacking character which was also much unlike it's occupant. "So yeah this is my room."
"I figured."
"You're welcome here anytime you want sweetheart." He thought for a moment "Unless it's to slit my throat, then please stay away." Tony proceeded to cross the room and dig through his cupboard tossing clothing left, right and centre until he found a white button up and threw it at Loki along with a black waistcoat and trousers "Here put these on."
Loki's expression portrayed the questions, Do I have to? as he inspected the clothes with distaste "Don't watch."
"Ugh where's the fun in that." Tony commented turning back to the cupboard in search for a tie as Loki got changed warily. He put the trousers on first which fit quiet well and then tugged off his top, quickly pulling the shirt on when he caught Tony standing, tie in hand, staring as his bare torso. He was so pale and skinny yet elegantly muscular, Tony thought gazing at Loki, ah shit he saw me. Sneering meanly and blushing furiously Loki buttoned up the shirt quickly, Tony looked away guiltily embarrassed at his thoughts. Why did I feel so wrongly attracted to Loki? It was confusing because last time I checked I was straight as hell and Loki was a guy and that's not right but shit he was so perfect but no I couldn't be attracted to Loki. I just couldn't. I'm a notorious playboy after all, everyone knows that, shit I couldn't be gay. He thought about all of the stunning women he had been with but realized he'd felt only lust towards them, I mean I'm defiantly attracted to women but this was different somehow more real in a way, like not only physically, well I mean yes physically, Loki was kinda beautiful, but also more personality based or something. This was unlike any other romantic interest he had previously pursued. This time Tony Stark actually cared.
"Mr Stark?" Loki asked tiredly, dragging Tony from his thoughts.
"Err yeah?" he asked anxiously, worried that Loki had known what he was thinking.
"The tie."
He sighed with relief "Oh I um yeah right. Here." Loki was standing before him, unbuttoned waistcoat hanging from his slender form Did I actually want to like... kiss him and stuff? Tony asked himself, imagining kissing Loki and finding the idea shockingly appealing oh shit, oh shit what the hell was wrong with me? Tony panicked, passing him the tie without meeting his eye, it was black patterned with metallic green and gold thread causing it to glint faintly in the light. He left Loki with the tie as he retrieved some black dress shoes which might fit him, he returned to the scene of Loki standing glaring at the tie which hung over his shoulders limply, "You umm can't tie a tie?"
"No I've just decided I'm going to wear it like this." He replied dryly, looking like he was going to murder the tie and then probably Tony.
Tony chuckled at Loki's expression, approaching him boldly "Do you want me to?" he offered pointing to the evil piece of fabric, Loki let his hands fall to his sides and raised his chin slightly which Tony took as a yes and took the tie in his hands, pulling Loki towards him slightly what if I just kissed him right now? He'd probably kill me to be honest. But what if he kissed me back? No way he totally hates me... but the way he blushes when I tease him. No Tony you've literally known this guy for like less than a day. Have I though? I mean technically I've known him for years... He slowly folded the tie and looped it around itself, tightening it up to his collar firmly.
Loki watched as Tony tied the tie with ease, his tongue poked out of the corner of his mouth in concentration which, if Loki dared to admit, was kinda cute. What a shame he was such an asshole or I might... Loki paused in his thoughts might what? He dared himself to finish his thought might want to be his friend? Or worse, might I find him attractive? Is that what I was just going to think? How pathetic of me to find that I like the miserable mortal being of Tony Stark. Don't get mixed up in human affairs Loki reminded himself Don't get attached. Don't sink to their level.
Tony went on to start buttoning up the waist coat. "I know how to use a button." Loki commented sourly, pushing away Tony's hands and mumbling a quiet "Thanks."
"No problem. Hey roll the sleeves up." Tony suggested pulling his own shirt off, not caring about Loki still being there, and pulling on a dusky maroon button up. Loki rolled his eyes and then his sleeves, shoving the shirts cuffs up to around his elbows as he stared at the light in Tony's chest curiously, gaining a strong urge to tap the glowing glass, why did he have that?
Once he had finished altering his outfit to perfection he presented himself to Tony halfheartedly "Is my appearance acceptable by your standards?"
"Hmm..." Tony paused buttoning up his shirt and looked Loki up and down thinking, shaking his head he looked great to be honest "Yeah I think that's the best I can do with what you're giving me. Don't forget the shoes." As Tony started unbuttoning his jeans, Loki grabbed the shoes hurriedly and turned to the door. "You're missing ou-" Loki slammed the door behind him, avoiding the end of Tony's sentence and making his way back to the common room to where he hoped somebody sane dwelled.
**Authors Note**
Ugh, bit of a boring chapter - sorry about that my dudes.
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