13: help from the best

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cosima sat on the arm of the couch with her arm around her younger brother's shoulder. "isn't your family coming?" cosima asked, looking over at sean and just as she asked the doorbell rang. sean furrowed his eyebrows, looking between the girl and the door.

"how'd you—"

"consider it magic," cosima smiled and got up with sean to greet his family at the door.

"hey guys," sean smiled, opening the door.

"oh, honey you were so much more little the last time i saw you," sean's mom, miya, said to cosima and gave her a hug. "i wish you kids would stop growing up."

"me too," cosima smiled and hugged the rest of sean's family.

"is that sean's parents?" kaia asked, coming out from the kitchen. her smile spread from ear to ear when she saw miya and chuck. "come on."

his parents followed cosima's mother to the kitchen where they started talking like old best friends. "it's kind of weird that our moms are like best friends," he said.

"considering you both grew up together and you're just now talking again?" serris asked.

"except, serris, remember we made sean talk to her that one time she had a performance cause he said she was pretty?" sarah said, remembering how they met and sean face palmed.

"oh man," sean groaned. "i— uh, that's... not uhh. you guys are terrible."

his sister's giggled and went to the couch to watch television. cosima smiled to herself and looked down at the floor, moving her foot around. "you think i'm pretty?" cosima asked in a teasing tone.

"of course he does," julian shouted from the table. josh, kaycee, maddie and lexee giggled.

"shut up," sean muttered and walked over to the others, cosima going back to her position on the arm of the couch while leaning on her brother.

"you know, cosi, it's really great seeing you get out," miya smiled, coming into the living room. cosima gave her a smile. "it's also great knowing you'll be working with sean. you guys haven't danced since you were like, what, ten?"

"and then she abandoned me," sean joked.

cosima rolled her eyes. "i am happy to work with him and have him help me though," she smiled.

"i thought you wanted your choreography to be a surprise?" sean asked.

"i did at first," cosima explained. "but i thought since i helped you then you could help me too."

"they grow up so fast," kaycee wiped away a fake tear.

"i know," julian joined dramatically. "it's almost like just yesterday we were dancing together."

"yeah i was thinking maybe we can work on it and then a few days before we leave we can show everyone our dances?" cosima asked.

"she's sounding nice," mat said slowly, furrowing his eyebrows.

"i'm scared," michael joked.

"wow, you're really bringing out a better side of her," kaia said to sean.

"no, she's still a witch. trust me," he said.

"sean," miya said.

"ooh busted," cosima said, giving finger guns to sean.

sean rolled his eyes and apologized. "so where's the cake?" josh asked.

"there's cake?" maddie asked.

"i'll get it," leo said, taking a fork to the kitchen.

"i'll go make sure he doesn't eat it," kaycee said and got up.

sean turned to cosima and mat. "i might be busted now but i'll get you later," sean said and cosima started laughing.

"that's not a smart move," mat said. "cosi getting even is like the worst thing ever."

"i think i can handle it," sean said.

cosima continued to laugh. "we'll see," she said, wiping her eyes and taking deep breaths from her laugh. "we'll see."

leo came back out into the kitchen and everyone gathered around the dining table. "okay pictures," kaycee said and cosima groaned.

"do we have to do this every time someone gets a cake?" cosima said. "can't we just eat?"

"i like that better," lexee chimed in and the others nodded their head.

"i wanna take pictures," kaycee said and pouted.

"fine," cosima said, tilting her head back. "but we're doing this quickly."

many pictures later, sean and cosima stood with the cake. "there's something i'd like to say," julian said.

"well," cosima said, taking a seat. "we're never gonna get to the cake now."

"i would just like to say that i'm really happy for you guys," he said. "i'm so proud of sean for pulling cosima out of her cave."

"ha ha," cosima replied sarcastically. "cake now?"

"did you make it?" maddie asked cautiously.

"michael wouldn't let me," cosima said. "he made it."

"a good man," kaycee said.

"why? what happens when she makes cake?" sean asked.

cosima patted his back and chuckled. "i'll make one some day," she said and grabbed the knife to cut the cake.

"k, me first," josh said, coming over with a plate.

sean served everyone and they all sat around the tv. "wow this cake is amazing," kaycee said and cosima chuckled.

"does he know that she likes him?" sean leaned over and asked cosima.

"he does actually," she said and smiled. "i think they'd be cute together but i don't think it's ever gonna happen."

"you know," josh leaned over. "they don't only say that about michael and kaycee."

"dude," sean said quickly. cosima knew what he meant but knew he meant no harm. she actually really didn't care.

"well, if we're all being honest here," cosima said. "i did think you guys would end up together."

"now what do you think?" sean asked.

"now," cosima breathed and took a sip of her water. she smiled at sean. "now i guess we'll just have to find out."

"smooth," lexee chimed in.

"she's got all the fellas, you didn't know?" julian joked.


@cosicosima: the lew family? did you mean the BEST family?!?! 😉 *finger guns*
[tagged: @seanlew @sarahlewlew @serrislew]
15,378 likes | 1,349 comments

username: sis didn't have to do it to them
username: the way his arm is casually around his sister but really there to touch cosi
username: SHIPPPPP
username: this is so beautiful
juliandeguz13: who are those stunnas to the left
username: ^i love their friendship 😩
seanlew: actually, the morinos. the best family and the most beautiful family
officialjoshprice: @juliandeguz13 but that guy on the right is muy cute i mean.....
username: did he just-
username: he did
username: wow THAT
cosicosima: @seanlew no stop why are YOU guys so beautiful?!?!? there's something in the water that the lew's are drinking and i want answers
username: i still can't stand her
username: i didn't know i needed this until i saw it
officialjoshprice: imagine cosi not being a whole mood
maddieziegler: both of your family's are absolutely amazing
lexeesmith: my heart. my heart. my heart.


"are you really gonna eat that whole cake?" sean asked.

"if i don't, who will?" cosima responded, digging her fork into the cake.

"do you usually do that?" sean asked, cleaning up around the living room.

"no," cosima said with a mouth full of cake. "usually my dad eats the leftovers with me. he should be coming right around..." cosima looked at her watch.

"i'm here," leo said, coming into the kitchen with a fork.

"now," cosima shrugged and looked at sean.

"well, i think i'll go to the garage and—"

"you can join us if you want," cosima said.

"then that's less for me," her dad whined and coughed. "us."

"get a fork, sean. take a seat," cosima said and sean followed. "and let's eat."

"that rhymed," sean chuckled.

"i'm a rapper, you didn't know?" cosima asked.

after about an hour of talking, sean got up to go to the bathroom and left cosima alone with her father. "he's a good kid," leo said.

"oh, come on dad. you can't even remember his name," cosima rolled her eyes jokingly.

"that's not the point." he shook his head. "have you guys talked about what happened yet?"

"no, and i don't think we will," cosima said. "it's not important, i guess."

"hey, if it makes you feel something then it's important," her dad explained. "he's a great kid and if you like him, then like him. i haven't seen you this happy since you guys were kids. i think you guys need each other."

"don't normal dads usually hate the guys their daughters are close with?"

"but you're happy. i'll make peace with it."

"i'm always happy. just quietly," cosima said.

"just think about it, honey," he said and got up, letting out a yawn. "i'm gonna go finish watching the baseball game. remember though, that it would be okay if you liked sean."

cosima filled with shock as she heard her dad say his name right for the first time since sean was a kid. he knew his name.

her dad was already gone when sean came back out. "what?" sean asked the girl that was staring at him.

cosima snapped out of her thoughts and shook her head. "nothing, nothing. i'm just excited about summit," cosima smiled.

"me too,"  sean said. "i'm excited to see your piece."

"well, i'll be getting help from the best to teach it."

"we know who's better," sean said. "you've always been."

cosima smiled, but shook her head. "i really missed you when we were kids, sean," she said.

"i miss you too."

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