House of Bribes/House of Venom

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Max and Nina filled the others in on everything they learned, only to be called to Victor's office.

"I know that you two know that Emily Grant was Sarah Frobisher-Smythe, so let's not pretend, shall we?" He started, which instantly put them on edge.

He sat down in front of them. "Rufus Zeno is an incredibly dangerous man, surely I don't have to tell you that."

Max's eyes narrowed.

"I can protect you." He told them afterwards.

"You know who I am." Max told him. "You know my real name is Remi and you know I'm related to Rufus."

He nodded stiffly. "I do."

"When did you find out?" She questioned.

"A while ago, back when I first encountered Rufus." He told her simply.

She frowned. "So why haven't you kicked me out?"

He leaned back in his chair. "The Guardian holds value, I'm sure you know this. Better you're here where we can watch you. Until someone actually complains of something you've done, I have no reason to take any action."

Nina swallowed hard. "We don't know anything else. Just that Rufus is after Joy's dad for some reason, and that Max is...a Guardian, whatever that means. Sarah never even went into detail. What does it mean anyways?" She lied smoothly.

Victor's eyes narrowed.

Trudy called Victor down, saying there was a delivery for him, and he let the two go.


They all went downstairs and Victor signed for some wooden box. The others went back to the dining hall.

"So, anything important?" Patricia asked.

"He knows my real identity." Max frowned, getting gasps from them. "But he's not going to say anything. Says I'm too valuable to be sent away."

Alfie frowned. "Hold on, what identity?"

"Oh shoot we didn't tell him." Amber realized.

Max rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. "Um, I'm a girl."

"WHAT!?" Alfie all but shrieked, jaw dropping.

"My real name is Remi, also I'm gay. I lied to get into Anubis House after being rejected as a girl because I have a bad record because girls would lie and say I harassed them after finding out I was gay so no school wanted to take me in but I'm looking for my brother who was supposed to come to Anubis house but he never showed up and uh...yeah." She trailed off sheepishly.

Alfie was stunned to silence.

And then staring down at her chest.

Fuming, she smacked him on the back of the head. "HEY! AS FAR AS YOU'RE CONCERNED, I'M A DUDE SO KEEP YOUR EYES IN LINED WITH MINE!"

"Sorry, sorry." He grinned sheepishly.

"Moving on, what's in the box? Do you think it's for the ceremony?" Amber asked.

But Jerome walked in at that moment. "What box? What Ceremony?"

"None of your business." Patricia snapped.

"Alfie?" He looked to his best friend.

"Um..." Alfie trailed off awkwardly.

Max panicked. "Alfie knows I'm a girl by the way!" Jerome's eyes widened.

"Wait- he knew to!?" Alfie asked in shock.

"Yeah, he found out the night we rescued you from the cellar." She admitted sheepishly.

Jerome scoffed. "Right, cute, changing the subject. Keep your secrets, I couldn't care less." He stormed out.


The gang decided to split up. Patricia and Max were going to contact Joy while the others went to see the ceremony in the cellar.

They snuck into Victor's office and found the contact info, calling her in on the computer.

A half asleep Joy answered. "Patricia? And...Max was it?"

"We don't have time and we need to ask you something." Patricia insisted.

Joy leaned against her palm tiredly. "Why are you calling me so late and why is Victor letting you?"

"We need to know about the Chosen One." Max told her.

At this, Joy seemed hesitant.

"You do know something don't you!" Patricia groaned. "I defended you!"

"Look I'm sorry, it's my dad. He's part of some weird organization with Victor and the others. Because I was born on the seventh day of the seventh month at seven o'clock, I'm somehow the Chosen One." Joy huffed.

Max's eyes widened. "I'm the Guardian. I was told to protect the Chosen One no matter what."

At the mention of the Guardian, Joy lifted her head in slight awe. "So you're my protector? It's a shame...I wish we could've met under better circumstances." Her gaze grew sad. "I don't want to be the Chosen One..."

"Look Joy, we're going to figure this out. But we have to keep in touch." Max told her. "Try and get a new number and contact Patricia."

She sighed heavily. "I'll try." With that, she hung up.

For a moment the two sat in silence.

But then Max spoke up. "She's cute when she's sleepy."

Patricia's lip curled in disgust. "Gross! Don't even go there."

Max just laughed.

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