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About two weeks later, when Jerome had almost built back all his strength, the gang sat in the extra room downstairs, watching tv. Alfie held the remote, channel surfing, skipping,on anything the rest said they may want to watch, considering he didn't want to.

"Come on, Alfie," Nina begged.

"There are a bunch of good things on," KT added.

"Ooh!" Alfie suddenly exclaimed.

He turned on a horror movie from the 90's. As they watched it, they realized it was about a worker at an office who got possessed by an evil spirit.

Jerome looked a bit sick. He stood up and left the room.

"Jerome?" Mick said.

"I've got him," Joy smiled, standing up.

She found Jerome in the kitchen, throwing up into the sink.

"You know, the bathroom's much better for that," Joy commented.

"Sorry," Jerome apologized, leaning against the counter.

"I suppose it's fine right now. Are you ok?"

"Not really," Jerome admitted, laughing a bit. "Do you think it's my fault, since Set possessed me, that all this stuff happened?"

"Of course not. That was Set, Jerome, not you. Don't ever think it was your fault."

"Right. I shouldn't have."

Silence hung in the air until Joy told him, "Don't worry, Jerome. You'll recover from this. It won't scar you forever. I mean, you've gotten better physically."

"Well you haven't been possessed, so how would you know?" Jerome looked the other way.

Joy was about to utter something but didn't.

Jerome turned back towards her. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said such a thing-"

"-no. You're right. I shouldn't have-" Joy swallowed. "Come back when you're ready."

Joy turned around, about to head out, but Jerome grabbed her wrist. She almost immediately turned back towards him. Their faces were just inches apart.

"I appreciate your caring; I really do. I am in love with you, Joy. So madly in love with you. And I'm sorry if it doesn't seem that way. I'm just in a really bad place right now."

"I understand," Joy whispered.

After a moment of eye contact, they kissed eachother passionately. They took a break for a breath and reconvened.

At the end of the summer, everyone was at the airport, Nina, Eddie, KT, Amber, and Mick about to get on a flight. Everyone was giving eachother hugs. Fabian was Nina's last goodbye.

"I'll be waiting two years," Fabian smiled.

"So will I," Nina responded.

"Have a good time back in America. Maybe next summer I'll be able to come over there."


They kissed eachother on the lips, smiling afterwards.

"See you soon, Yacker," Eddie told Patricia, as they were making their farewell.

"Too soon," Patricia joked.


"Just kidding. Christmas, right?"

"Yeah...Hey, you know I really, really love you, right?" Eddie admitted.

"Shut up and just kiss me."

They kissed for their goodbye.

Amber was saying goodbye to Alfie and Willow.

"You two are great together. I realize now, America does have some cute boys," Amber grinned. "Bye."

She hugged them both.

KT made her farewells to everyone, her last one being to Joy.

"I'm really gonna miss you guys. This reunion, even as insane as it was, was awesome."

"Aw, come here," Joy smiled.

They hugged eachother tightly.

Mara went over to Mick as his final farewell.

"Hi?" Mick said awkwardly with a questioning tone.

"Aren't you leaving?" Mara laughed.

"Right," Mick chuckled.

"No need to be awkward. But I do remember when you said you couldn't be friends with me, and I want to know if you still feel that way." Mara put a serious expression on her face.

"I guess we can be friends."

"Then can I get a hug?"

Mick smiled and the two of them hugged eachother.

Alfie held hands with Willow, Jerome held Joy in his arms right in front of him, and Fabian, Mara, and Patricia stood beside eachother as the others left to go get on their flights. Jerome kissed Joy's head right before the six of them headed out the airport.

When they were back at the summer house where they'd already cleaned and packed, they made their own farewells as they were about to head out.

"This was an unforgettable summer," Joy said.

"Yeah," Alfie agreed. "I now know what it's like to get bitten by a poisonous golden snake."

"We need to do this again," Willow smiled.

"You mean fight an evil Egyptian god?" Mara asked.

"That and we should reunite," Willow laughed.

"I think I agree with that," Fabian smiled.

"I'm down," Jerome agreed. "Just, no more possessions."

"You never know with Sibuna," Patricia told him.

"Well, bring it in guys," Mara smiled.

All of them hugged, Patricia a bit hesitant at first since she wasn't big on hugs.

That's the end of this journey. Hope you readers enjoyed, and since this is the end, I have some special discussion questions for you guys.

Did you really like this story? On a scale from 1-10, please tell me how you liked it and why.(your opinions are what matter most).

Was this ending what you hoped it would be?

How'd you feel about the battle? Were there intense feels? Were there dramatic feels?

Go ahead and tell me about the romance I put in here. Just go ahead and spill your guts about it.(not literally).

And would you like another House of Anubis fanfic? If so, would you want it to take place after this story, or would you prefer a whole new story entirely?

And that is all. I enjoyed writing for you all, and I hope you enjoyed me writing for you.

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