Season 1||Chapter 17

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No ones POV

A few days had passed. The gang had searched the internet and library and had found nothing on Senkhara's crown. Fabian, Patricia, Amber and Eddie suspected its a fake that is exactly like the original.

Senkhara hasn't said anything to Nina in person but has appeared in her dreams once.

Only to tell her that she is still there watching over her and always will be. Nina knew Senkhara was going to torture her for the rest of her life unless the gang found out a way to banish her again. And this time for good.

Nina and Eddie still haven't told anyone about how they can read each other's minds. They have figured out that they can contact each other if they think about the other. They plan on telling the gang soon.

The school week is over and is now Friday night. Nina and Fabians date is tomorrow and they are both nervous. Fabian has gone all out for their date and he couldn't be prouder with what he's planned.

Everything seems to be in place. Everyone is happy with their relationships. Amber is perfectly happy being single. She's waiting for her "Prince Charming" she tells Nina.

The only bad thing out of everything, is that Nina has the mark of Anubis and they have NO idea what to do with Rufus. They visit him every so often to give him water and food. They need to banish him with Senkhara. Fabian and surprisingly: Alfie, have thought of a way to banish them together.

If they get Senkhara into the same room as Rufus, and push Rufus into Senkhara, while Rufus is wearing the mask of Anubis, which they are going to hunt for. But first need to find a banishing spell, or Eddie is going to do what he did in the second year, and make sure they are gone for good.

Present-Ninas POV

Me and Amber have just finished dinner and have gone up to our room. Amber keeps begging me and Fabian to take her with us on our date so she can get the scrapbook up to date.

"Sooo Neens. What are you planning on wearing tomorrow?" Amber squeezed as she grabbed my hands and we sat down.

"I don't know actually. Fabian never said what we were doing so..." I responded truthfully.

"Two minutes!!" She shouted running out the door. I laughed and rolled my eyes and began trying to research some more stuff about this whole mystery.

Ambers POV

Bang! "Fabian!!" Knock! "Fabian!!" Knock! "Fabian!!" Bang! "Fabian!!"
I kept banging on Fabians door until I felt a tap on my shoulder behind me.

"Fabian!! You scared me!" I screamed in his face.

"I scared you? You've scared the whole house!! Why are you banging on my door!" He asked impatiently.

"Well... you weren't answering when I knocked once so I kept banging so that you would open up!" I responded and waited a while for him to reply.

"Amber. One that doesn't answer my question. Two I think Australia heard your knocking it was that loud I'm surprised none of us are deaf. Three why didn't you just check in the living room?!" He asked.

"Smart questions and observations..." I replied in thought.

"Amber!!" He screamed. I noticed Alfie watching us from the kitchen door laughing.

"Alfie Lewis! Eddison Sweet this is none of your business! Shoo! And Fabian, there's no need to scream." I said as Alfie and Eddie went to get more food from the fridge for their "leaning tower of Pizza"

"Amber, I'm not gonna ask again! Why were you trying to knock my door down!" He said loudly.

"Emm....errr.... oh yeah. Nina! What is she meant to wear tomorrow for your date and what time shall she be ready by?" I said.

"Honestly is it that important that you had to leave fist marks in my door. Tell her to wear something dressy casual. If that's a thing. She will look perfect in anything anyway. And erm by one o'clock in the afternoon." He responded and sighed.

"Thanks Fabes!!" I squeeled and hugged him. He laughed and hugged back and walked into his room. I ran off up the stairs.

Ninas POV

I could hear Amber banging on the doors down stairs. She's so loud. I laughed as I heard that annoying voice again.

E- Soo, Amber needs to pay for a new door for me and Fabian.
N- Oh god what's she done.
E-(laughs) I think everyone heard what she was doing.
I laughed.
E- Fabian has got something special planned for you for tomorrow then.
N- should be perfect.
N-oh shut up!
E-hey! I'm not making fun of yous(laughs) he's super lucky you know.
E-He has you.
N- Thankyou Eddie.
E- Anytime, Chosen One.(laughs)
E-no don't cut me of-

We found out ways to shut each other up in our minds for when we wanted to - Amber came bursting in. I put my laptop down.

"Woahhh. Easy there lightning McQueen." I said.

"Haha! Funny. Seriously though lets get your outfit planned!! And Fabian may be a bit mad with me but I don't care." She said.

"You know, I think everyone's mad with you at the moment." I laughed.

"How?" She said.

I raised my eyebrow.

"Oh okay fine I'm not surprised." She said. "But I did that for you sooo."

We laughed as she began throwing clothes EVERYWHERE. This should be a long night.

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