Fenrir x Reader

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A/N: Yes, I know I promised to do Gyumao x Reader first, but since I know more about Fenrir I'll do his story first.


It was a Saturday afternoon, a regular day for you. You had finished with pending schoolwork and were taking a break. You felt really under pressure about your studies and wanted to do as much as possible, but you knew that burning out wouldn't be a good thing either. You were minding your own business on your cellphone, when you got a message from the lunar wolf, Fenrir. You slightly jumped after receiving his message. You really liked Fenrir's personality, he was really open to you, since you were so sincere with him. You checked the message.
"Hey Y/N, hope I don't text you in a bad moment, I was feeling rather lonely and I was wondering if you wanted to come by." Your eyes light up, and you quickly began to move your fingers in order to answer, your brain stopped thinking. You wanted to give him the perfect answer. You took your time and finally structured your answer in a formal-informal form.
"I'd love to! I'll be there soon, should I bring something to eat?" You replied. He quickly answered with a simple "You don't have to, but if you want." You get up from your chair and grab your wallet while looking for it, you find the ring the wolf gave you. (Fenrir character quest) It sparkled in a beautiful way like stars shining, you decided it was best to show him that you cared about his present, and you put the ring on your left index.
You start heading out. Once you open your dorm's door, you feel the cold breeze hitting your skin. You immediately get out of school and go to the bus stop. The weather was nice, and you really enjoyed being outside. Once you reach the bus stop, you get on and wait for your stop.

About Fenrir... he had a lot of trust in you, and he really enjoyed being with you, you were his favorite type of person, he didn't care if you were late like he did last time, he didn't feel like he was going to be betrayed or that he was going to be back-stabbed by you. He really liked you, of course, he wasn't sure of his feelings towards you, well, that's what it's known of his feelings towards you. 

You bought some snacks and parted to Fenrir's home, it was quite big, and it seemed pretty cozy. You ring the bell, and 5 seconds after, you hear a familiar voice saying:

-Hey Y/N. Nice to see you again.- Your heart starts beating faster, you had the person you most admire and love telling you it was nice for them to see you. Could this mean..? No, don't jump into conclusions. You have to be patient. The main gate buzzed and it was ready to be opened, which you do. You start walking towards the house's entrance, which is opened by Fenrir, your heart skips a beat once again. You say hello and hug him, feeling his light blue fur, he hugs back. You wanted to feel him that close forever, but you knew it wasn't the best thing to start a date with. What are you talking about? This isn't a date, or at least not for Fenrir, right? It doesn't matter, you let go of the hug and he looks at you. 
-Shall we come in?- He asks, you nod. And give him a closed eye smile, he takes your hand and starts leading you to his bedroom. The house was pretty, but what you most admired from it was Fenrir. He opens the door to his bedroom, and lets go of your hand he sits on his bed and pats the side of his bed as a signal that he wants to sit next to you. You obviously do, you leave the snacks in a table, along with your belongings. You sit down next to him and he looks at you. You avoid eye contact as much as possible and try to hide your intense blush from him, too. He then asks:
-Say, what do you want to do?- You come up with lots of ideas, and tell him:

-We can play videogames, watch TV, read some books, and eat the snacks, I really want this time to be incredible!- He simply gives you a smile, alongside with a closed mouth laugh. You remember the first time you met, he was cautious about you, and every time you complimented him, he simply said it was to trick him. You spend the rest of the day together, and you notice his tail waggling, he was really happy, there were some times you tried to resist from hugging him, you did hold back. It was late now, and both of you were lying, you on his bed and him on a carpet. It was a nice time, but you knew that it had to come to an end. You simply sigh, continuing to eat your snacks. He looks at you with a worried face and reads it. You weren't just sad because you had to leave, you were also struggling with studies, they were consuming you and you hated it. He gets up and sits, asking you:

-What's the matter? Are you alright?- You just look at him with a forced smile, but you can't help it anymore, you needed to get rid of this feeling. Not that you liked Fenrir! You were just going to tell him how pressured you felt, unfortunately.
-It's just that... it's been hard, you know, studying and doing all these tests, I really don't enjoy it. Not because I don't like to study, it's because they are making me feel... weird, I start hating enjoyable things
when they come to an end,- Tears started streaming from your face, you were crying, which it didn't matter to you, Fenir just sat there and looked at you, with a shocked face.
You continue. -Because I know I have to continue on a daily basis. I just work like a robot, or at least that's what I feel. But I think I'll get over it...- You look at Fenrir. -Sorry, I just had to get rid of these emotions, I feel bad for making you listen to my pity speech. You laugh it off. He gets up from his position and runs towards you, hugging you. You're shocked. What is this feeling? It's coming again... you start crying again. The whole universe stops existing for a second, you focus on Fenrir, it was just the two of you, no one else, nothing else. You cry and hug him, you both get to a sitting position and hug him, crying into his chest. After half an hour of him consoling you and you hugging him, you stop the hug. You look at him in the eyes. 

-Thank you, Fenrir.- He doesn't look at you, he doesn't even smile. 
-You know.. Y/N- Your heart starts beating faster. -I've been feeling weird lately, seeing you makes me really happy... I really enjoy spending time with you, you are sincere, a good person and I really admire you... but, I kept telling myself, that the feeling I had was nothing important, but... it was...- You look at him in confusion, you know what he was pointing out. But he didn't get his point through at all. -What I'm trying to tell you is that I... uh... I love you.- He blushes. You have to process this, is this really happening? The edgy, lunar wolf you most admired and you thought that had no interest in you... loved you? You just look at him in the eyes, start getting closer to him, and closer... and closer. You kiss, his face was in total disbelief, he didn't know what to believe either, but eventually, he closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around you. Pulling you closer. The kiss lasts for quite some time, but it felt like an eternity to you. 

Your lips parted, and he looks at you, flushed, he then says.
-Thank you... for uh... accepting my feelings...- You look at him and smile. You hug him and nuzzle his fur. You hum and just stay there, feeling his chest.
-Hehe... would you uh.. sleep with me, tonight?- You immediately respond.
-Yes! I mean... I'd love to!- You clean up the room, take a shower, not toghether (WHAT?! THIS IS A FAMILY FRIENDLY X READER), yet. The both of you get under the sheets, cuddling, you felt how his warmth was wrapped around you, the aura was cozy, filled with joy, the both of you kept playfully flirting with each other, but finally, the both of you fall asleep. 

-Goodnight Fenrir, I love you!- You say, hugging him tightly. 
-I love you too, Y/N.- He kisses your forehead, you let out a giggle, and close your eyes. There were peace and silence, and you enjoyed it. Let this not be the last time you spent toghether, loving each other...

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