Damn her

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I watched as her chest fell and rose, her face angelic and peaceful. Her hair was on her face and made her look tousled. Her long eyelashes brushed her olive skin, her lips in a line...

Her eyes fluttered open and her brown eyes looked up to mine. I steadied my breath, having been shocked by her beauty. I sighed, feigning indifference. 'Finally.'

I wondered where she had been yesterday. I had been looking for her, but for some reason she wasn't in her room. I went haywire only to see her with Berry.


She moaned and flipped herself over and i put my head in my hands. Just wake up already...

'What are you doing here?'

I froze. My head slowly slid up, somewhat against my will, to see her looking at me her cheeks pink and shiny. I stared at her flushed state as her eyes began to grow until they were as big as saucers. I hoped she wasnt going to scream or something.

Until she threw a pillow at me.

'What the hell are you doing in my room!'

My face was still facing back from the blow, and i swear i was one word from picking her up and throwing her out of the window.

I sighed and then faced her and saw that she was covering herself with a blanket. What was the deal? Was she naked or something?

'You sound like a spoiled child.' i mutter.

'That's not nice.' she muttered in response.

'Was i supposed to be nice?'

'I bought you icecream you know. I dont do that for a lot of people, so yes you should be nicer.'

I gazed at her, at her sudden confidence, and it was unsettling, yet inviting all the same. 'That, and you literelly made me fall on my back when you walked into...'


I snickered. 'Why not?'

'You have no shame do you?' she muttered. 'What if they had touched me.'

Then they would have died would have been my automatic response, but for her sake, i said 'Am I supposed to care, Amy?'

She furrowed her eyebrows. 'Kira.'

'Yeah, whatever.'

I continued to watch her and she seemed to not have a care in the world. I was her kidnapper, yet she gazed at me like i was her best freind. 'Youre...not scared of me.'

She furrowed her eyebrows, a srand of hair falling in between her eyes. 'You...want me to be?'

Her brown eyes finally began to look into mine, and I felt goosebumps on my face. I had nothing to show for all my toughness, when she looked at me like that. I cleared my throat. 'Take a pic.' I muttered, trying to compose myself. 'It lasts longer.'

'If i had a phone i would.' she smiled. 'Im kind of missing my phone though. Is that weird?'

'Youre not getting a phone.'


I rolled my eyes. 'You can live without your phone.'

'I highly doubt that. Do you want me to die, Alfred?'

That stung, but ill live.



'You sound like a two year old.'

'Youve already said that.'

Damn this girl.

'Aww. Youre smiling!!' she guffawed.

I faced away from her. Your under my control. You've been kidnapped. Any girl your age would be throwing tantrums or something, youre just...'

She smiled with all her teeth. 'You want me to throw a tantrum, because i definately can.'

'Amy....' I warned.

'Kira! You bitch! My name doesnt even start with an A!' she screamed.

I gave her the are-you-insane look, but she wasnt shutting up. 'You guys are so unfair to me. *panting* I just cant live like this. I dont like this at all! I need to see my daddy! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!'

I rolled my eyes. 'Shut up!!'

'Now youre telling me to shut up! I cant believe this. Where's security! Youre fired!'

'I dont even work for-'


Oh no she DIDNT!!!

I walked up to he, my gaze murderous. 'What did you just say?'

'Oh god.' she muttered.

'Who the hell are you talking to?' I muttered under my breath.'

She had turned the colour of a red tomato, her eyes were bulging and her irises were trembling. 'Oh god....Oh god, Oh god, Oh god....'

'Not as tough as i thought.' I pinned her to the bed, her body was already trembling. I smiled, until...


My eyes are practically out of my head and have spilled on the sheets. 'What the f-'


'What the hell are you saying, bitch! I havent even...'

The little devil couldnt shut up. In desperation, i tried to use my hand and clamp her mouth shut, but she somehow was able to battle my grip 'DEVON DOT TOUCH ME THERE! I DONT WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU!! LEAVE ME ALO-'

'What*pant*the*pant*actual *pant* fuck...'

I goraned at Kofi's voice, wondering how i could fix this mess, and hoping i culd smack Kira in the face.

'Devon, what are you doing?' I high pitched voice asked me.

What am i doing indeed. Making a fool of myself that's what.

And the little devil kept smiling and giggling softly like she was hearing the best joke of her life. 

Damn her.

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