Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I glance down at the baby possum, it made my heart melt, it was really small and delicate. The poor thing is so young. I'm currently in the "animal retreat" as Mum calls it. Here I was, sitting on the floor feeding the baby possum my dad brought back to our house last night.

Apparently the little guys mother had been killed somehow and some people walking by noticed him. It was about the time he should be weaned off of his mother which is lucky. But he is so small that dad is a little concerned about his growth. At least he took my mind off of Storm. As suspected my parents said they'll think about it. But everyone knows that one a parent says that it means no.

After feeding the possum, I get ready to go to school. I get changed into my uniform, tie my light blonde hair into a pony tail, put my shoes on and brush my teeth. Yeah that's right, my school makes us wear uniforms, it's an all girls private school. By 8.10am, I was in the car and ready for one of my parents to drive me. It takes about 10 minutes to get to school, by the time I get through the gates it's it's 8.23am. My dad drives off and I head over to my friends, Lia bounces over to me before I even reach them.

"You will never believe it!" she squealed in excitement.

I contain a sad sigh when I think about Storm, smiling instead.


Emily and her mum dropped me off at home that afternoon. I just couldn't concentrate today, my mind kept wondering to Storm. I might be heading over to Bluestone this afternoon.

Maybe mum could drop off Emily and I?

May as well return the favour since they've been driving me everywhere lately.

"Mum is it okay if you take me and Emily to Bluestone soon? Ems mum dropped me home yesterday and from school today so I was hoping to return the favour" I ask walking into the kitchen where mum is.

"Sure, I could get some photos of you riding Storm while we are out there" she answered smiling.


"Of course, let's go" she exclaims, shooing me out the door.

At least someone was in a good mood.


When we finally arrive at Bluestone, Emily and I hop out of the car. Mum lingers behind, deciding which camera to use, either the Nikon or Canon. It always made me laugh when she agonised over simple things. But at the same time I understood and respected that she always wants to produce the best photos she can. What I love about my mum is that she's always honest about everything. Her manners definitely played a part in making her such a good photographer.

I reach the massive barn in no time but only to see the most horrifying sight ever,





I look in disbelief. Storm clearly spots me and stops in his track. Tiffany however, just kicks him forwards. I blink back my tears that somehow emerged.

Don't cry Taylor, otherwise she'll win!

Jaz walks along the fence watching Tiffany ride Storm around. Storms ears flicker back in confusion as he tried to understand her cues. I bite my lip, feeling sorry for him.

I wished Storm would throw her off, he deserves better then her brutal treatment. His mouth was to soft for Tiffany, a girl that still has heavy hands.

I look over in Jaz's direction and see she's no longer there.

As for Storm, he finally has enough and tosses his head.

When Tiffany doesn't release the pressure, he rears.

Tiffany not expecting it, went flying to the arena floor. I gape, rushing over to her in a flurry. Much to my releif, she was okay. I turn around to see Storm taking steps towards me. I step forward and grab hold of his dangling reins giving him a reassuring pat. He nuzzles my hand and casts me an apologetic look.

"It wasn't your fault buddy" I murmur, petting his neck.

I then glance back at Tiffany as she stands up, brushing dirt off her breeches.

"Are you okay?" I ask raising my eye brows at her.

I get is an icy glare just as she opens her mouth to yell.

"I could've been killed! This is all your fault, if you hadn't given him such bad riding habits he wouldn't have thrown me off" she stomps.

Snatching the reins from my hands, she remounts Storm again. This time she gives him his head as they trot away. Only seconds later, she's pushing him into a choppy canter then heads towards a 1m jump. I could barely watch, but I held no power.

He's not warmed up at all...

Storm weaves as they approach the jump, but still flies over.

I breathe a sigh of relief when I spot Jaz coming back.

"Sorry to cut the ride short but I need to head off" Jaz sighs.

Tiffany smiles happily, she knew Jaz didn't see her get thrown off or her lack of warming Storm up.

"I'll get back to you this weekend about that generous offer" Jaz adds.

"Please do, I'm actually in a bit of a hurry so if you don't mind I want to know by Saturday morning. Otherwise I'll be taking our business else where" Tiffany huffs.

Jealously fills my veins. My whole demeanour changes as my eyes zone in on her. She's the most annoying persistent person out. As soon as she's dismounted, I take hold of Storms reins, wanting her gone asap.

"Back off Hastings, I'm taking care of him, go find one of the crappy old school horses to ride" she snaps.

I ignore her, she has no say in who rides him after her. Jaz always says I can ride him, I hold her to it. But at the same time I was angry about her comment. Bluestones horse are some of the best in the region. I hear an annoyed huff and Tiffany stomping off when she realised I'm not letting up.


I lead Storm off to the mounting block, fixing up his saddle before mounting and adjusting my stirrups. Once I'm on Storm I encourage him forwards and wait for Emily to arrive. This time she was on Merlin an 8 year old bay off the track thoroughbred. She looked lovely on him and I had a feeling in my gut telling me they would be perfect for each other, both of them have the same passion, cross country. Now that Storm was relaxed I had him walking in slow even circles.

"You look great on him" I call over to Emily, and she really did.

"Thanks, do you want to jump?" I ask Emily after we warm up properly.

Unlike some person I know...

I was still distracted by the previous events. I do admit, I was worried that Jaz will let Tiffany buy Storm. That thought alone scared me. I didn't want to lose him.

"Yeah sure, do you mind dropping them down to about 95cm and keep that one over there 1m....?" Emily asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sure" I smile dismounting, her and I loved jumping.

Emily went over the 95cm jumps a few times not coming close once, eventually she tried the 1m jump. They jump it beautifully.

"Nice" I call out, clapping.

I could tell she was having a blast with Merlin and I couldn't wait until it was my turn.

When my turn came I was ecstatic, I trot Storm around at first, before aiming for the 95cm jumps. I ask softly for a canter then collect it, popping over the fences easily. I grin at Emily. I loved jumping Storm. It felt like we would never land, like we were really flying.

Before I know it I'm staring down the 1m jump. I quicken Storms pace but keep him collected. As I learn into my two point position and fly over it, my worries disappear.

Riding is my life.

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