Chapter 6

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  okay, I know this is one day late but I swear I'm not going to go all M.I.A. on you guys again, I was just somewhere without my laptop today and despite the fact I got ton load of homework today, I am still here to give you guys the update as I try to keep as many promises as I can :) 

thank you very much to whoever made the banner on the side 


 I sigh as I fall down onto the couch in my apartment, closing my eyes as I wait for the dead feeling in them to go away. It was quite simple to say that I was exhausted.

Hermione, being the helpful person she is, helped me to get a new job in the hospital where she works, St. Mungo's. Due to being pregnant right now, she's not actually working there and she managed to get me a job filling in for her and if I did well enough I could be looking at a full time job there. 

Of course, with this new job came a whole load of interviews and I had to run around all day and collect all sorts of things to show people about my experience and so basically my entire day had been spent getting the job. But now that I had it, I was a lot more relieved and very thankful. It could have taken me months to get a new job without Hermione. 

Hermione was actually a good friend of mine, though we never really talked much when we were at Hogwarts due to the houses we were both in and although Draco didn't exactly get on well with her and her friends, I thought they were actually all good people. Even Draco finally came to realise that they were much better people than he ever was at Hogwarts. 

Of course, Draco had been a total arse at Hogwarts but I couldn't be one to talk, I was hardly the biggest pleasure to be around during my years there. I had a few friends outside Slytherin, yes, but I was never exactly the nicest girl around the castle. I could have been a lot more polite, I was a little bit up my own arse back then, just like Draco. 

Of course, after the war, Draco and I soon came to our sense, realising we weren't really as great as we made ourselves out to be but we didn't mind. It was better to be a bit more humble and actually liked than being a spiteful brat and having everyone around you hate your guts. 

I don't really know what happened to a lot of our old friends from Hogwarts. I know a number of them are in Azkaban, some have probably fled the country and maybe some others have started a family or have moved into their own place somewhere far away. I haven't really bothered to check, whatever they're doing now doesn't bother me too much.

The war was a real turning point in my life as the war was when I realised who actually were my friends and who laughed about the stupid things I said behind my back. It kind of revealed all the fakers, the ones that were only there because your dad had a lot of money. 

I hadn't minded too much back then that a lot of my friends were only around me for my money, but of course back then I had met very few people that weren't around me for my money. 

At least now I know no one is, as I'm borderline broke. I'm only really just about getting by but I guess things could be a lot worse, I mean, I could be drowning at debt already and that really wouldn't be a good sign. 

I like to consider myself to still be young but I guess I'm kind of old. I mean I pay bills which back when I was 11 was considered old. 

"Iris?" George asks as he walks into the apartment, taking off his coat. My head shoots up and I'm snapped out of my thoughts as I look at him with a grin on my face. He grins back slightly, an almost curious look on his face. "You look exhausted. How much work did you have today?"

"Well actually, about that. I got fired today," I tell him, curling up on the couch as he approaches it and sits next to me. He raises his eyebrows, motioning for me to continue. "My boss has never really liked me because of something I did in Hogwarts and today he was just making his usual comments and he just hit a nerve and I blew up on him. In the end up he just fired me and I just walked out."

"He can't fire you because you went off on him this one time!" George exclaims. I shrug my shoulder, letting out a chuckle. 

"He kind of can. He's my boss, it's up to him. It doesn't matter though, I went to Hermione and she straight away got me an interview at the hospital and so I'll be working a part time job there now. And if that part time job goes well enough, the man who was interviewing me says I could be looking at a full time job with a little more money involved in it so I agreed to it and all so now I am officially working at the hospital."

"Well that's good enough, I guess. I still think you should talk to your old boss, though. You probably didn't do anything too bad, he's just holding a grudge over whatever happened between you two at Hogwarts. Who's your boss?" George asks me, clearly struggling to try and remember whether or not I've ever mentioned my boss from hell before. 

"It's Blaise Zambini. You know, he was in my house, in my year."

"Hold on, Blaise Zambini, as in Draco Malfoy's best man Blaise Zambini, is your boss? As in your best friend's best man? And you don't think you could get your job back?" George asks me like I'm insane. I just roll my eyes at him. 

"I'm not going to Draco to complain about my Blaise problems. He already had enough of the whole Iris-Blaise battle back at Hogwarts, the last thing he really needs around now is another one. Especially so close to his wedding, he might just go bad. I can sort my own problems myself and I'd honestly rather not have Draco force me to give back my job," I told him, making sure to make a point that I was not going to sound desperate for my job back to Blaise. I may have changed a good bit from Hogwarts but my pride remains the same. 

"I still think you're being stupid but okay. Just go to your new job, at least you have one. You could be worse of. I mean, finding a job can be really hard, I don't see how you just managed to get one that pays enough. It's not like the rent on this place is cheap or anything."

"Oh, well the money just about covers this place and necessary stuff like food and all. I'll be cutting back on a few things but nothing will change drastically. It's just a little less than before," I said, giving him a large grin. "So anyway, how was your day? I feel like I've been talking for ages now, sorry."

"It was alright. I've been thinking about what you said and I think with Lee's help I might go back to making our own products. It's not going to be the same as it was before but we can't afford to keep losing money like we have been so I think we'll just start making the old products again and bringing in some new ones. I might even do a whole relaunch," George tells me. I give him a huge grin. For once George isn't being so pessimistic about the shop and the sales and I can see the whole thing changing. 

"I think that's an amazing idea. I can help you advertise it and everything! You need to start on some new products. You should make tons of them and then just advertise all your new products and the release date all around Diagon Alley. You'll be booming with business before you even know it," I tell him, the grin refusing to leave my face. George gives me a slight smile back, looking kind of excited himself. 

The thought of new products in Weasley's Wizard Wheezes gets me almost as excited as it did back when I was in Hogwarts. The shop was something greatly looked forward to, even in dark times. And even sixth years like me couldn't wait to get our hands on some of the things in there. 

A prank never really did get old and the image of the Weasley twins flying around Hogwarts on their broomsticks before they left will forever be remembered.  Seriously, someone should have made a painting of that and put it as the portrait painting for the Gryffindor common room, it was just amazing. 

"I'm kind of excited to start working on these products. It's been years since I made any and I forgot the feeling you get when you're experimenting, knowing all of it can blow up in your face at any moment," George said with a delighted grin on his face. I laugh at his bizarre sentence but let him continue his happy moment to himself. "Oh yeah, you don't mind if the kitchen gets a bit messy or smelly, right? Sometimes when things blow up, they get a bit hard to clean. It all comes off eventually though. Also, the smells from different ingredients mixed together gets a little overwhelming sometimes but it usually goes away naturally. If not, I'll be paying to get rid of it anyway."

Normally, I would mind a smelly and dirty kitchen as I was never one to live in dirt. But the grin on George's face as he said each word made me give in. He was obviously remembering some good times he had had with Fred and Lee and it made me happy that he could think of things like that without being too affected. 

"Yeah, I don't mind. It's just a bit of dirt and a little odour, it will be fine," I tell him. He grins to me again before running off to his room and pulling out a bunch of ingredients and pots and other things I can't even explain. He obviously never got rid of any of the stuff for inventing products, he just never bothered to do it again. 

I watched as he set the pots up, pulling out a notebook and beginning to mumble a ton of numbers to himself. I grinned before getting off the couch and taking a seat next to him on the ground. 

"How can I help?"

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