hey guys, so I'm happy to finally get this story started and I really hope you enjoy it :)
the wait is finally over but I am warning my schedule last summer was horrible but hopefully this one will be much better
picture on the side of Draco, the hot thing ;)
I thought that the worst way you could spend a Friday night was sitting in and waiting for your roommate/best friend/ crush to come home from dinner with his serious girlfriend.
One unfortunate June night, as I sat on the couch waving my wand around to entertain myself, I learnt that that was not actually true.
Draco had been away for about three hours on his regular Friday date with Astoria. I usually waited up for him, to make sure that he got home safe and to make sure he didn't do anything with Astoria. It sounded so selfish of me but I don't think my heart could bear to see her walk out of his bedroom in the morning with nothing on her but a long shirt of his and her probably mature and pretty knickers.
Everything about Astoria had always been perfect; there was no doubt about it. I had looked for any flaw; perhaps one of those secretly mean girl but pretends to be nice flaws. But Astoria was honestly flawless. She was nice, pretty and from what Draco had told me, the perfect girlfriend. And it sucked even more because I couldn't hate her for it.
I always feel there is too much pointless hate in this world. Why hate someone when they have done absolutely nothing to you intentionally? There was none, there's your answer.
So as I waited for him to arrive home, I was playing with my wand, causing colourful lights to float into the air and staring in amazement at them.
I suddenly perked up in my seat as I heard the familiar two voices outside. There was nothing unusual about hearing them; Astoria lived in the building next door so she would often stay afterwards for maybe a few minutes.
But they were laughing. Not that laughing was unusual but it wasn't a normal kind of laughter. The laughter was loud, it sounded almost overjoyed. I tried to think of a reason why they would both be so happy but I could not think of one.
The door was opened and the two lovebirds entered, still laughing to each other about some stupid crap. I rolled my eyes at them, continuing to flicker my wand around.
"Iris?" Draco asked as he took of his and Astoria's coats as she closed the door to the apartment that Draco and I shared. "Are you in here?"
"Yeah, I'm over here," I muttered as I continued to wave the wand, a blank expression on my face. I hated looking so gloomy but even the thought of him and Astoria having more fun than we have had in ages together made me feel awful and I hated myself for it.
"Oh, there you are," he said as him and Astoria walked over to me, taking a seat on the other couch. I looked up curiously. They weren't continuing their conversation; they were just staring at me and then looking at each other again. I raised an eyebrow, sick of them repeating the same gestures to each other over and over.
"What is it? Spill it and stop wasting time," I muttered as I looked back to my wand. I hated doing this. I seemed so grumpy - well I was, but I didn't like to come off as such a moody person. It made me feel bad.
"So I was at dinner tonight with Astoria, as usual, and well, I've had this planned for a while now but I wanted Astoria to be the first one to know so I didn't tell you," Draco said, giving me a massive grin as he looked to his girlfriend.
"Just tell me already. You know I have the patience of a-well whatever that saying is!" I exclaim as I sit up in my seat, waiting for him to tell me the big news. Draco laughed and looked to Astoria, whispering something in her ear. Astoria nodded and they looked back to me.
"Draco and I have decided that we have waited too long," Astoria started as she held Draco's hand in hers. I tried not to grit my teeth as I looked at them. I tried not to be completely selfish and deprive them of their joy. They deserved to be happy, no matter what.
"So tonight I finally asked the question; I asked Astoria if she would marry me," Draco said, looking at his girlfriend-no fiancé with loving eyes. Astoria squealed as she showed me the ring. It was gorgeous; I had to admit it. And I did feel kind of happy for them. I wasn't exactly jumping for joy but at the same time, I was glad they had found each other. They were much better together than Draco and I could have ever been.
"It's gorgeous!" I told her as I admired the diamond on the silver band. Draco grinned at me as he watched me admire it, seemingly happy.
"Also, we had something else we wanted to ask you," Draco told me. I looked away from the ring which I had purposely been directing all of my focus on and looking back up at him curiously. He nodded to Astoria as they once again grinned. How much had they planned already? "Well since we have been together for quite a long time, we want the wedding to be soon. And so we've started planning and we decided we want the wedding to be in August, near the start."
August? Wow, that was only two months away. That was very close. A little too close for my liking, if I'm honest. But I had to go along with whatever they said because after all, I had no control over them. They were old enough to make their own decisions and who was I to make them for them?
"And well... I was wondering if you would like to be my maid of honour?" Astoria asked me. I look at her in surprise. Astoria had a lot of female friends whom she was a lot closer to than me, why would she choose me to be her maid of honour? I could understand wanting me on the wedding party as a bridesmaid because of Draco but a maid of honour wasn't really necessary.
"Yeah, of course! I'd be delighted to. Are you sure you don't want the title to go to any of your other friends, though? I mean, you do know them a lot better," I said, trying to make sure that she had thought this through properly. Astoria shook her head, giving me a kind smile.
"No, I've decided there is no one I would rather have than you. We've really gotten close and I hope we get even closer over the next two months. I feel it's a way to get to know Draco's best friend even better. I mean, I want to understand Draco before we get married and what better way than through his best friend?" She asked, a grin on her face. I tried to give her one back but I was feeling slightly nervous about this. Being on the wedding party was one thing but being one of the main roles on it was something else completely.
I guess I should have predicted this wedding a lot sooner. The war had ended over ten years ago, we were almost thirty and Draco and Astoria had been seeing each other during the war. So they'd been together a long time without being anything more. Heck, they didn't even live together.
"So you'll do it, yeah?" Astoria asked me. I nodded my head, looking to my feet as I did it. I had a feeling I might regret this but I wasn't going to bring anyone else down just because I was. I am a better person than that, that much I know.
"Also, since we're getting married I thought it might also be appropriate if Astoria started living with us?" Draco asked. There was the real bomb. To be honest, that comment hurt a lot more than the getting married one. Getting married meant they were going to be together forever. I had already predicted that after they hit year ten of being together. But living together was the last thing Draco and I had.
Yeah, sure, I would still be living with him but it wouldn't be the same. He would have his stupid girlfriend here as well and she would be here all of the time. We wouldn't get our movie nights together or even if we did, we'd have to share them with Astoria.
I shouldn't be so annoyed about this. I should just get over the fact that Draco doesn't like me, never has and never will and let him be happy with his life in peace. But I was selfish, I was selfish like every other person and like them I wanted Draco to love me, not her. But there was nothing I could change, his feelings were his feelings and I don't think either of us had control over them.
"Yeah, of course, why not? She can move in, I don't mind. She'll be sharing your room with you, I assume so it won't affect me, will it?" I ask. Draco shakes his head and they both grin at me yet again. A part of me was happy that at least I was making them both happy by agreeing to all of this.
I got up from my seat and grabbed a bottle of cold butterbeer from the fridge and used the opener to open the top of it.
"I just remembered, I have to write a file on someone for work. I better go into my room and get started on it," I told them, taking a swig from the bottle, feeling the ice cold liquid hit my throat as I gulped it down quickly. They nodded at me. "Don't stay up too late."
I pasted a fake smile on my face before throwing the empty bottle into the bin and making my way towards my room. Once the door was closed, I flopped back onto my bed and let out a sigh. The crap about the file had been a lie to get away from them both for a few seconds. I was so happy for them yet my heart burned with jealousy as I watched him look at her so lovingly. Why did this have to happen? Why could life not have been simple and let him fall in love with me?
But life didn't work that way. I let out another sigh, holding back any tears that were ready to fall. I wasn't going to cry over spilt milk, this wasn't the end of the world. They were getting married, in fact, this was something great! We should be celebrating, not crying.
I nod as I try to convince myself I'm being stupid. I lift the duvet of my bed and shuffle under it, letting my head hit the pillow. I keep my eyes wide open as I stare at my light blue walls. But mostly my eyes wander to the picture on the table beside my bed of Draco and I, back when we were just starting Hogwarts.
His arm was wrapped around my shoulders as a young me blushed lightly. He was shirtless, showing off absolutely nothing due to the fact he was eleven. He had on his swimming trunks and I could see the sea behind us. And I was there in my little polka dot bikini. We were both grinning like mad.
This had been the summer after our first year at Hogwarts. My dad and his parents had planned a holiday in some wizarding resort in some other, warmer country. It had been a great summer, from what I remembered.
It had been the start of this never ending crush on Draco.
So this is the first chapter, which has been long waited for. I swear, I usually have earlier startings with my books but this and two other books managed to get really delayed so sorry.
So I update every fortnight on a Sunday. So pretty much I was going to put this up yesterday (it will start from that Sunday, let's pretend) but I was lazy. So the next update will be the 13th of June.
Also, George will be in part of the next chapter but he won't really properly appear until chapter three. I'm trying to give you a view of Astoria and Draco first without some pointless chapter where they all meet up.
Hope you enjoyed and please remember that your votes and comments are always appreciated so please don't forget to leave me some :)
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