A decision for Life

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A/N I drew the picture up above with my friend. Hope ya like it!! And I tweaked the prophecy. Check it again!

*re edited*

Jason P.O.V.

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(A/N Percy was healed)

It was the Winter Solstice and the gods decided to have a party in Olympus. All the demigods, satyrs, etc. were invited.

I looked in the mirror at myself. Regular CHB orange T shirt and jeans. I walked outside Zeus' cabin and went to Aphrodite's cabin. I knocked and guess who answered? Drew that's who.(RHYME)

"Looking for Piper?" She asked. I nodded peeking over her shoulder.

"Hey Piper! It's your boyfriend!" She called.

Then Piper walked up to the doorway and dismissed Drew who disappeared into the cabin.

I offered my hand and she took it. Together we walked across the beach. The soft lapping ocean reminded me of Percy. It made my heart ache.

"You excited?" Piper asked, her kadaelascope eyes bore into mine. I nodded and cracked a smile.

We walked towards the pavilion where the campers were already gathering. Hermes was with Chrion waiting to teleport everyone to Olympus.

I also noticed Percy was in a wheelchair with Nico. She was in a white dress that had a ribbon wrapping her waist and flowing down to the side like a river. She was also wearing a necklace with a heart shaped pendant. (A/N look at the picture above)

"Attention! Attention!" Chiron said, capturing everyone's attention.

"We will now be going to Olympus (a few cheers). Lord Hermes?" He said. Hermes nodded and a blinding light surrounded us. The next moment we were standing in the throne room in Olympus a.k.a. the 600th floor in the Empire State Building.

"Welcome!" Zeus' voice boomed throughout the room. All twelve Olympians were in their thrones sitting patiently. A few minor gods and goddesses were standing off to the side.

"Today we have gathered on the Winter Solstice and shall now celebrate Gaea's defeat." Everyone cheered for a second and then became quiet.

"And now let's start to party!" Apollo said loudly. But before anyone could move Zeus interrupted.

"However before we move on, Persephone Jackson, please walk - er - come forward," Zeus said. I stared at Percy in disgust and so did the rest of the camp. We all knew how she ruined everything for each cabin. Like squashing the Demeter's kids' flowers and plants. And breaking all the bows at the Apollo's Cabin. Etc.

Nico pushed her wheelchair to the center where all the gods and goddesses could see her. She was still and showed no emotion, almost calm. ARGH she made me so frustrated I wish she could suffer. Wait what!? What's wrong with me? She's my friend?

But she betrayed you.

"Persephone Jackson, my heroic son, Danny, (gestures to Danny who stand proudly) has told me of recent events. Are they true?" Poseidon asks in a dangerous voice.

She shook her head once, twice. Then pauses waiting for a response.

"SHE LIES! SHE STOMPED ON ALL MY ROSES!" a girl from Demeter's cabin yelled.

"SHE SPIED ON US AND STOLE OUR PRANKS!" Connor and Travis both said, pointing at her. There were a lot more shouts until -

"SILENCE!" Zeus said. Everyone was quiet.

"Percy Jackson, according to the others, you lie. And we also saw some news that people were murdered by a girl with short hair and grey eyes. We shall keep you here until furthur evidence is revealed. Then, we shall take a vote. Hephaestus!" Zeus said loudly. Most people were shooting looks of approval his way. Some were disappointed that she wasn't punished immediately, including me. And what the heck! Murders!?!?!? Percy is in big trouble now.

Hephaestus walked up and cuffed Percy's wrists, chaining them to the floor. Zeus then stood up and raised his hand. Bars made of electricity rose from the ground making a cage around Percy. Everyone whooped including me. But I couldn't help feeling something inside me stir. Like...... guiltiness something.

"Now we can officially .... uh.... party," he said and we all cheered. I glanced at Nico who was sad and depressed. He stared at Percy, looking hopelessly lost until Hazel pulled him towards the food table. Geez. What's up with that guy? She is a traitor.

Percy P.O.V.

It was loud. The metal digging into my wrists hurt. I felt blood flowing down my wrist. Where was proof when you need it? Curse that horrible Danny Jones. What an excuse to be my half brother. He sucks. And why in the world would I murder people? I was at Camp Half Blood the entire time. And plus, my legs are PARALYZED.

I close my eyes, I think I did, and tried to focus on something else. It only felt like a couple minutes when a door opened and shut. The sound made my ears ring.

The room became silent and I heard footsteps. Soft ones. They became a tiny bit louder as the noise approached me. I bowed my head. I didn't have a care in the world.

"WHO ARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT THIS CERMONY!" Zeus bellowed. I smelled ozone flickering in the air.

"Very funny," a guy started. Then I felt him stare at me. "Will you look at that, the girl gives up already. What a treatment! Locked up!!!" The person laughed. I felt a powerful aura roll off him.

"Hey hey Alpha! Do it already I'm hungry!" Another voice called out. The there was a shuffling.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!" Zeuss booms.

"Why, I'm simply doing my job 'm'lord'," the person says.

Gasps, more chairs moving. And metal? What was happening?

The person snapped his fingers and the smell of ozone disappeared. I hear more footsteps coming closer. The pressure on my wrists.... gone.

A rough hand wrapped around my neck and lifted me up from my wheelchair. The grip tightended and I gasped, trying to take a breath. I made a gurgled cry and tried scraping the hand off but it was as good as iron and steel.

The next thing was even weirder.


Third Person P.O.V.

More hooded figures appeared and started rounding the campers up, even the gods, into a corner. Then metal bars uprooted from the ground trapping them.

A guy with black long hair was walking towards Percy. He had a D E A T H tattoo on his forearm and looked like he was in charge.

The guy held out his hand and wrapped it around Percy's neck. Choking her. She gurgled and tried scratching the person's hand off but nothing worked.

With the other hand, he moved it above Percy's slightly open mout and started doing a gripping gesture. Then a dull, moss colored ball of light appeared from her mouth.

Nico realized that he was sucking her soul.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" he screamed. The ball flew back into Percy's mouth and the guy released her. Percy dropped to the floor like a rag doll, unmoving except for the slightest movement of her chest.

"Do not interrupt. I am merely doing her a FAVOR!" He hissed.

Everyone became confused. Then the guy chuckled darkly.

"I am 2nd in command of Chaos' Elite Team. Part of the most powerful group in his army. He has sent me here to end her life, peacefully by taking her soul," Alpha? Said.


"Ahhhh yesss.. Danny boy has been quite ... persuasive right? But I shall give a choice to the girl." He turned to Percy who was still motionless on the floor. Her ragged breathing seemed to even out a bit.

"Persephone Jackson. Answer for me. Would you wish to die or come with me? Take your time," he whispered loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

A minite passed.... 2 minutes.. 4.... 6...

Percy slowly and carefully placed her hands underneath her and pushed. Her right arm was stretched out until she found her wheelchair. She gripped the armrest and vines out of nowhere flew towards her waist wrappin around it once, twice three times. The vines lifted her up and set her on the wheelchair. She tucked some hair behind her ear calmly as if nothing happened. Everyone was tense. They watched her with careful eyes. Then finally she replied in a timid voice. Who knew the former 'Hero of Olympus' could be shy.

"I - I choose to go with you," she said. Her grew eyes were motionless, blank, unseeing, and pain was plain as daylight in those eyes.

Some campers were happy and some were whooping. Some were unsure.

"NO! Percy please! I won't be the same without you! Neither will the camp. You know how to forgive! This isn't like you! Think about your mom! Paul! Me!!" Nico cried.

Percy sucked in a breath sharply. She rested her hands on her lap readjusting her dress.

"Nico, my parents are dead. And I have no heart left, to live on this life. Maybe starting over would help but I would never, never be the same. And ... you'll just have to live with my decision," she said. Tears were streaming down her hallow cheeks. Snickers were heard.

"Now that that's settled," The guy turned to the audience. "Cya laters traitors! Hehe rhymes!" He flashed out of the room with Percy. Before she did, Percy looked at Nico.

"I will come back," she said softly before the light became bright and then gone. No sign of the myserious people was left. The metal bars were removed without a scratch on the floor.

"No," Nico whispered and collapsed onto his knees, face in his hands.

"Get up, she deserves to go. Hopefully she'll get tortured," Danny chuckled, arms crossed with a huge grin on his face.

And just like that, everyone resumed the party as if nothing happened.

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