(Your Name) placed the camera on the tripod and began recording.
"Whas sup guys today I'm going to be pranking Brandon with the calling him someone else's name prank, just in case y'all forgot B is a very jealous person so the minute he hears a name that's not his, he's gonna flip out. (Your Name) spoke looking into the lense.
Picking up the camera (Your Name) walking into their shared bedroom and put the expensive camera on the dresser making sure to hide among the items that cluttered the dresser.
"Brandon usually gets home from practice around 4 so he should be here any minute
Using his keys to unlock the front door Brandon walked into the home he shared with (Your Name) and called out for her
"Babe I'm back from practice!"
(Your Name) responded "Come to the room"
(Your Name) heard Brandon's heavy foot steps make their way up stairs so she pretended to be occupied with the show 'Grey's Anatomy' that played on the television.
As he mad his way into the room the lanky man began to speak "Coach was really on some bullshit today, had us running like we on a fucking track team"
"I mean y'all do have more loses than wins so..." (Your Name) replied unfazed by Brandon's antics.
Brandon rolled his eyes at the brown-skinned girl "since you always got something slick to say." Brandon laid directly on top of his girlfriend of 2 years.
"Cameron get offa me" (Your Name) said setting the prank in motion.
Brandon paused as soon as she said 'Cameron'
I know this girl didn't just call me 'Cameron' knowing damn well that ain't my fuckin' name.
"Imma ask you this one time and one time only what did you just say to me." Brandon asked calmly sitting on the side of the bed.
"What are you talking about I said 'Brandon get off of me' I think that running got you hearing things."
"Nah (Your Name) answer me this why the fuck did you call me that bum ass nigga's name. Are you smoking dick or somethin' "
"The only dick I'm 'smoking' is yours witcho' dumbass." (Your Name) laughed at her boyfriend's stupidity. The young youtuber wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's neck. "Baby I still think that the running during practice got you trippin' cause I most definitely didn't call you Cameron."
"Babygirl, I know I may look high but I ain't stupid because I know that running involves your legs not your fucking ears. So stop trying to convince me that I heard something else!" Brandon said raising his voice.
"Well, babe I don't have to try anymore cause, well...it's a prank, okay. I just pranked yo' lanky ass." (Your Name) smiled at Brandon and walking oveer to pick up the hidden camera.
"What type of prank is this!, almost had me beating a niggas ass for trying to talk to my fine ass girl." Brandon mummered under his breath.
"Well that's it for today's prank, and as y'all can see I got his ass so I'll see y'all when I see ya."
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