friendship - jayson tatum

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   Sadness radiated from the room where (Your Name) currently occupied. The fresh hot tears cascaded down her round cheeks, the tv played lowly in the background as a way to mask the pain she felt. Her phone provided a small source of light as it showed a new notification. Jayson, oh how the name brought back memories. The pair met in high school when she moved to St. Louis from Texas her junior year.                

She remebered their meeting like it was yesterday. Walking into a new place is nerve-racking but adding hormonal teenagers to the mix. (Your Name) was a mess, she considered herself introverted so that doubled the nervous feelings in the pit of her stomach. As she made her way to the class, she felt as if her steps were being held down my lead. After handing her scheule to the teacher seated at his desk, he told her to take and seat at any available desk. It was just her luck that the only open seat was next to the schools star basketball player.

   Now the boy she fell for in high school wasn't the same. I guess you could say the league changed him. She saw the humble boy from St. Louis become an egotistical asshole right before her eyes. When she decided to talk to him about it he called her jealous of the fact that he made it out and was doing something with his life. His words hit a soft spot within her, Jayson knew how hard she worked to maintain a job while attending college to pursue a degree in nursing. After those words left his mouth she grabbed her stuff and left his apartment.

  She had been laying in her bed for the past fifteen minutes while she received numerous texts from the guy she used to call her best friend.

  Jayson pulled up to (Your Name's) apartment complex, he knew what he said was fucked up but in his defense he was drunk and tired of listening to her talk about how he was changing and becoming a different person. What was he supposed to do? Stay the same for the rest of his life? But when she walked out and told him to lose her number he realized that he was losing his best friend over something as simple as an ego. Now here he was standing outside her apartment knocking like a madman.

  Opening the door after the incessant knocking (Your Name) was surprised to see Jayson standing there with a distressed look on his face.

"What are you doing here Jayson?"

"I needed to see if you were okay, I know what I said was messed up but it was just in the heat of the moment. I was tired and drunk it wasn't a good mix and I'm sorry." Jayson aplogized grabbing (Your Name's) hands in the process.

"What the hell made you think that calling me jealous of your success was okay? If anything I'm was one of your biggest supporters!"

"(Your Name) why did you say was what's going on with you?" Jayson questioned as he entered your apartment.

"I'm going to be completely honest with you Jayson I've contemplated our friendship because of what's been happening lately." (Your Name) replied with complete honesty looking at the Celtics player.

Jayson looked at his best friend in shock before speaking, "(Your Name) I've been in love with you since senior year when I saw date that asshole. I knew I was in love when I couldn't stand the thought of you with someone that wasn't me." Jayson pulled her into his embrace. "I'm in love with you"

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