I had to

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1. You must post the rules
2. You must tag 13 people
3. You must answer 13 questions and leave 13 questions of your own
4. You CAN'T refuse
5. Tag backs ARE allowed
6. You must complete within a week or you CAN be punished by the person who tagged you
7. You must create a UNIQUE title.
8. Don't comment your answers put it on one of your published works

13 facts about me:
1. I'm the second oldest of five girls
2. I've been playing piano for 7 years
3. I love Marvel
4. I'm tall
5. I suck at sports
6. I can't sing
7. I have a sucky memory when it comes to real life but I remember practically everything from my fandoms
8. I love food
9. I'm a socially awkward potato
10. I'm good at cooking/baking
11. I love country music
12. I love Shawn Mendes
13. I have a huge imagination

Questions from Wise_Girl77
1. What's your weirdest nickname? Ē-ia, I don't really know how to spell it but it's short for Olivia.
2. What's a bad habit you have? Nail biting.
3. What are your pet peeves? I have a lot but one of the main ones is smacking.
4. What's the first thing you would save from a fire? My books probably.
5. What would you do if you only had one week left to live? I don't really know probably go somewhere or do something fun with my family.
6. What would you do if you only had one week left to live? I'd want to do down thing fun with the people I love.
7. If you could live anywhere where would you live? Idk somewhere I've never been or somewhere I love.
8. Who was your role model/hero when you were younger? My mom or dad.
9. What is your favorite quote? Either happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light, or the things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect.
10. Which do you listen to, your heart or your brain? Probably my heart, my brain isn't that smart.
11. If you could spend one day in someone else's shoes, who would it be and why? Idk maybe J-Law or someone else I admire.
12. If you'd die now, would you have any regrets? Yeah maybe some of the things I did or didn't do.
13. What would you ask for, if you knew the answer was "yes"? Idk, an endless supply of any books I want.

My questions for the people I tag.
1. Team Captain America or team Iron Man?
2. Do you like the book or the movie better?
3. Which Hogwarts house would you be in, or are already in?
4. Who would your godly parent be, or is?
5. Shawn Mendes or Justin Bieber?
6. Marvel or DC?
7. Quiet or loud around people?
8. Favorite food?
9. Favorite band/singer?
10. Favorite tv show?
11. Favorite book?
12. Sweet or salty?
13. Dogs or cats?

I tag...
Wise_Girl77 REVENGE,
emmasgon24, cheezychina12, sugar_spiceCookie, EL_WEASLEY, cher8876, BookAddict510, Doodahdoo02, _Captain_Thorne_, _captainxswan_, booksrockforever2, PaperSwans, lexieshoup_14

I was tagged by the evil Wise_Girl77 and CampHalfBlooder

Questions from CampHalfBlooder
1. Do you hate this as much as I do? YES.
2. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? Make myself skinnier.
3. Smores or hot chocolate? Hot chocolate. I'm not a big fan of marshmallows.
4. Yankees or Red Sox? Neither.
5. Favorite sports player? I'm not big fan of sports but either Luke Keuchly or Cam Newton.
6. Most embarrassing moment? Probably when my text tone went off in front of the middle and high school at my church while they were reading the bible.
7. Turn into the Hulk when you get mad, or do you keep your cool? Turn into the Hulk.
8. Dress fancy or casual? Casual.
9. Worst food you've ever eaten? Probably blue cheese.
10. Strong swimmer? Meh, not really.
11. Ever been hiking? Yes.
12. Super shy or social butterfly? Super shy.
13. Competitive? Depends. Sometimes I am but sometimes I don't care

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