chapter 9:

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Don't own anything

Kiana pov:

My mystery owned battleship was not fully activated. Only 1 of the 24 anti grav drives were operational. Weapons systems were frozen as well (unsc personel weren't too happy about it either) fully activated battleship would have leveled north america within 24 hours.

Gearz: so 1380 for the hyperion honkai reactor. The selene 12000 HW.  Schicksal output of 1500 hw

Kiana: but aunt. Its all fun & games compared to unsc mac rounds

Theresa: " yes i had read few a them. Mark v aka super mac orbital defense platform. There cannons fire 3000 tons ferric tungsten round at 12,000 kilos per second 4% of speed of light "

Gearz: hehehe

Kiana: wow that is just mind-boggling 😱

Theresa: " Don't get me started on the unsc argama & her older sister infinity & others such as frigates. If this thing fired in a atmosphere. North America would exist in one go. I AM TALKING ABOUT SEISMIC EARTHQUAKES & TSUNAMIS WITH UNABLE TO MEASURE POWER. CAN YOU IMAGINE A A HERRSCHER WOULD GET HIT BY ONE OF THESE NOT A LUCKY SHOT THOUGHT NO GIRL- "

kiana: okay okay i get it. Snap outta of it aunt. There overpowered as hell yeah numbers we can't argue.

Theresa: " sorry. Anyways 3rd herrscher delivered the hit of 3200 against hyperion. One catch unfortunate argama discovered who the other 4 herrschers others you know the rest. Otto is the enemy "

Kiana: so where just gonna pretend falling to his hands

Gearz: not exactly. The void herrscher seems very acceptable & change " her " ways

Kiana: alright

Timeskip author pov:

Meanwhile honkai beasts dropped dead by gunfire. Lynx mei & other unsc forces on ground. Bronya reported bio sensor 50 meters to the east.

Falcon pilot: " sir i see a unidentified person on a wheelchair "

Lynx: i don't like that. I take it you wanna save her?

Mei: hai

Lynx: if she decides to get stupid. Its bullet to the head. Himeko this is lynx of red team. Me & raiden come across a girl no sign of gem of desire over

Himeko: " intelligence from oceania branch confirmed girl is the gem of desire "

Lynx: this is already sus. Acknowledge

Wendy: valkyrie & a ... space marine. I heard about usnc i'm Wendy

Mei: uhhh something is not right

Lynx: you already smell BS?

Mei: if you put it that way yes


(7:47 - 7:48 only) HOLY MAKERAL!

Stacker: marines secured the area. Soon we get back have our valkyries to remove that light bulb thingy out of her

Bronya comms: " 😂😂😂😂😂 "

Kiana: " wow just wow "

Mei thought: (sighed) marines

To be continued:


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