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The next day Tony went and bought a dress for Thor to wear the whole day, and with some input from Pepper, he found the perfect dress. Him and you both walked through the hallways to a large meeting room, there you met Clint, Bruce, Thor, Natasha, Wanda, and Steve. Tony pulled the dress out of a bag and handed it to Thor.

    "Here you are meat swing, it goes perfectly with your eyes," Tony stated sarcastically.

    "Go get changed quickly, I wanna see this," Clint added smirking.


Once Thor came back (wearing a light pink dress btw), you all sat down together at the large table, for Tony had an announcement. He decided to stand on top of the table in the centre, for he was the Tony Stark. You could hear Natasha groan next to you as he stood.

    "Okay, so (y/n) will be staying in the tower with us, I already talked to Fury, and he's fine with it. Oh, and she'll be moving in tomorrow." He stated.

    "This is great, lady (y/n) can finally meet Loki!" Thor yelled, you grinned.

    "I can't wait Thor."


Snickers followed Thor as him, you, Clint, and Bruce all entered the cafeteria. You all grabbed your food and sat down at your usual table. You made sure that Thor wouldn't rip his dress as he sat down, making Clint laugh.

    "You know Thor, I think we should play another round of hide and seek," he said before taking a large bit of his burger.

    "Yes we shall, but lady (y/n) should teach me the tricks of this game before we play another game," he replied.

    "And no more vents, (y/n) you got away, but Clint and I were found pretty quickly," Bruce added.

    "And next time Tony's it," you stated.

You all were then approached by a man about your age, with light bleached hair, and dark roots. He was wearing a tight fitting blue shirt, showing off his muscles (you're welcome). "Hey Pietro," Clint said, beckoning him over to your table. "Hello old man, who is this?" Pietro asked, looking towards you.

    "Uh, I'm (y/n)," you said.

    "Nice to meet you (y/n), Wanda tells me you have powers of your own."

    "Yeah, invisibility and I can grow plants and stuff..." You trailed off, realizing you were probably the only 'weird' person in your friend group.

    "That is cool, Wanda and myself have our own powers as well."

Once he said that you perked up a bit, looking up to him, "like what?" He grinned at this, offering you his arm as you stood from your seat. And before you know it, you're speading around some of the Avengers, everything slowly moving around you. You stop, and look over to Pietro smiling, "that was awesome."

    "Could you show me your powers?" He asked, you and him began walking away from the others, waving goodbye before leaving.

    "Sure," you replied, turning invisible.

He stood looking for you, "okay, you can come out now (y/n)" he laughed. You reappeared, and poked him on the back and he turned around. "That is a cool trick," you began walking again, talking about HYDRA, and your experiments, and both your parents. You both bonded and you knew your were going to be good friends.

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