"Maya, let's go!"
I rolled my eyes and tugged the heavy bag over my shoulder. "I'm trying, hold on!"
Riley walked over and took the bag full of our beach necessities with ease. I stared at her and shook my head. "What the hell? How? It's so heavy, wha-"
She laughed and began teasing me about how weak I was. I protested and said that I'm just tired, but wow, that bag really weighed a ton. I'm surprised Riley could lift it with her long, flimsy arms.
Lucas was going to pick us up so we could drive to the beach. We changed into our bathing suits and put our normal clothes on over top.
A few minutes later, we heard a car honking outside. It couldn't have been anyone other than Lucas on this early Saturday morning. We quietly slipped out of the house, trying not to wake everyone else up, although they probably heard us shouting earlier.
"Hey, guys," Riley cheerfully smiled at everyone as she entered the car.
They lazily waved at us and complained to her.
"Riley, why'd you make us wake up this early?" Farkle groaned.
"Yeah," Zay sighed from the very back. "I'd rather sleep in on the weekends! The only two days where I can sleep in because I'm not busy with school!"
"It's not like we have school on the weekdays," I told him, confused.
"Oh," he shrugged, realizing that it's summer. He grinned and shook it off. "Okay, nevermind then!"
I squinted my eyes at his thought process and sat in the car next to Riley after putting the bag in the trunk. Farkle was up front and Smackle was on the other side of Riley.
Lucas began driving and Farkle turned the radio on. Riley and I looked at each other and started belting the lyrics out. Everyone immediately covered their ears and told us to be quiet.
I laughed and glanced at Riley. We both smirked at each other, waiting for the chorus to roll by.
"I WANT IT THAAAT WAY," we screamed as loud as we could.
"Guys, shut up, would you?" Farkle turned to us and yelled.
I stuck my tongue out at him. He did the same and I rolled my eyes. "You're a child."
"You did it first!" he shrieked in disbelief, facing the front.
I looked at Riley who was staring ahead at the road. I felt a smile plant itself on my face as I watched her in awe. She was unbelievably perfect with no effort needed. Anyone would be crazy not to like her...I mean, look at her.
She's the only one I want by my side, forget everyone else. Nothing compares to how she makes me feel. There's a special place in my heart for all the little things she does.
The next thing that went through my mind made me stiffen up. I quickly averted my eyes from her face and stared at my hands.
"What is it?" she asked. I must've had a perplexed expression for her to notice something was wrong.
"Nothing," I lied.
She gave me a look, knowing that I wasn't telling the truth. I leaned on her shoulder in hopes that she didn't continue asking what was wrong. She said nothing, noticing that I didn't want to talk about it. I couldn't talk about it; I'm not even sure what I felt then. But it was definitely something different.
I closed my eyes in hopes that I'd forget what I was thinking.
I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew, Zay was yelling in my ear.
I fluttered my eyes open and smacked him. "I'm awake, okay?!"
He yelped and put his hand over his cheek where I hit him. "Ow!"
"Sorry, my bad," I muttered, not really caring if it hurt or not. He deserved it.
I lifted my head of Riley's shoulder. She was laughing at Zay complaining about how insincere my apology was.
We walked towards the beach and Smackle and Zay began arguing over where we should set our stuff. While they fought, I slipped out of my t-shirt and shorts, feeling the summer breeze on my bare skin.
I glanced over at Riley, who was tugging her shirt over her head. I quickly shook out of my fixed gaze and mentally slapped myself. Stop staring.
"Closer!" Zay told Smackle, who was clearly growing irritated by him.
"No," she groaned. "Everything's gonna get wet!"
Zay sighed in defeat and Smackle smirked. She set the beach blanket on top of the hot sand and laid next to Farkle. Everyone else headed towards the ocean.
"Hey, Smackle, can you put some sunscreen on my back?" Farkle asked.
I shivered in disgust and walked away from them as quick as possible. Definitely did not want to stay for that horrific sight. I caught up to Riley and linked our arms. "Hey, Riles."
She smiled at me and her eyes glistened in the sunlight.
God, I'm gonna miss her so much.
I pushed the thought away and tried to focus on now. She's here now, I need to stop worrying about later and enjoy every moment we have together.
We walked closer to the water and I slowly stepped into the cold water. Riley hesitated and I smirked at her.
"Come on, Riles, it's not even cold," I lied.
Lucas and Zay began making fun of her for being scared and she grew furious. "Hey! Stop laughing! I'll literally eat you like I ate your cookie."
"Get in, then," Zay challenged.
She tilted her head and awkwardly fidgeted. I laughed at how miserable but adorable she looked and walked towards her. "Take my hand."
She put her soft hand in mine and I pulled her towards the water. She winced at first but loosened up after a second.
"See, it's not that bad," I told her. "It's just water."
"Yeah, but I could drown and die," she said. "And it is cold, liar."
"You're fine," I rolled my eyes and dragged her deeper into the sea. The water was up to our stomachs by now. Well, my stomach since I'm way shorter than her.
We could hear Lucas and Zay arguing from across the beach, splashing at each other. I turned to Riley and smirked.
"What?" she asked, completely unaware of what I was about to do.
I lifted my hand up from the water and splashed her face, making her jolt back in shock. Before she lost her balance and fell down, I quickly grabbed her arm and held her up, trying to hold in my laughter.
"Maya! What the hell," she gasped. "Don't do that!"
"Sorry," I apologized after quickly noticing that she didn't find it funny.
She shook her head and began walking towards the sand.
"Wait, Riles, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"
She turned around and splashed my face, catching me by surprise. I bitterly laughed and shook my head, splashing her back.
She came closer and hovered over me, making it difficult for me to let out a single word. I could feel the heat of her body radiating off onto me, and I couldn't think properly as she put her hand on my chin.
She always puts her hand on my chin, it's just our thing. But it felt so different this time.
I stared into her eyes, noticing that she was just as confused as me.
"Um, Riles?" I faltered.
She blinked a few times and smiled. "Sorry."
"It's okay," I quietly said. "Let's get out of the water, yeah?"
We trudged through the water and headed towards Farkle and Smackle, who were both lying on the blanket.
"Move," I demanded.
Farkle looked up at me and began to protest, but I gave him a cold glare which made him immediately get up.
"Let's go help Lucas and Zay with their sandcastle," he told Smackle. "They're really not doing so good..."
They left and we sat down next to each other. Riley scooted closer and our legs touched, making my heartbeat quicken.
"Maya," she began. "I know you said that I should forget the fact that I'm moving, but I can't. How am I supposed to act like I'm never gonna see you again? That's the worst thing that could ever happen to me, to us! I don't know how I'm gonna live without you. I can't just ignore what's coming."
I glanced at her and gave a small smile. "I know, Riles. I can't stop thinking about it, either. But I'm trying to because I'd rather spend these last few weeks happily. I don't wanna worry when I could enjoy this time together, you know?"
"Yeah," she nodded. "Yeah, I guess I'll try to stop thinking about it so much. I love you, Maya."
"I love you, too," I softly said.
I'm not sure how I loved her anymore, but I know for a fact that I'd do anything for her and she'd do the same.
She kissed my cheek and the bare touch of her lips made my face heat up. As she pulled away, my eyes were fixed on her smile.
"What?" she softly asked.
I shook my head and stood up, ignoring her question. "I think we should destroy their sandcastle, what do you think?"
She chuckled and slowly got up from the ground. I felt my eyes glue on her slim body, but I silently cursed myself and averted my eyes.
That's not how I feel, I told myself.
Riley is my best friend, nothing more and nothing less. I've never really had any huge crushes before, especially not on any girls...what am I even thinking?
Maybe it's my emotions getting all mixed up. She is leaving in a month, I'm probably just getting really attached to her.
Or maybe I genuinely like her more than a friend...
Now that I think of it, it's like I've found a missing puzzle piece. Everything makes sense.
From what I know, friends don't stare at each other thinking about how flawless and gorgeous they are. Friends don't hold hands or kiss cheeks whenever they get the chance.
I told myself that we're best friends; we're supposed to be close. But I think we're too close to be just that. I've always felt that there was something different about us...I mean, Shawn and her dad are best friends, but we act as if we're more. Maybe the fact that she's actually leaving from my life made me aware that I feel things that friends typically don't.
My eyes widened as she intertwined our hands, looking down at me with the prettiest smile.
Oh my god.
I like Riley.
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