Maya and I stepped into the kitchen for breakfast.
"Hey, girls," Dad cheerily said.
"Morning," we said in sync, sitting at our usual spots. I filled my plate with pancakes and fresh fruit.
"So..." he began with a broad grin. "Your mother and I decided that you guys deserve one more unforgettable trip before parting ways, what do you think? One whole vacation, doesn't that sound fun?"
Maya and I shared a mutual look before screaming in joy. Mom and Dad told us to relax while Auggie covered his ears in shock but squealed anyway.
"Where are we going?" I quickly asked, unable to contain my excitement.
"Well," Mom responded. "We felt awful that you two would be split up, so this is all up to you. You can go wherever you want to go."
"Can we go to Disneyworld?" Maya looked at me with lit up eyes.
"Sure," I smiled. I looked at my parents for approval. "Is that okay?"
We've never been out of New York, other than my grandparent's house. I'm shocked that they decided to take us on an entire vacation before leaving.
They shrugged and nodded.
"Yes!" Maya shrieked and tackled me with a hug, which I returned immediately.
"Oh my god! I can't wait!" Auggie grinned with his mouth full of strawberries.
"Oh," Dad slowly said. "We were actually thinking that you two are responsible enough to go alone. You're almost 18 and you can take care of yourselves. If you ever need anything, I have a friend who lives nearby. Besides, we gotta let you guys grow up someday...unless you want us to tag along-"
"No," we immediately cut him off.
"What?!" Auggie yelled. "That's not fair! I'm leaving my friends behind, too! I can't believe that you'd let them go without an adult! I deserve to go!"
"Auggie, we can do whatever you want while they're gone, okay?" Mom told him, ruffling his hair.
"Wait, when are we going?" I frowned. "How long are we staying? What if we don't get to ride all the rides? What if I get lost? Oh my god, how will I-"
"Riles, honey, you're blowing it," Maya harshly nudged me, smiling at my parents.
Mom tilted her head and glanced at Dad. "Maybe this is a bad idea...I mean, they're still so young, and they've never been there! We should reconsider letting them go completely alone, don't you think?"
"Wait, no!" Maya loudly said. "Don't worry, I'll take care of her! And Riley and I know the whole park like the back of our hands, we've wanted to go since we were kids! Please, Mr. and Mrs. Matthews, we'll be totally fine."
She wasn't fully convinced and I quickly rambled on with possible solutions. "We can bring Farkle! And Zay and Smackle! Isn't that better than just us two?"
After talking about it for a moment, they finally came to a conclusion. Dad cleared his throat and agreed. "Okay, that sounds better. The more the merrier!"
"Yes!" we cheered again.
"But seriously, when are we going?" I asked. "We only have three weeks left."
"I'll book the tickets for next week after you confirm with your friends," Dad informed us. "You guys can stay for a week, sound good?"
"Yes," I nodded eagerly.
"Also, you will be sleeping in separate rooms from the boys," he narrowed his eyes at me.
I raised my eyebrows and scoffed. "Farkle and Zay are the last people I'd be attracted to."
Besides, the person I have my eyes set on happens to be the girl sitting next to me.
"Okay," he slowly said. "But still, they're room will be far, far away from yours."
"Yeah, yeah," I mumbled, popping a blueberry in my mouth.
"We'll pay for the whole trip, tickets and everything," Mom told us.
"Really?" Maya furrowed her eyebrows. "Are you sure? I mean, I can try to pitch in-"
"It's okay," she reassured. "You're family and I want you guys to enjoy yourselves without a single bit of worrying."
"Besides, she's gonna get paid the big bucks at her new job," Dad winked.
I rolled my eyes at his terrible winking game and stood up to give them both a hug. "Thank you so much, I love you guys."
Maya joined in, hugging me from the back. I buried my face against Dad's chest in hopes to hide the blush which I knew was plastered on my face.
"Of course, girls," Dad let out a hearty laugh, breaking away from the group hug.
Auggie sat still in his spot with a huge scowl on his face. I smiled and glanced at Maya. We ran over and attacked him with hugs and kisses.
"Don't be sad, Auggs," Maya laughed. "We'll get you whatever you want from there! Do you want a t-shirt with Mickey's face on it?"
He turned his frown upside down and I rolled my eyes.
Mom and Dad were going to the store and decided to take Auggie since he was practically begging for candy and gifts. He was pretty smart; using the fact that he can't go to get whatever he wants. They left the house shortly after and we sat on the couch.
"I'm so excited," Maya shook with anticipation, grinning from ear to ear. "I can't wait! We should tell everyone right now. Hopefully, they can make it or else this whole trip might be canceled, which would suck."
"Yeah," I smiled at her and leaned against her shoulder. "Text them to come over."
She grabbed her phone and I laid down, resting my legs across her lap. She gave me a strange look but it went away as fast as it came. I grabbed the remote and put on a show while we waited for them to arrive.
"They'll come over in a few hours," she told me. "Probably around dinner, they said. Smackle won't be able to make it, though. She's still in California."
"As in she won't come to Disney with us?" I frowned.
"Most likely not. Hopefully, she'll be back before you move," she shrugged. "At least we got two guys to protect us."
"Please," I scoffed. "Smackle is more likely to protect us from anything than those two."
She shook her head, letting out an airy laugh. She laid down next to me so her body was in front of mine and my eyes widened. I didn't mind at all, but my heart pulsed at an abnormal rate and I hoped she didn't notice as nerves took over my body.
I mustered up the courage and hesitantly put my arm across her. She gently took my hand and I felt myself relax within seconds.
A bunch of episodes later, we heard a knock on the door. She quickly got up and opened it, yelling, "What's up losers! We're going to Disney!"
Zay and Farkle raised their eyebrows and slowly walked inside. I sat up, laughing at how adorable Maya was.
"What? Disney?" Farkle happily screamed. "I love Disney! But last time I went, the mouse chased me..."
"Is that why you're so terrified of Mickey Mouse?" Zay smirked.
"Yes, that's exactly why I'm--" Farkle stopped. "I mean, I'm not scared of some stupid mouse. What do you think I am? A child? Who would be scared of-- okay, yeah I am."
"We're going next week," I told them. "Please come or else they'll make us go with an adult and what's the fun in that? My parents are paying for everything, so money's not an issue."
"I can probably make it," Zay said, shrugging as he took out his phone. "My parents are out of town, but I'll let them know right now."
"I'm definitely coming!" Farkle said with excitement. "Finally, something good happening this summer."
"Yeah," I laughed. "And we'll all be together."
"Except for Lucas," Maya added with a teasing frown. "Your boyfriend."
"He's not my boyfriend," I shivered. "Don't call him that."
She laughed and I bit my lip at how unaware she was. I was never into Lucas...I wanted to be, but clearly, nothing sparked between us, at least on my part.
She won't ever know how she makes me feel unless I tell her.
I shoved the thought away, not wanting to deal with that right now. I'd rather hang out with my friends than worry about the future.
We spent the rest of the night binge-watching TV and eating Chinese takeout. If there's one thing that I'll miss about New York, it's my friends. I could care less about the place, it's all about the people and how they make you feel, isn't it?
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