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rue's pov:

i cant stop the tears from falling from my eyes as i sit in a ball on the couch, trying to control my breathing.

i've never had a nightmare like that before. i haven't since i moved in with chris so it's been like 6 months but even when i did have them they were never that bad. this is the first time i haven't been able to calm myself down after one.

it's been about 15 minutes since i woke up and scarlett came back from her room a few minutes ago. she said she called chris and said he was on his way.

suddenly i hear the front door open and close then next thing i know i'm getting picked up into a huge hug, making me feel safe.

i wrap my arms around his neck and bury my head into the crook of his neck as his arms tighten around my back holding me securely like i was going to disappear any second.

the tears continues to flow out of my eyes as my body continues to shake with every sob that escapes my lips

"shhh it's okay, i'm right here" chris whispers into my ear as his hand rubs up and down my back.

"p-please don't leave me" i choke out from the sob and his hands tighten around my back

"of course not darling. i'm not going anywhere. i promise" he continues to rub my back making me feel calmer and safer by the second. the tears start to slow and my body starts to loosen up from its tense state.

"i'm sorry" i whisper with my broken voice

"for what? you did nothing wrong" he whispers back, resting his head on my shoulder and holding me close.

"i knew you went out on a date with morgan again tonight and i still asked for you to come so i probably pulled you away from her. i'm so sorry" i start to cry again and chris pulls me away from his chest so he can look at me in the eyes

"you did absolutely nothing wrong. listen to me, you will always come first no matter what okay? you will forever be the most important girl in my life. i love you so much" he says making more tears fall out of my eyes and he pulls me back into a hug.

chris takes me back home after i calm down a little bit. he carry's me inside and brings me into my room, laying me down on the bed and sitting up against the headboard. he pulls me back into his chest and starts rubbing my back.

"what time is it?" i whisper and i snuggle into his chest

"it's 4:30. you need to get some sleep" he mumbles and i can tell he's tired. i feel bad for waking him up in the middle of the night and asking him to come get me

"yeah" i whisper back. i close my eyes and try to fall back asleep but all i see is her. no matter what i think about it's always her that pops her way through my thoughts and some how she still manages to scare me even though it's been almost 6 months.

i open my eyes back up and just end up starring at the wall infront of me as i feel dads breathing slow meaning he probably fell back asleep.

i lift my head off his chest to look up at his face to confirm my assumption, and i'm met with a relaxed sleeping face.

i smile slightly before laying back down and snuggling feeling into his chest as his hand tightens around my back- holding me close.

the next night i decided i can sleep in my room alone, so i say goodnight to chris and we part ways. him going to his room and me going into mine- and dodger sleeping on the couch like usual.

i get in bed and since i didn't sleep last night i am extremely tired. i lay my head down on the pillow and close my eyes thinking about anything to try and distract myself.

i fall asleep without the thought of her around 11:30 but only 3 hours later woken up to another nightmare. the same one.

i sit up straight trying to control my breathing and tears but again nothing is working. i hold my hand up to cover my mouth so i don't wake up chris as i desperately try to stop crying.

i don't want to go get chris even though he said i could go get him at any time. he just looked so tired today because of last night and i know he wouldn't say anything but asking him to stay up with me again tonight is a lot, plus he has to go back to set in monday so he really needs tomorrow to rest since it's the last day of the weekend.

i finally stop crying but i'm to scared to try and go back to sleep so i decide to pull out my laptop chris bought me for christmas and put on a tv show scott showed me when i stayed with him around christmas time because dad had interviews.

i put on criminal minds, lay my head down on my pillow and pull my captain america build-a-bear into my chest as i watch the series through-out the night until morning.

it's been 2 nights since i've gotten a full nights worth of sleep and i'm exhausted but still to scared to sleep. i'm sitting next to dad on the couch as he watches american football and i just laugh as he gets excited over every pass or touchdown that his favourite team makes.

after the game is done, dad stands up to and starts to walk to his bedroom before looking back at me "come on you've got to get some sleep, i'm taking you to set tomorrow. the crew miss you" he smiles

"uh, can i stay up tonight?" i mumble, playing with my fingers, still curled up on the couch

"what's wrong?" he asks concerned

"nothing, just scared i'm going to have another nightmare" i give a sad smile before dipping my head back down to look at my lap

"if i let you stay up tonight, promise me you will go to bed super early tomorrow? like 6:30?" he asks walking back over to me

"yes i promise" i look back up and he kisses my forehead

"alright, but you are still coming to set with me tomorrow and if you need anything tonight promise me you'll come get me?" he raises an eyebrow at me

"i promise" i say before he blows me a kiss and walks out of the living room. i let out a sigh before turning the tv to criminal minds and pulling the blanket that rests on the back of the couch around me. not long after the episode starts dodger comes to join me on the couch, laying his head on my lap and falling asleep shortly after.

thank you thank you thank you for over 2.5k reads!!! this is a dream come true! i love you all so much and thank you for picking my book. i've been thinking and i might make a second book maybe even a third for this story but i'm not sure yet so don't quote me! anyways hope you are enjoying this book, don't forget to vote and comment :) 

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