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chris pov:

"goodbye darling, i'll see you later tonight" i whisper as i kiss her forehead as she's still asleep in my bed.

she sits up still half asleep wrapping her arms around my neck, snuggling into my neck.

"don't forget, scott's in the living room so if you need anything just ask him. and don't trash the house, make sure he stays in line" i joke and i hear her let out a tiny laugh.

"how long will you be gone?" she whispers

"it will probably be around 8 but i'll call you if anything changes okay?" i answer and she nods

"okay i really have to go now. i love you" i kiss the side of her head before placing her back under the sheets and turning the light off.

i get up off the bed and leave my room, shutting the door behind me and walking out to the living room to see scott playing with dodger on the couch.

"she's still sleeping but she will probably be up around 9" i say before making my way over to the door to grab my stuff for filming. "i'll see you around dinner time" i open the front door and make my way to the car as the sun is isn't up set.

i didn't miss waking up this early for filming. i get into the car only to notice it's only 6:15 am in the morning. i let out a yawn before pulling out of the driveway

i get to set and we start filming a few scenes until lunch time. me and nat walk to the food cart outside in the parking lot.

"so how's the girl?" nat asks

"she's amazing, she will warm up to you guys in a little bit and once she does shes like the best kid in the world." i smile as we order our food and sit down at the bench outside, enjoying the crisp autumn air

"she's lucky to have you chris, she really is" nat pats my back before getting up and walking back to set.

i finish my food before walking back into the studio to get my hair and makeup touched up before we start the last few scene of the day.

"and that's a wrap on today! good job everyone, and i'll see you tomorrow" joss yells as everyone breaks character.

"i'll see you guys tomorrow" i say to the people around me as i walk back to my trailer and get ready to go home.

rue pov:

"scott" i laugh as he chases me up the sidewalk

"i'm going to get you and throw you in the pool" he gets closer and i begin to slow down from running so hard

"no scott please don't it's freezing cold" i say before he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder as he makes his way to the house faster.

we opens the back gate right as we make it home and he strides towards to pool.

"no no no scott don't!!" i scream and start kicking around as he lifts me off his shoulder and chucks me into the pool allowing the cold water to envelop me into a suffocating hug.

i quickly swim up to the surface of the water, taking in a deep breath as my body starts to shiver still under the water

i quickly jump out of the pool and run over to scott, quickly wrapping my freezing body around his, making his shirt cold.

"you little bugger. your going back in the pool for that" he laughs, picking me up again and tossing me right back into the freezing water.

when i get back up to the surface i see chris now standing beside scott laughing at me.

i quickly jump out of the pool once again before running over to the both of them and bringing them both into a huge hug making them freezing as well.

"that's payback scott" i laugh before pulling him back into the pool with me, not giving him a chance to comprehend what's going on.

i hear chris laughing as my head submerges under the water for the third time. it's freezing, my body's freezing. it feels like there's a thousand pins and needles covering every inch of my body.

i push to the surface, letting the air fill my lungs as i manage to get out of the water completely. "c-can y-you get me a t-towel?" i look at chris and he nods before disappearing inside.

a few moments later he comes out with a few towels, giving one to scott and wrapping me in a huge towel before picking me up in a giant hug, rubbing his hand up and down my arm

"you-you're gonna pay f-for this" i stutter from the coldness looking at scott who just laughs at me.

"you gotta go get warmed up, let's get you inside" chris says before walking inside with me still in his arms.

"go take a warm shower then we can watch a movie after alright?" he asks placing me down in the bathroom before turning on the shower.

"o-okay" my chin chatters as chris walks out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

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