Chapter 3

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*Eight Years Later*


"Alright Sammy, you go in through the back, I'll walk in through the front," I told my brother as we entered.

I walked through the door trying to distract the demon we were hunting. The building was an old farm that looked like it'd break any second. I held up my demon knife as I continued through the building. The walls creaked with the wind pushing against it, but the noise of a girl's scream echoed through the whole building.

I was now running towards the noise of the girl. This was either a trap, or an actual girl. Entering another room, I saw a brunette lying on the floor unconscious.There was blood all over her arms and legs. It looked like she'd been thrown around the entire room.

"That poor girl deserved it," a voice said. I held onto my knife as I faced the man in front of me. "She had a lot of issues."

"So that gives you a reason to toss her around like a rag doll!" I hissed at the demon. He flashed his demon eyes and moved closer.

"I'm sure the physical pain hurt less than the pain in her heart. That girl needs help," the demon laughed. "That is if she's still alive."

I moved closer stepping in front of the woman.

"Don't you touch her," I hissed.

"Aww true love! I'm a real sucker for endless love," he laughed. He stepped closer to the woman threatening to kill her. I responded by chasing after him with the knife in my hand. He, however, threw me up against a wall. I fell to the floor groaning. The demon made his way closer to the woman.

"Hey!" I yelled. The demon looked up and laughed. "Why don't you come get me first?" He laughed again and started moving over to where I was lying. I got up ready to fight. Somehow, I managed to dodge his fists, but I couldn't do anything when he threw me up against the wall again. Now my back was killing me, but it wasn't anything different. At this point in my life, I was used to it. The demon came closer and grabbed me by my neck holding me up. It was taking my breath away and turning my face blue. Eventually I found air in my lungs when Sam came up from behind and stabbed the demon dead.

"You alright?" Sam asked.

"Never been better Sammy," I groaned. I ran over to the woman lying on the floor. Her arms seemed to have the most damage. There were fresh scratches running up her arm.

"Torture?" Sam asked me. I sighed and stooped down to pick her up.

"It looks like it," I replied. I shook my head and took her to the impala. She lied motionless in my arms as light as a feather. I sat in the backseat with her still in my arms. For some reason, I felt emotionally attached to this woman.

"Sammy, drive us back to the motel," I told him. He stared at me confused.

"You want me to drive Baby?" Sam asked.

"Yes Sam, now go!"

Sam drove as I held the woman in my arms. Something about her looked familiar and warm. I'd never seen this woman in my life, but I felt something weird. I felt like I needed to take care of her.

"How's she holding up?" Sam called from the front seat.

"She's breathing. She needs to be stitched up badly though so drive faster."

Sam sped up and eventually we were in the motel. I lied her on my bed and stitched her arms up. She lied there unconscious as I continued. The blood eventually dried on her arms leaving her dirty but still mesmerizingly beautiful.

"You think she's a hunter?" Sam asked.

"She has to be. She's got the scars to prove it. Also, how else would she be able to find that demon?" I responded.

"She's been out for awhile now."

"A couple of hours."

"You think she'll wake up?" Sam asked me. I nodded and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Yeah, she will."

An hour later the woman's condition had not improved. She continued lying there so beautifully asleep. Sam tapped on my shoulder telling me to go take a shower. I got up and went to clean off her blood that was on me. 


I awoke in a motel that I didn't recognize. The walls were poorly painted, and the television was so old that it had tin foiled rabbit ears. Pain shot through my arms as I remembered what had happened. Though, I was certainly unaware of where I was now. I looked around the room trying to find something familiar. I came across a gigantic man with long brown hair and an amazing build.

"Who are you?" I managed to croak out. He faced me with a shocked expression.

"You're awake," he said. I started to get up as he moved closer groaning at the bruise on my side.

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Oh sorry, I'm sorry. My brother and I are hunters. We saved you from the demon back there," the man explained. I looked at him questioningly.

"Thanks for that," I said. He nodded and gave me a sincere smile. I started to walk towards the door before he pulled my wrist and stopped me.

"Where are you going?" The man asked me.

"Back to my motel," I told him.

"Well why don't you come get dinner with my brother and I? You look like you could use some food." I looked down at my stomach as it growled.

"I'm fine, I have somewhere to be." I walked closer to the door and opened it. "Thanks for saving me."

"No problem."

I got back to my motel and took a much needed shower. It was nine at night by then which meant that I still had time to go to the bar. Slipping on a pair of jeans and a leather jacket, I left for the bar looking clean and fresher than ever. Though my black eye was a little difficult to cover.

I entered the bar which was pretty empty though it was only Wednesday. There were a couple of men here that looked immediately in my direction. I smirked and walked past them making sure to shake my hips. Sitting at the bar, I noticed a man sat right beside me.

"Can I buy you a drink?" The man asked. I looked over and noticed him immediately. It was the man that saved me from the demon.

"What, are you stalking me now?" I asked. He laughed and ordered beer for the two of us. I grabbed my bottle from the bartender and ushered to the man to make a toast. "Here's to second chances." He laughed at tapped his bottle against mine. I took a long drink from my beer and peered into the eyes of the man beside me.

"So what are you doing here?" The man asked.

"Probably the same thing you are," I laughed. He nodded.

"I'm here with my brother," he told me. I took another sip of my beer and set it down.

"Where is this man that you speak so highly of?"

"He's parking his car. He'll be here soon if you want to meet him. He's actually the one that took care of you while you were lying there all helpless and all." I shook my head and chuckled.

"I think I'm fine."

"Where are you from?" He asked me. I looked into his hazel eyes.

"Everywhere," I answered.

"What is your name?"

"What is your name?" I echoed.

"You really don't like talking about yourself do you?" He asked.

"Nope," I replied popping the "p".

"Let me guess, trust issues?"

"You don't know me," I snapped.

"But there's a part of me that thinks I do," he mumbled to himself.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him. He straightened his posture and took another sip of his beer.

"I feel like I know you," he sighed.

"I can reassure you that you don't."

"If you say so," he breathed out. The bar door dinged open as another man walked through. He was definitely gorgeous. He stood tall and built as he made his way over to us.

"Well, if it isn't... Oh wait, you left before you could tell us your name," the man said jokingly. I finished off my beer and set it back down. I could feel the man eyeing me down with his beautifully green eyes. Those eyes were extremely familiar to me. No, it couldn't be.

"Look, thanks for saving me guys but I'm going to pass on the whole introduction thing." I got up and started walking away. Though, I couldn't help but tune into their conversation.

"So Sammy, you blew it with another girl huh?" The man said wiggling his eyebrows at the man that was named Sam.

"Shut up Dean and drink your beer."

I paused in my tracks and turned around completely shocked. My heart dropped as I looked at the both of them. They were so grown up and beautiful. Sam was no longer the tiny teenager. Dean was no longer a young adult. They were handsome men.

I walked over to them slightly angry, especially at Dean.

"Sam and Dean?" I asked them. They looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. Dean pulled the beer from his lips.

"Oh so now you want to get to know us. What's it to you?" Dean asked winking.

"Winchester?" I asked. 

"Who's asking?" Sam asked me. I looked at them extremely nervous to see their response.

"It's me." I hesitated before saying. "Elena Gilbert."

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