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"We didnt leave any residuals"

Geto muttered. More to himself than anyone else, really. In response the older man let out a hoarse chuckle.

"The traces left by humans arent just residuals. Smell, footprints. My senses are also stronger because of the restriction, " He waves his hand dismissively, before continuing on. "Im sure you understand."

'If Satoru... What happened to kuroi?'

"You mustve met a woman on your way" Geto continued, brows furrowed. He was drawing this out and hoping that his body could adjust just a little more. He was starting to get used to the slight fluctuations in the air, and with every sudden movement toji made, he could roughly where the man stood. "What happened to her?"

"Hmm.. Ah! That maid? Shes probably dead. I didnt mean to kill her nor spare her life. She may still be alive if shes lucky."

Now he could open his eyes without getting too overwhemled. And he felt the world in a whole new light- as if he had been blind all this time. Almost as if he had another pair of eyes, locating what he he couldnt see beyond the walls that obscured his vision. A part of him wondered if this is what it felt like to be gojo Satoru. To be able to glance at the world as a whole- to see every little speck and dust and energy.

'A little' y/n rasps out, voice echoing in his mind. The tone she speaks in is utterly unlike her, devoid of its usual warmth and softness. This didnt sound like her anymore. 'It is only a sliver of what it would feel like. Satoru's six eyes are much more intricate in their nature.'

"I see."

Hes not sure who this response is for, and its both y/n and toji who reply with a grunt of acknoledgement. Geto sighs, flexing his fingers before his eyes dart in the direction of toji's faint siloette.

"Ultimately, you should-" The dragon from before emerged suddenly, "Die!"

Without another word, geto pulls up his hand, with ease opening multiple holes for curses to stumble through. He summoned his strongest- his trump card. It soared brilliantly against the debris, the sawdust-filled air parting to make way for the creature as it chased after the zen'in.

The sound of wood splintering and breaking filled the space- yet still they knew that Toji was far from dead. Geto scowled, placing his hand up and summoning hundreds of cursed souls launching them in the air. They fly across the sky cascading down in colours of blue and red, the man slicing them down with no remorse.

Instead he dons a wicked grin.

After all, Toji wouldn't be himself if he didnt slaughter the beasts with ease. A frown made its way to getos face. The intverted spear of heaven imbedded itself into the dragons skin, making quick work of its reptalian scales, and it fell to the floor with a thud. Its carcass broke the remaining support of the ground geto stood on.

"Cursed spirit manipulation.." Toji's scar was deformed from the smile that marred his face. "Just a jumble of scraps. What im really interested in is that little l/n in you."

Y/n felt felt her blood boil at his mention of her name, but she lets it pass. Geto couldn't afford to be distracted right now. The wind rushed past them as they fell, hair blowing in their faces as they balanced precariously on a wooden platform. A bullet whizzes past, and Geto is sharp enough that he moves to the side, but it still manages to nick his cheek. And everything goes black.

He feels the wamrth leave him so suddenly, replaced with the chill of the air that roared as they plummeted. A grimace form on getos face as hes brought to his knees from the sudden withdrawal of cursed energy in his veins, vision momentarily lost. His hands tremble, and he feels something rise up his throat.

Geto gags, and he thinks its bile at first before the ichor comes pouring down his mouth in cascading crimson. The world around Geto seems to spin, Toji's horrid laugh envelping him.

"Y- y/n-?" The jujutsu sorcerer stammered, blood running cold when he's greeted with silence. Another chuckle of amusement erupts from toji's lips as Geto glared up at him. "What the fuck did you do to her-?!"

"You're forgettin what position you're in."

Toji returned the inverted spear of heaven into his cursed spirit, pulling out a new, serrated blade. It shone sliver against the warm light of the passing lamps that flickered as they fell. The older man admired it, all while circling the teen like a shark after its prey.

"Let me remind you."

He stabbed the metal into the flesh of Geto's back, and he gruted in pain, body sprawled and writhing on the floor.

"See. I knew she'd be good and take care of you for me."

"Where am i?"

Y/n groans. Yet strangely, her body doesn't at all ache. The sky beams above her, bright and blue- the same colour it was before they left to drop Riko off at the Tombs of the Star Corridor. Right- Riko; where was she-? Miss kuroi? Geto? And where on earth was Satoru-?

Then it hit her like a bus. Toji, the events that led to this very moment, came rushing back to her. But wait. She was alive, wasnt she? So that meant everyone else must be alright too. Y/n laughed in disbelief, wiping at the stay tears that trickled down her cheeks. She must've fallen asleep, and gojo mustve decided to let her rest for some time. When she finds them, he'll surely tease her about it for the rest of the day.

The thought makes her smile. She could almost feel satoru's hand against her shoulder, almost hear his faint voice against the wind. There's a slight hesitation in her movements as she sits back down. Maybe she'll wait for him here, because she knows he'll come looking for her soon enough. He always does.

A few fly heads buzzed up in the sky, tarnishing y/n's view of the clouds. Despite the unslightly scene, she laughed softly. This reminded her of when geto and her had hunted hundreds lf them just to unleash multiple in satorus bedroom to annoy the white haired man. It was unlike geto to do such a thing, he was easy enough to persuade.

Not that he was opposed to it in the first place.

She sat there, reminiscing on the times she spent with gojo. And she waited. And waited. And waited. But it was taking too long.

"Where is he?" Y/n grumbled under her breath, scanning her surroundings. "Satoru would've come as soon as I've woken up... "

Y/n got up, brushing her clothes before freezing. Was she still dreaming? But as she looked down, her stomach dropped. She was translucent.

"What the-" Y/n examines her arms, flinching as she phased them through a tree. "Am i- am i dead?"

The words leave a nasty taste in her mouth as she utters them. Y/n looks around the woods, recognizing it to be the place where she has left her body for the time being.


And she ran. She ran with the familiar ache of her bones replaced by the throb of her chest. It was here, the clearing where they at left Satoru. The trail was filled with the remnants of a gruesome fight, the entire terrain was so deformed to a point where it was unrecognizable. She drew closer warily, the maroon that stained the ground starting to look more and more like blood.

There he was, in the midst of it all. Body lifeless as multiple flies kissed his once pristine face.

"Satoru-" Y/n gaped. Her hands passed through his cheek as she attempted to wipe the crusted dirt on him, tears starting to fall. "H- hey... Can you hear me, Satoru?"

Her voice shook, eyes trained on his face rather than his mangled body. Gojo had a laceration that stretched from his chest to his lower abdomen, and in his throat was a wound so deep she swore that the strange white that jutted out of his body mustve been his broken ribs. It was impossible. With how much time passed, there was no way he was going to survive-

However y/n didnt have the luxury to be scared. Because being scared meant that Satoru dying was a very real posibility- and y/n just wasnt ready to accept that. Her hands shook as she crouched down, flinching when her hands go through his body. It seemed to draw her in, and her eyes widened as a cut on his cheek seemed to close.

"Satoru? Just hang on, okay sweetheart?" She muttered, sweat beading on her brow as she used more of her cursed energy. For some odd reason, it seemed more difficult for her to heal in this state. "Youre gonna be alright, baby."

Y/n swore that Satoru's Peircing orbs have trained on her, and she smiles softly despite the tears flowing down face. She gulped, steeling herself. Despite the state she was in, she thanked whatever gods there were that she could heal him, even if it was by a little bit.

'Just look at me," Y/n almost coord with a shakey voice, as if trying to comfort Gojo. "Im here, so you're going to be just fine. ive got you."

If she could just sit here all day, then surely-

Shes snapped out of her thoughts at the sudden feeling of a piercing hot iron against her stemming from her foot to her leg, then her own gruesome cry of pain. Her scream echoes through the forrests, birds taking flight from the sudden noise. Someone had sliced at her ankle- the delicate delicate skin angry and red from the blood that marred it.

"Tch, i didnt think she would be so fragile."

"I told you to be careful."

Another voice retorted. Y/n almost passed out as a man threw her body carelessly over her shoulder. She was so delirious that she didnt even notice how she was back in her physical body.

"Why are you taking that one?"

"It interests me," A low, gruff voice declared. "Besides, i should get to treat myself every once in awhile, yeah?"

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