Chapter 1: The Boot

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The pitiful clatter of my wand on the stone porch, was soon drowned out by the definitive slam of the heavy doors. One of the bystanders, among many, was a grumpy looking pukwudgie and another one was an old man in colorful robes.

"The principal finally had enough, I see. Bout time." the pukwudgie says in its droning voice "shame it was you and not some other brat, you're tolerable."

"Funny, William, you pick my last day to say the nicest thing I've ever heard you say about a witch or wizard beyond the founders." I say. "At least they let me keep my wand instead of the clunker they were trying to force on me."

"I'll grab your stuff and bring it to the gate. Now scram before I eat ya." He said in his form of playfulness; very indistinguishable from his normal demeanor. "Also, not that it matters now, but the entire house has asked to be your date to the party this weekend."

"Right, the party I helped plan, and I can now not attend for my hard labor." I say grabbing the ancient wand from the floor. The colorful robes man stiffens and makes his way forward.

"Pray tell, why have they latched the door so securely? I'm here for an urgent appointment." He says. The pukwudgie named William, stiffens for some reason. I note the heavy gaze on my wand, so I put it away securely.

"Well sir, I was not so kindly asked to leave. they'll keep it locked while I'm out here. Ilvermorny policy." I say, causing William to laugh.

"For expulsion, maybe." The man takes concerned look at the pukwudgie, drinking in the info. "This bum was unofficially expelled."

"Well that's not right." The colorfully dressed man ponders for a bit. "Young man, we may be seeing more of each other." He soon, with the wave of his wand, undid the locks on the doors to the granite school. "Please wait for me at the gate." With that he strolls in with a wrathful purpose.

"I'll have your baggage out for ya." He says before starting to walk off. Before disappearing, he turns to the teen. "She would have wanted you to have that wand. Don't let M down." The pukwudgie had tears in his eyes before quickly leaving.

Left alone with my thoughts, I pulled out my charmed phone, listening to music while I thought and walked. As I walk the walk of shame to the gate, I run my fingers up and down the old, hand made wand.

Out at the gate there was a charmed nomag suv sitting out of the school. It has the charmed crest of the magical Congress. The crest is invisible to nomages.

I lean against the exterior wall as the gate closed behind me. A dark and brooding man stood near the car, seemingly annoyed. He was standing around, uneasy. He had a potions book in his hands, seemingly brought to pass the time.

I fiddle on my phone until William arrives with my luggage. My familiar had died during a "prank" earlier in the year, god rest that poor frost ferret.

"Did what I could to fend off raiders. Seems like someones not getting the house championship this year." He says with a devilish, sardonic smile. "Anyway, here you are. As well as this. Consider it a parting gift from her."

He hands over a steaming plate of food, setting my bags against the wall. It's from the ilvermorny kitchens. They were making shepherd's pie tonight. He knows it's my favorite food from here. "Extra cheese" I could cry.

"If you weren't an ancient pukwudgie, id kiss you" he gets his trademark look

"What's that supposed to mean?" He says

"It's a compliment, you big lug" I say laughing. The brooding one looks over, seemingly, with a modicum of intrigue. I'm about to try digging in when the old, tie-dye project wearing, man leaves school grounds.

"A new development, Severus." He says as he walks up to the broodbot of a man. They get in a discussion in which the brooder, increasingly, looks about ready to make Pompeii look like a little more than a bursting zit. I get the chance, which I take full advantage of, to eat. William says his quiet good byes and leaves. Tyedye and broodbot approach.

"Young man, I have taken an interest in you." Tye dye says, "Ill have to talk to your government, but how would continuing to further your education at Hogwarts sound?" He impressed me, He's calm and concise, And most of all, he treats me like I'm not a retard.

"Where is Hogwarts?" I say not wanting to be in the States for a bit.

"It's in Scotland, and I'm aware of your living situation." He says sparing me the embarrassment of explaining. "Where are my manners. I'm albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry."

"I'm Severus Snape, potions professor at Hogwarts." Broodbot says. I look between the oddly named men

"Well I got nothing else to do, so i might as well follow you to the Congress building." Albus opens the door for me as Severus loads my bags. He's surprisingly strong for someone so thin.

"Very good. I do believe Mr.Scamander owes me a favor." Albus says as the car starts to drive off towards the heart of magical bureaucracy in north America.

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