Max took the book from Cerci, he threw it to the ground.. "Well, let's torch the sucker." Max said, trying to light it up with his lighter.. Cerci looked at him like you would a three year old child.. "Are you finished playing?" Cerci asked, picking it up.. "Why won't it burn?" Alexander asked.. "It's protected by magic." Cerci said to them with a smile.. But the smile quickly dropped from her face.. As they hear Winifred, Mary, Jennifer, Sarah, Lucinda, Ruby and Martha laughing.. The sound echoing throughout the cemetery.. "It's just a bunch of hocus pocus!" Winifred said to Max as she hovered over them... Max, Allison, Dani, Joshua, Alexander, and Thackery all hide behind a gravestone.. While Cerci shoves the book back at Allison and stands her ground.. "Cerci!" Jennifer yelled to her.. "Mamma.." Cerci replied.. "How is it that she can go in there, when we can't?" Martha asked, looking down at Cerci.. "She is a white witch, Martha.. Get with the program!" Lucinda yelled at her.. "Do not yell at my Martha." Sarah said.. "Sarah!" Winifred yelled at her, almost making her fall off her mop.. She waved her hand.. "Mmm?" Sarah asked, looking at Winifred, she then flew away from her to do her bidding.. "Mary." Winifred said, waving her hand again.. "Winnie, why is thy Cerci standing in the cemetery with them?" Jennifer asked her.. "Well I do not know, Jennifer, she is thy disrespectful daughter!" Winifred said to her.. While Sarah zonened in on Max.. "Max!" Dani and Joshua screamed as she got closer.. "Brave little virgin who lit the candle. I'll be thy friend." Sarah said to him as she lay on her mop looking down on him.. "Mamma, he is a boy!" Martha said.. "Yes.. I can see that.." Sarah said with a giggle.. "He is also taken by another.." Martha said to her.. "Oh.." Sarah said, smiling at Max.. "Hey, take a hike!" Allison yelled at her.. She then dropped Book and attacked Sarah with a tree branch.. "Ooh! Ouch!" Sarah said, backing away from her.. "Allison, I am your friend.. Do not hurt my Mamma!" Martha yelled at her.. "Then tell your Mamma to stay away from Max!" Allison said to her.. "Jealous or what?" Lucinda asked Ruby as they watched.. Ruby nodded and smiled..
Winifred saw Allison drop Book.. "Book!" She called as he rose from the ground.. "No!" Cerci yelled.. As Cerci rushes over to Book. "Come to Mommy!" Winifred said with a sweet voice.. Cerci grabs Book as he floats towards Winifred.. "'Fraid not! Aunt Winifred!" She said.. As Thackery jumped up at her once more.. "Thackery Binx, thou mangy feline! Still alive?" Winifred asked with delight.. "And waiting for you!" Thackeray said to her.. He now sat in Cerci's arms, as Max took Book from her.. "Ohh! Thou hast waited in vain! And thou will fail to save thy friends, just as thou failed to save thy sister!" Winifred said to him with a laugh.. "Oh Winnie, I am having very bad feelings about this.. I think that our Cerci is in love with Thackery Binx the Cat.." Jennifer said to her.. "She is not our Cerci, she is a traitor! She is thy disobedient child!" Winifred yelled as she screamed.. "Mamma! You do not need Book.. Cerci can show you another way!" Lucinda said as she flew over to her.. "Do not try and distract me, Lucinda.. I will have my Book!" Winifred yelled at her.. As Max, Allison, Dani, Joshua, and Alexander all began to run.. "My Cerci is so clever." Jennifer said, gazing down on her.. The others were running through the cemetery like mad things.. Mary and Sarah with Martha and Ruby chasing them laughing like they do.. "But Mamma!" Lucinda said to her.. "Do not distract me from my work Lucinda.. I will speak with thee when Mamma has her Book back.." Winifred said to her, shoving her away..
"They can't touch us here, right?" Max asked as they tried to hide.. "Well, they can't." Thackery said.. "I don't like the way you said that." Dani said to her.. "But they do have other things they can use to hurt you." Cerci said to them.. "My god, this night just keeps getting better and better!" Max yelled at her.. "Do not yell at me, virgin boy! I am trying to protect you!" Cerci yelled at him.. "What's the matter Cerci, having trouble protecting the children?" Lucinda asked with a crackle.. "Oh my poor Cerci, lost to her emotions.." Jennifer said with a sob.. "But Cerci is still our family.. We made up after one hundred years." Martha said to Jennifer.. "So you are all friends again?" Jennifer asked her.. "Yes, for the last two hundred years.. But that is about to change again isn't it, Cerci?" Lucinda said glaring down at her.. "Unfaithful lover long since dead, deep asleep in thy wormy bed, wiggle thy toes, open thine eyes, twist thy fingers toward the sky. Life is sweet. Be not too shy. On thy feet, so sayeth I!" Winifred said with glee.. While Jennifer, Martha, Mary, Ruby, and Lucinda all smiled and giggled with glee.. While Jennifer still looked down on Cerci with love and longing to hug her one more time.. As the ground began to shake Billy's grave stone began to shake.. Allison, Max, Dani, Alexander and Joshua all ran to hide.. Screaming in fear of the unknown.. "Winifred called on Billy!" Thackeray said to Cerci.. "Come, we have to protect the children!" Cerci yelled as she ran off with them and Thackery.. While the Witches watched and laughed, the others hid.. Billy's grave rose up and formed a huge mound.. "Max! Max!" Joshua and Dani both screamed as they clung to him.. "Allison!" Alexander yelled as he clung to her.. When the wind finally calmed down, a hand rose from Billy's grave.. Then Billy sat up in his grave.. He looked around.. "Huh?" He asked.. As they all screamed at the top of their lungs.. Cerci slid down in front of them and held up her hands to form a protective dome around them.. "Cerci!" Jennifer yelled as she watched..
Billy looks around and then at his gravestone.. He sighs.. While Sarah gets excited.. "Hi. Hello, Billy." Sarah said flying down low to him with an excited smile.. Billy looks up at her and mumbles with some excitement.. He then catches sight of Winifred.. While this is happening, Cerci has stood and run off with the others.. "Catch those children!" Winifred yelled at Billy.. He of course has to do as he is told, but he doesn't like it one bit.. "Lucinda, how did Cerci do that?" Ruby asked her with suspicion as they watched.. "She has been practicing.. I knew she had My Book!" Lucinda yelled with annoyance.. "Do you think she snuck back to the cottage and stole it that night?" Ruby asked.. "No, Ruby, she just turned into a shadow and stole it from under our noses.." Lucinda said looking at her.. "I think she stole it." Ruby said.. "Of course she did!" Lucinda yelled at her.. "You are a real drama queen, Lucinda.. Just like Aunt Winifred!" Ruby yelled back at her.. "Get up! Get up! Get out of that ditch!" Winifred yelled at Billy.. "Hello Billy.. Did you see that girl, she is thy daughter Cerci.." Jennifer said to him.. He nodded to her.. "Move Faster Billy!" Winifred yelled at him..
While the others had made it through the older part of the cemetery.. "In here!" Thackeray said disappearing down into the crypt.. Allison, Alexander, Dani and Joshua are down and into the crypt with Thackery.. While Cerci and Max stand waiting for Billy.. Who is not running after them.. "He has been cursed, it is not Billy's fault." Cerci said to Max.. "I know." Max replied as he pulled back a tree branch.. As Billy got closer, he let it go, knocking Billy's head right off his shoulder.. "Yes!" Max said with excitement.. "I told thee that it is not Billy's fault!" Cerci yelled at him. "A Zombie is after my kid sister and brother.. I would do it again.." Max said to her.. As they both heard Winifred laughing.. Billy stumbled and looked around for his head.. Max then runs for the crypt and slides down into it.. "You coming?" Max yelled.. "Yes." Cerci said as she slid down into the crypt too.. "Are you okay?" Thackeray asked as he ran to Cerci.. She dusted herself down.. "Yes, thank you." She replied.. "Are you okay?" Allison asked Dani.. "Mm-hmm." Dani replied.. "We are good too." Alexander said as he stood with Joshua.. "What is this place, Binx?" Max asked, looking around.. "It's the old Salem crypt." Thackeray replied.. "Here, take the book." Allison said to Cerci.. She took it with a smile.. "It connects to the sewer and up to the street." Thackeray said to them.. "Oh." Max replied.. "Uh, charming." Allison said with disgust.. "Yeah this is rank!" Alexander said.. "Uh, don't look up, Dani." Joshua said to her with a laugh.. "Don't worry. I won't." Dani replied.. "If you do, you would see the bats.. They are so cool." Alexander said changing his mind about it being disgusting.. "Relax. I've hunted mice down here for years with my friend Flance.." Thackeray said to them.. "Mice? Did ya hunt Mice?" Joshua asked with interest.. "Oh, God." Dani said.. "You can get used to a lot of things that you never thought you could have." Thackeray said to them.. "Well that is just great." Allison said with disgust.. "Do not judge Thackery or even Pflance.. They, like you, are just working on their own instincts." Cerci said to them.. "Was that the same as you when you protected us from Billy?" Dani asked.. "Yes, I swore to protect the children of Salem from thy Mothers.. I will not stop as long as I draw breath." Cerci said to them.. "By the way.. Thanks." Max said to her.. "Do not thank me yet Max, we are not out of the woods yet." Cerci said to him..
While up with Winifred and her sisters.. "Oh, cheese and crust! He's lost his head!" Winifred said with annoyance.. "Yes he has.." Lucinda said laughing.. "Ha!" Mary said while Ruby smiled.. "Damn that Thackery Binx! Damn thy disrespectful daughter too, Jennifer!" Winifred said to her.. Jennifer scoffed.. "Yes, Damn her!" Lucinda said.. "Billy, which way did they go?" Winifred yelled at him.. "Winnie, let him get his head back on first." Jennifer said to her.. "Aaah!" Winifred yelled at her.. As poor Billy found his head and put it back on.. He looked up at Winifred again.. "Billy, listen to me. Follow those children, you maggot museum, and get my book!" Winifred yelled at him.. "Bring thy Cerci to me Billy!" Jennifer said.. "Bring me my Book to you maggot museum!" Lucinda yelled at him.. "Then come find us! We'll be ready for them!" Winifred yelled at him.. "All of us!" Lucinda said.. As Billy growled at them all.. "Quit staring at me! Get moving down that hole!" Winifred yelled.. "Yeah, quit staring at my Mamma!" Lucinda yelled at him.. As Martha, Sarah, Ruby and Mary all laughed.. "Bye Billy." Jennifer said in a quiet voice.. Billy flapped his hands at them and turned to walk away.. "Damn, damn, double damn!" Winfred said as she turned her broom to go.. "Broom, ho! This way!" Winifred said leading the way.. "Broom, ho." Lucinda said with a giggle.. As they all followed Winifred.. They all landed outside the cemetery gates..
"Ahh. They're here. I know they're here." Winifred said when they landed outside the gates.. "Mamma, Cerci knows another way." Lucinda said.. Winifred looked at her with annoyance.. "I know they're here, but where are they?" Winifred asked as she walked up and down.. "Winnie, look, I see them." Sarah said as she hung off the gates.. "I see spiders." Martha said, as the two of them began to laugh and pluck at the spiders.. Mary landed with Ruby by her side, she smiled at her daughter.. "Sniff them out, Mary." Winifred said to her.. "Uh, they're, they're, uh-" Mary said as she sniffed at the gates.. "I think they are gone." Ruby said.. "Oh, I can't. They've gone too far." Mary said.. "Cerci, where are thee!" Jennifer yelled into the graveyard.. "I do not think she is going to answer you, Aunt Jennifer." Lucinda said to her.. "But why?" Jennifer asked her.. "Aah! I've lost them!" Mary said to Winifred with sadness.. Winifred grabbed her by the ear and dragged her away from the gates.. "Aaah!" Mary said as Ruby followed along with her.. "Aah! I'll have your guts for garters, girl! Confound you!" Winifred yelled at her with annoyance.. "Mamma, I told you Cerci knows another way!" Lucinda yelled at her.. "How dare thee speak to me that way!" Winifred yelled at her.. "I dare because it is true!" Lucinda yelled right back at her.. "Then where is Cerci now? Huh? Do you know?" Winifred yelled at her.. "No.. But she knows another way to stay young forever." Lucinda said.. "I am sure she does, but she is not here is she?" Winifred asked her.. "No Mamma. But..." Lucinda was saying.. Winifred glared at her.. "Dose thee know where Cerci went?" Jennifer asked her.. "No, Aunt Jennifer.. I do not know where Cerci or Thackery go when they are not with us." Lucinda said to her.. "I bet I know who does." Ruby said.. "Who?" Jennifer asked with excitement now.. "Pflance." Ruby said with a smile.. "Pflance, the car?" Winifred asked.. "Yes, Aunt Winnie.. Pflance." Ruby said.. Winifred glared at her.. "Very well. We must outwit them." Winifred said to them.. "What are we going to do Winnie?" Jennifer asked her.. "When Billy the butcher gets here with my book,," Winifred said.. "Book!" Mary said with excitement.. "we shall be ready for them!" Winifred said with delight.. "But Cerci has thy Book." Lucinda said.. "Exactly! Ready!" Winifred said.. "Ready!" Mary and Jennifer said together.. "Sarah!" Winifred called her.. "Sarah!" Jennifer called.. "Mmm.." Sarah said coming down from the gates with Martha.. "Now, let us start collecting children." Winifred said.. "Children, yes." Sarah said with a giggle.. "I will help thee Mamma." Martha said.. "Why?" Lucinda asked.. "Why what?" Winifred replied.. "Why are we collecting children?" Lucinda asked.. "Yes, Winnie, why?" Mary asked.. "Because, you great buffoon, we want to live forever, not just until tomorrow. The more children's lives we snatch, the longer we shall live!" Winifred yelled at her.. "Right!" Mary said.. "Right!" Jennifer said with a smile.. "Let us fly!" Winifred said to them.. "Fly!" Sarah and Jennifer said together.. While Mary barks at them.. "But Mamma, I have told you that Cerci knows another way..." Lucinda said to her.. "Wait! Sisters. I have an idea. Since this promises to be a most dire and stressful evening, I suggest we form a calming circle." Mary said to them.. "I am calm!" Winifred yelled at her.. "Oh, sister. Thou art not being honest with thyself, are we? Huh? Huh?" Mary asked Winifred as she took her hands in hers.. "Come on. Come on. Give me a smile." Mary said to her.. Winifred looked at Sarah, then at Jennifer, they both smiled at her.. Winifred finally smiled at Mary.. As they all came together to form a circle, which included Lucina, Ruby and Martha..
"Come along. Not much further." Thackeray said as he led them through the tunnels.. While Billy staggered along following them as they ran.. "Let's see. Which way, which way. I can't remember." Thackeray said.. When out of nowhere Pflance pounced down at him.. "Oh! Pflance, you scared the life out of me!" Thackeray said to her.. "Well that will teach you for leaving me at the cottage alone!" Pflance yelled at him.. Max, Allison, Dani, Alexander and Joshua look at Cerci.. "Pflance belongs to Lucinda, Ruby and Martha.. She is magic." Cerci said to them.. "Now that is cool." Joshua said with a smile.. "Look, down here!" Thackeray said as he and Pflance headed down to the right.. Cerci smiled as they all followed on..
"Think soothing thoughts." Mary said to her sisters as they walked around in a circle.. As they looked up at the sky.. "Rabid bats." Jennifer said with a giggle.. "Yum!" Ruby said.. "Black death." Winifred said.. "Mummy's scorpion pie." Mary said.. "Mother." Winifred, Sarah, Mary and Jennifer all said together.. "Grandmother.." Ruby, Lucinda and Martha all said with a giggle as they all turned towards the full moon.............................................
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