Part 11

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"The children are coming." Sarah said as she arrived back at the cottage with Martha... "Ohh! Well done, sister Sarah. At least one of our children is well behaved." Winifred said glaring at Cerci.. "Winnie.." Jennifer said to her.. "Mmm!" Winifred replied.. "We have Book, and children." Jennifer said, pointing towards Dani with a smile.. "Yes.. Good, good, good, good!" Winifred said with delight.. "Let me out of here!" Thackery yelled to them from his hessian bag... "Be still, Thackeray.. I will help you soon." Cerci said.. "Cerci, untie me, let's get out of this madhouse, please.." Dani pleaded with her.. "Alas, Dani.. There be nothing I can do yet." Cerci said.. "Step away from thy child Cerci.." Winifred said.. Cerci looked over at Lucinda, but she did not want to help, she looked away.. "Come Cerci, help Mummy feed the boys." Jennifer said to her with a smile. She led her over to where Jay and Ice hung and began to feed them more chocolate.. Sarah and Martha run over to help, giggling together.. It was about then that Martha realized that Josh was missing.. "Where did thy boyfriend go?" Martha asked, looking at Lucinda..

"Hurry, okay? Oh, watch out!" Alison said as they drove to the cottage.. "Come on! Get out of the way! Move it!" Max yelled at the kids who were walking.. While Jenifer and Sarah stuffed candy bars into Jay and Ice's mouth.. "Aaah! I'm gonna ralph." Ice said.. "Open up!" Sarah said.. "No more candy, please!" Jay said to Jennifer.. As Cerci, Lucinda, Ruby and Martha all stood at the back of the cottage whispering about the boys.. "Soon the lives of all thy little friends will be mine.." Winifred said, looking at Dani.. "Oww! Oww!" Thackery said as he hung in his bag.. "Thackery!" Cerci said, rushing over to him and leaving the girls.. "And I shall be young and beautiful again forever." Winifred said with a smile.. "It doesn't matter how young or old you are! You sold your soul!" Dani said to her.. "'Tis true sister, you sold thy soul to Father." Jennifer said with a giggle.. "Yeah and even he doesn't want you.. You're the ugliest thing that's ever lived, and you know it!" Dani said to her with vengeance.. Winifred hisses at Dani.. While Lucinda rushed over and got into Dani's face.. "How dare you call my Mamma, Ugly!" Lucinda said with total and raw anger at her.. Dani shrunk back from her, as Winifred pushed Lucinda aside.. "You die first." Winifred said to Dani with anger.. "Humph!" Dani said glaring at Winifred, and Lucinda who stood with her.. Winifred then spits into the cauldron, green smoke rises from it.. As does Lucinda.. They smile at each other.. As Ice and Jay scream like little girls.. "'Ahh! 'Tis ready!" Winifred said with glee.. She grabs the big spoon and heads over towards Dani.. "Pry open her mouth." Winifred said.. "Gladly." Mary said, pushing Martha away from her.. "Dani, don't drink it!" Cerci yelled at her.. "Shut up, you!" Winifred yelled at her.. "Winnie, do not yell at thy daughter!" Jennifer said standing up to Winifred.. "Excuse me?" Winifred asked, turning on her.. Sarah had now moved over to help Mary with Dani.. "I am not sorry!" Jennifer said, standing her ground.. "Don't drink it, Dani!" Cerci yelled again.. "Do not anger Winnie any more.. Or she will hurt you." Jennifer said to Cerci.. "Yes.." Winifred said glaring at them both.. "Winnie, the child." Mary said to her.. Winifred then turned back to Dani.. "Come on, open your mouth." Winifred said, trying to shove the potion in.. But Dani held her mouth shut.. "Open up--" Winifred said.. "Aah! Aah! She bit me!" Mary screamed.. "She bit me, Winnie!" Mary said to her in disbelief.. "Way to go Dani." Cerci said to her.. By now no one had noticed that Lucinda, Ruby and Martha had left the cottage, none but Cerci that is...

"Prepare to die. Again." Max yelled to her as he rushed into the house.. "You! You have no powers here, you fool!" Winifred said to him with glee.. "Hollywood!" Jay yelled to him.. "Maybe not!" Max said to her.. "Come here!" Ice called him.. "But there's a power greater than your magic, and that's knowledge!" Max said to her.. "Hey, come on, man!" Jay yelled to him.. "And there's one thing that I know that you don't!" Max said ignoring Jay and Ice.. "Ohh! And what is that, dude?" Winifred asked with attitude.. "Daylight savings time." Max said.. "'' Daylight savings time.''" Winifred asked, tilting her head to the side.. Alison had now turned on the lights on the truck, they shone through the window, tinting it red.. It looked like the sun was rising.. "Winnie!" Mary said cowing with her.. "Aaah!" Winifred screamed.. "Aaah!" Sarah screamed.. "Aaah! Winnie!" Jennifer yelled as they all stepped back away from Max.. "The sun! No!" Winifred yelled.. "The sun!" Mary yelled.. "It hurts!" Sarah said.. "Oh Winnie, I'm melting!" Jennifer said as she lay on the floor with her sisters.. "Thackery! I'm here!" Cerci said to him, as she took him from the hook.. "Aah! Hot! Hot cat! Hot cat!" Thackery said as Cerci pulled him out of the bag.. While Max had rushed over to untie Dani.. "Hey! Let me outta here!" Ice yelled.. "Help! Help! Hey! Hollywood!" Jay yelled.. "Help us out here." Ice yelled.. "Here take Thackery." Cerci said to Dani.. While she stood there and waved her hand, making the huge Cauldron spill the contents on the floor.. "Tubular!" Jay yelled with excitement.. Max then ran over to Ice who was hanging with his feet dangling.. He smiled up at him and took his shoes.. "Ah come on man!" Ice yelled.. As Max, Dani, Thackeray and Cerci all walked out the door.. Outside at the car, Dani hesitates.. "Max! I wanna see her turn to dust!" Dani said, with vengeance... "Then thy better run, because the sun is not up for at least another hour." Cerci said to her.. "Pump it!" Dani yelled as they all slid into the car.. "Why is she with us?" Alison asked Max as they drove.. "She helped.." Max replied.. As Cerci sat with Thackery not speaking..

The Sisters are now up and they realized that they have been pranked.. "Damn that boy. He's tricked us, and stolen Cerci..." Winifred said to them.. "Oh, you're right. You're always right. I don't know how you do it-" Mary said groveling again.. "'Tis because Winnie is perfect." Jennifer said as she lay on Winifred patting her hand.. "No, 'tis my curse! That, and you three. Get off me, you thundering oafs!" Winifred said to them.. "Ohh! Sorry." Mary said apologizing again.. All the sisters stood and looked around the room.. "Winnie?" Jennifer asked.. "Look! The candle's almost out, and my potion-- My beautiful potion." Winifred said, almost crying.. "Oh Winnie.. Cerci was always a naughty girl." Mary said.. "Cerici was not a naughty girl!" Jennifer yelled at her.. "Where is thy Martha?" Sarah asked, looking around.. "That is what I was trying to tell you all.. Ruby, Martha and Lucinda are all missing." Jennifer said to them.. "Oh.." Mary said with shock.. "Look! There's just enough left for one child. Get the vial." Winifred said to Mary.. "Oh yes of course.." Mary said, rushing off to do just that..

"Come on! Move it!" Dani yelled to Max as they drove.. "Oh, joy! What luck! This is perfect for that little towheaded brat." Winifred said to her sisters.. "We have a child." Sarah said giggling, as she looked over at Ice and Jay.. "Him!" Ice said, pointing to Jay.. "Him!" Jay said, pointing to Ice.. "And look, Winnie, more children are arriving. Come on in." Mary said as she looked out the window.. "Winnie. Winnie, we will make more potion because, Winnie, we have the book!" Sarah said pointing to Book.. "We haven't the time!" Winifred said with annoyance.. "Winnie, do you not care that thy daughters are not here?" Jennifer asked her.. "No, they will be with those boys again.." Winifred yelled at her.. "They are such naughty girls." Mary said with a lopsided grin.. "Not my Martha." Sarah said with a smile.. "Besides, I want to get that little rat-faced kid that called me--" Winifred said.. "Oh! Oh, don't say it. Don't even say it." Mary said to her.. "Ugly?" Sarah asked giggling.. As Winifred punched her in the stomach.. "Oh.." Sarah said.. "Oh, honey. I know." Mary said to Winifred as she took her hand... "She really hurt my feelings." Winifred said, laying her head on Mary's shoulder.. "She's jealous." Mary said, patting Winifred.. "She doesn't even know me!" Winifred said to her.. "I know. I know. And she said--" Mary said.. Sarah held out her hand to Winifred, she took it and wiped her nose with it.. Jennifer handed Sarah a cloth.. "You know, I always wanted a child. Then Mother gave us Jennifer.." Winifred said snuggling into Mary.. "Then we met thy husbands and had children of our own." Jennifer said to Winifred with glee.. "I know." Winifred said to her.. "But Winnie, your Lucinda was with them.." Sarah said.. As Winifred flicked her hand and hit Sarah once again.. "I know she be a disobedient child.. But now I think I'll have one. Mm-hmm? On toast!" Winifred said with delight...

"Step on it, Max!" Dani yelled at him.. "Are they following us?" Max asked as he looked into the rear view mirror.. "No.." Alison said.. "Good." Max said.. As they continued to motor along.. When Winifred appears by his window, she of course is on her broom.. "Pull over! Let me see your driver's permit." Winfred said to him.. As Dani and Alison screamed.. Winifred leaning in the car and tried to attack Max.. He went to bump her with the car.. "Resisting arrest?" Winifred asked with a laugh, as she flew back to them.. As Max again bumps her broom with the car, she goes flying into the bushes.. "Aah! Whoa!" Winifred said as she went face first into the bushes.. "Yee-hah!" Max said with excitement.. "Way to go!" Alison said.. "Whoo-hoo!" Dani said laughing.. As they sped away from her.. "You know that is not nice Max." Cerci said to him.. "If you don't like it, Witch, get out!" Max yelled at her.. Cerci did not speak, she sat there patting Thackery..

They arrived at the Cemetery, all jumped out of the car.. "Hurry! Hurry! Run!" Thackery said to them.. "Go, go, go, go, go! Come on! Let's get a move on!" Max yelled at Dani.. As Max ran right into Billy Butcherson.. "Max!" Dani screamed, as she ran to help him.... "No, wait, Dani!" Alison said to her, holding her back.. "Run, Dani, run! Come on!" Max yelled to her.. "Go with Alison, I will help Max with Billy." Cerci said.. Cerci watches as Billy fights with Max.. Just as Winifred has arrived.. She is outside the gates hovering on her broom.. "Billy!" Winifred yelled.. As Billy took Max in a hold.. "Billy, listen to me! Kill him if you must! just bring me that child, that Dani!" Winifred said as they struggled.. "Watch out Billy, Max has a knife.." Cerci said as she watched them together.. "And put some wiggle in it, you putrid, festering sore!" Winifred yelled at him.. "You know I don't think that is helping, Winnie.." Jennifer said as she arrived to hover with Winifred.. "Now, don't dawdle! Come along now! Kill Cerci too.." Winifred said.. "No Billy, do not kill thy Cerci!" Jennifer yelled at him.. "Come along now! Kill him! Do it now!" Winifred said.. Billy now stood with Max, he had his knife.. "Don't do it Billy.." Cerci whispered to him.. He looked at Cerci then up at Winifred.. Billy then takes the blade and slits the stitches in his mouth.. He spits out cotton wool.. "Wench! Trollop! You bucktoothed, mop-riding firefly from hell!" Billy yelled at Winifred.. "Aaah!" Winifred screamed at him.. "You have been waiting a long time to say that, haven't you?" Jennifer asked with a smile.. "Yes, I sure have Jennifer.." Billy said with a grin.. "Oh say what you want, just don't breathe on me.." Max said to Billy.. "Billy! I killed you once! I shall kill you again, you maggoty malfeasance!" Winifred yelled at him in anger.. "Run!" Cerci yelled at Max... "Hang on to your head!" Winifred yelled as she zapped poor old Billy again.. He lost his head.. Cerci went to him and took his head, she placed it back on his shoulders.. "Thank you.." Billy said..

When they arrive back with Billy, Alison and Dani try to attack Billy.. "No.. No.. Good Zombie." Max said to them.. "Cerci are thee alright?" Thackeray asked her.. "Yes." She replied as he jumped up into her arms again.. "Come on, then. We'll have to hold them out until dawn. It's our only hope." Thackery said to them.. "Hi, Billy." Dani said to him with a smile.. Max then takes out his baseball bat and a can of salt.. Alison spread a can of Salt around Billy's grave and they put Dani in it... "You'll be safe in here." Billy said to her, as he helped her into the grave.. "Thank you." Dani said.. "Does that really work?" Cerci asked.. "It did on the sisters earlier tonight." Alison said to her.. "Oh.." Cerci said with a smile.. While Max practices with his baseball bat, Cerci watches.. "Here they come! Billy, grab Dani! Max, Allison, spread out!." Thackery yelled at them.. "For the last time, prepare to meet thy doom! You little pest. I've had enough of you." Winifred yelled as she zoned in on Max.. He then began to swipe at her with his baseball bat.. Winifred then grabbed the bat off of him and began to chase him down.. "Hello Mamma." Lucinda said as she appeared beside her.. "Where have you been child?" Winifred yelled at her.. As Max fell to the ground.. Lucinda laughed.. While Sarah is chasing Alison around, she throws a handful of salt at her.. Causing Sarah to do a flip on her broom.. "Mamma, stop showing off." Martha said with a giggle when she arrived.... As Winifred then began to zone in on Billy and Dani.. She zaps a tree branch near him, it falls.. "Billy!" Dani screamed.. "Go to hell!" Billy yelled to Winifred.. "Oh, I've been there, thank you. I found it quite lovely." Winifred said with a laugh.. She then knocked Billy's head off again.. "Ohh! Aah!" Billy yelled.. "Billy, I think you dropped this." Dani said to him with a smile.. "Uh-huh." Billy said, taking it back again..

By now Max has made it back to Alison, they stand watching what is going on with unbelieving eyes.. "Oh, God." Alison said.. "Max!" Dani screamed.. "Dani!" Max screamed back at her.. She of course was sitting now on the broom with Winifred.. "Mamma stop Aunt Winifred!" Cerci yelled as she stood in the graveyard.. "Why would I do that my sweet girl?" Jennifer asked.. "Mamma, let her go." Lucinda said.. "Say Bye-bye, big brother!" Winifred said with a smile.... "Winnie, don't.." Jennifer said to her.. "You stay out of this! All right, you little trollymog." Winifred said to Dani.. She then pulled the potion out of her pocket.. "Aaah!" Dani screamed.. "This'll teach ya to call people ugly! Now, open your mouth! Open your mouth, I say!" Winifred said.. "Don't do it Winnie!" Jennifer yelled at her as she sat on her broom, next to her.. "Or what? You will do what?" Winifred asked her in anger.. "I will call Dad.." Jennifer said to her.. "Ohh! Confound you!" Winifred said as Thackery jumped up on to the broom, causing Winifred to lose the vial.. Max caught it.. "Give me that vial!" Winifred yelled at him.. "Don't do it Max!" Lucinda yelled at him.. "Put her down or I'll smash it!" Max yelled to Winifred.. "No, Thackeray!" Cerci yelled when she saw him in the tree.. "I must Cerci, for Emily." Thackeray yelled at her.. Winifred smiled at Max.. "Mamma!" Lucinda yelled, Winifred then looked over at her.. "What?" She asked in anger.. That is when Thackery jumped up at Winifred.. But she was watching and she pushed him to the ground in anger.. "Thackery!" Cerci yelled running to her.. "Smash it and she dies!" Winifred said, wrapping her hand around Dani's throat.. "Smash it Max!" Dani yelled.. Max wants to be he can't, he stands there watching Winifred.. As does Lucinda and Jennifer.. Max then drinks the vile.. "Max!" Dani screams at him in shock.. "Now you have no choice! You have to take me.." Max said to Winifred.. "What a fool to give up thy life for thy sister." Winifred said to him.. "Something you would never do, I'm sure of it." Lucinda said to her with sadness.. Winifred looked at her with hurt and confusion.. "What did you just say to me?" Winifred asked her with anger and annoyance.. "You heard me. I always thought you were better than that.. But as usual, we are left with nothing but disappointment.. You and your sisters are not nice Witches!" Lucinda yelled at her.. "How dare you speak to me in that manner!" Winifred yelled at her.. "I dare because you are a Bad Mother!" Lucinda yelled at her.. "I do not have time for this.." Winifred yelled at her as she flew down to drop Dani on the ground.. She then grabbed Max by the shirt and took him up into the air.. She began to suck the essence out of him.. While Jennifer, Sarah and Mary looked on.. "Mamma don't!" Lucinda screamed at her.. "Max!" Dani and Alison screamed..

It was then that Cerci stood up.. "Enough!" She yelled, causing Winifred to drop Max on the ground.. "Jennifer, speak to thy disobedient child now!" Winifred yelled as she went after Max once again.. "No." Jennifer said.. Winifred stopped and looked at her.. "What?" She asked.. "I said no." Jennifer said to her.. "Then I will take Max for thyself!" Winifred said as she swooped down on Max.. "No you will not! No more killing children!" Cerci yelled, causing Winifred to drop from her Broom.. She landed in the tree right beside where Max lay on the ground.. "Lucinda, come and help Mamma!" Winifred yelled at her.. "No." Lucinda said.. "Mary, Sarah come!" Winifred said.. As both girls went to fly over, Cerci waved her hand stopping them.. "No more.. I am calling Grandfather!" Cerci yelled at them.. As the thunder rolled, the lightning flashed, and the ground began to shake.. Then there was silence, all looked around in awe.. You could hear flapping as Lucifer landed by Cerci.. "Master... Why has thou come?" Winifred asked in shock, as she hung from the tree.. "Master..." Sarah said, flying down to hover over him... "Oh is it really thy Master?" Mary asked as she hovered near him on her vacuum.. "What no hello Jenifer?" Lucifer asked her.. "Hello Father." Jennifer said with a smile.. "Your sisters have made a bit of a mess of things I see." He said to her.. "Yes.." Jennifer said, looking at the Sisters.. "Is that, the Devil?" Max asked Cerci in total shock.. "Yep." She replied.. "Oh God!" Alison said.. "Now what are

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