Just One Hockey Game

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It was 10 am and i just woke up and checked my phone. And saw a message from my boyfriend.


Chris❤️: hi are you awake?
                                    7:30 am

                                                     Well now i am : Y/N

Chris❤️: finally, anyways im going to a hockey game today wanna go with me?

Um sure what time? : Y/N

Chris❤️: be ready at 15:00pm I'll come pick you up

I started to get ready soon because Chris hates waiting. I took a shower and put one some pretty clothes.

(it looked like this)

And soon Chris texted me that he's here. I went out and got into his messy car. "hi love" I kissed him on his cheek "hey" he said in a kinda ignoring, not intrested way.

When we got there his friends were already there and he was talking to them and drinking his beer, most of the time and pretty much ignoring me. But when I told him to not ignore me he got mad and started screaming at me in front of everyone but thanksfully the game was ending. Then we just kept arguing and he was yelling at me for things I didnt even do but he was drunk so I didnt take it seriously.

Then the game ended but we were still arguing in front of the building and I was so cold (because its in Finland) and he was still arguing with me and then he said "okay you know what i think we shouldn't even be together I didnt even like you anyways" and he got into his car and left. And i was left there crying  while he and his friends left. But out of nowhere I heard some voice behind me and I turned around. It was a hockey player and he asked me "are you okay? I heard what he said and i hope you dont take it seriously he was probably drunk". I quickly wiped my eyes and said "yeah, um he was" then he asked "anyways do you need anything? you are shaking aren't you cold? " and I was cold so I said "yeah I kinda am cold, um do you think you could get me a ride home? I live like 3km from here" and he didnt even think before talking and said "yeah ofcourse come i'll show you where my car is" then we walked to where his car was and he said "my name is Clay by the way" you looked at him with  surprise in my face and said "oh nice to meet you my name is-    wait are you that Clay? That hockey player?" then we got into his messy smelly car and he said "yeaah that Clay, what's your name again?" "Y/N, you are so good at hockey like I dont understand how do you play so well..." then we talked about hockey for a bit but he wanted to change the subject since they lost to days Match (5:4). So I started talking about how messy his car was "Do you even clean here?" "what do you mean" he said. "Well your car is full of old sweaty clothes and im not gonna lie it smells kinda bad here" then he laughed and said "well I didnt have nobody in here for like 2 months so it didnt Brother nobody, but i'll tidy it up dont worry" and then we talked and laughed for the whole entire time, and it felt like a dream it was so fun that I forgot about Chris.

Then we got home and he asked me for my instagram so I gave it to him and we took a picture together, we hugged and i left into my house. He watched me walk into my house and made sure i was ok.

When I was home i took off my make up and went to bed because I was so tired. I turned my phone on and I saw that Clay folowed me on instagram. I had around 500 folowers so i noticed right away. But I was about folow him and I saw that he had 150k folowers. I saw that he texted me something but when I was about to text back I fell asleep.

   Hi! This is me the author of this story. I hope you like it, make sure to let me know what do you want in the next parts<3.


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