Word Count: 1492
I open my eyes to a bright room. I groan and I hear a gasp from my right. "Heath!" I recognize my mate's voice and smile. I turn my head to look at her. "Hey there little one." I say. I try to sit up but she pushes me down. "You are still healing Heath, you can't move around a bunch." She tells me. I growl in annoyance. "How long was I out?" I ask. She frowns and I see sadness in her eyes. "You've been out three days..." She says, tears now forming in her eyes. "I.. I thought I'd lost you!" She cries, flinging her arms around me. I sigh. "You won't loose me that easily. After all, I just got home." I chuckle. She nods against me.
I put my free arm around her. "I won't be going anywhere for a long time love." I tell her. I feel her nod against me again. "Please don't leave me again..." She says quietly. I frown, remembering what I had done. "I'm sorry little one, but you needed some time away from me. I knew it would help you get out of that ridiculous idea that our relationship was weird. You've been all over me since I returned, around even the humans." I chuckle. She sits up and glares at me. "You didn't have to leave.." She says. I shake my head. "Maybe not, but I wasn't sure of that." I tell her. Her frown disappears and she just nods slowly.
There's a knock on the door and while she walks over I sit up. I wasn't in any pain. When she turns again she glares. "I told you not to sit up!" She yells, making the person at the door laugh. I look past my mate and see Alex. I smirk and wave as Violet walks over and tries pushing me back down. "I'm fine Vi. I'm not in any pain really. I'm an Alpha remember? I heal faster." I tell her, but she still frowns. "Glad you're awake. The little Luna has been steaming since we all saw you pass out." He says, walking over. I glance at Violet who is blushing and shaking her head slowly. "Im not Luna yet.." I hear her say quietly in an almost sad voice. I look at Alex who looks surprised. I feel my wolf stir. He wants to mark her. To make her our Luna right now. I can't. She's to young.. She hasn't even finished school yet! I shake the thoughts from my head. "Alex did you need something?" I ask.
He looks back to me then nods. "Right! Well while you were asleep Dom and Jocelyn have been checking in. Well they are coming today and I was wondering if you would be well enough to come down. I plan on proposing to Cassie today while they are here. I have been waiting till you woke up dude." He says, excitement clear in his tone. I smirk. "Of course! I am happy for you Alex." I tell him, turning to put my feet down. Violet growls at me but I continue. I slowly stand and smirk when I feel no pain. I look at her and she rolls her eyes, handing me a shirt. I slide it on then grab her hand. Let's go." I say and she nods. I follow Alex out of the room. We were in the hospital wing so we had to walk outside to get back to the pack house. When we walk in all eyes turn to me. "Heath!" I turn and see my sister running towards me. I laugh and hug her. "Michelle." I say her name and she giggles. "I'm so glad you're ok! Everyone has been worried sick. I was-" I growl, cutting her off.
I stare at her neck. "Clearly you weren't that worried." I say through clenched teeth. I glare at Darian. He had marked her and they mated. Michelle gives a nervous laugh. "Heath stop.. He's my mate..." I hear her say. My wolf didnt care. He and I both say she's to young to be mated already! "Heath I've scared the boy enough." I turn to see my father smiling at me. I growl again but nod. I guess it's ok if our dad already gave them a talking to. "Fine. I still think you're to young though." I glare at my sister as I say this and she rolls her eyes. I turn as everyone walks forward to finally greet me and tell me how they are all "happy I'm well and back on my feet." I hear a car door and look at Alex who now looks nervous.
I go over and open the door. "Heath!" I hear them before I see them. Heather and Vince run up and hug me. I laugh and hug them back. "Hey you two." I say and they both smile up at me. "Mom and dad said you were in the hospital! Are you ok?" Heather asks. I chuckle and nod, look up as Dom walks over with Jocelyn. "Glad you're finally awake." Dom says. I shrug and grin. Jocelyn smiles and then looks past me with an excited look on her face. "Lets go in hurry!" She says. I nod and let them into the house. Cassie immediately goes to hug her sister and Alex stands behind her with a nervous look. I give him the thumbs up and wrap my arm around Violet who was at my side again. She is smiling as well.
"Everyone I'd like to say something please! If I could have your attention!" Alex says loudly. Everyone turns to look at him and he is looking even more nervous. Cassie turns to him, clearly confused. I watch him grab both her hands. "Cassie. You are my mate. My girlfriend. My only love." He says. I see Jocelyn recording with her phone. Cassie looks confused until Alex releases her hand and teaches into his pocket, pulling out a small silver box. Her hands go to her face as she gasps. "I wish to spend all of eternity with my mate." He says, getting down on one knee. Cassie has tears in her eyes and so do half the women in the room. "Cassandra Felicity Turner. Well you please do me the biggest honor? And marry me?" He asks. I hear "aww" go all around the room. "Oh course I will!" She exclaims, making everyone laugh.
I look down at Violet to see tears in her eyes as well as she smiles at the scene. I step behind her and hug her close, leaning down close to her ear. "I will make my proposal to you 100x more romantic than that." I whisper into her ear so nobody else would hear my words. She stiffens and I smirk before kissing her cheek and moving back beside her. She looks up at me with bright red cheeks. I wink at her and she looks to the ground. I keep my arm around her, smiling to myself.
When everyone started to leave, I leave Violet with her friends and go look for Anthony. When I find him he is alone. "May I speak with you?" I ask. He looks at me and nods. I lead him to my office and we both sit. "I don't know what to do Anthony." I say, looking straight at him. This isn't something I'd usually talk to her father about but I couldnt talk to anyone else. "What do you mean Heath?" He asks, looking concerned. "Ever since I woke up... My wolf.. All he wants is to mark Violet... But I cant do it... I know she is far to young to be ready for that.." I say, knowing he will get angry. When he says nothing I glance up. He looks to be thinking. "Heath I don't know what to tell you.. She's my daughter, I want her to be happy. I would prefer you not to mark and mate with her until she is older, but I do not know when the right time may be for either of you." He explains. I sigh. "I don't know how long I can hold him back... I can't leave again Anthony. It will crush her if I do. She hasn't even left my side since I got back till now.." I tell him. He nods slowly. "I know what you mean, but im afraid theres not much a can tell you. This is up to you Heath. I am glad you came to me with this, but I do not know how to help you." He tells me. I sigh and nod. "Thanks Anthony. I guess I'll figure it out over time." I say and he nods before standing and leaving my office. I can't help but feel that something bad will happen if I can't control my wolf.
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