Emergency Alpha Meeting

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Word Count: 2365

I woke up the next morning feeling very confident. I get dressed in my nice suit that I wore to all Alpha meetings. It was a pain but at least I'd be dressed up for Violet when I got home. I grab my phone and type out a message to Violet.

I hope you have a wonderful birthday. I hope you meet your mate and that he is everything you ever imagined. I apologize for having to go to this meeting on your birthday, but I swear the gift I give you when I arrive home will be well worth it, mia piccolo smeraldo. Happy birthday little one.

I sent it to her and slide my phone into my pocket. I head downstairs and see Alex and Fred waiting for me. Alex stands. "You ready?" I ask and he nods. I look to Fred. "Make sure everything goes perfectly today." I tell him, giving him a stern look. He nods with a smile. "I will. Anything for my future Luna right?" He asks with a smirk. I laugh and nod. "Keep an eye on everything today. We should be back sometime this evening. I will send you a text when we leave." I say, walking out the door. He nods and I sigh, sliding into the passenger seat after Alex got into the drivers. "Let's get this over with. I want to be with my mate." I say, making him smirk with a small nod as he starts the car.

We arrive at the Greenside pack house an hour later. A meeting like this could last as small as an hour, or go on for almost 4 hours. I wasn't sure how this would really go but I wanted to be out of here as soon as possible. I walk up to the house and the door opens a moment after I knock. "Alpha Michelson of Black Diamond pack. This is my beta Alexander Ramirez." I tell the man. He smiles. "I am Pete Burns, Alpha of Greenside pack. Welcome, come on in we may now start the meeting. I follow him to a meeting room where 4 other Alphas sat with their Betas and some with their mates. I notice Dominic and Jocelyn sitting together with Frank, the Beta. I walk over and take a seat beside Dominic. "What a wonderful surprise, I didn't know you would be here." He says, smiling at us. I shrug. "I wouldn't be if it wasn't so urgent." I say, frowning. "Why is that?" He asks. I glance at him. "Today is Violet's 17th birthday." His eyes go wide as I say this. "Well looks like we need this meeting to get over with." He says and I nod with a smile. 

We turn as Pete begins speaking. I could tell he was young, and he hadn't been Alpha for long. He looked to be about only 21 or so. "I welcome you all to my pack. Everyone introduce yourselves. I am Alpha Pete Burns, this is my Beta George Hall." He say, then takes a seat. The other Alphas introduce themselves and I looks at Dominic when it's his turn. He stands. "I am Alpha Dominic Ford. This is my Beta Frank Summers, and my mate Jocelyn." He says Jocelyn's name more slowly. I hear one of the other Alphas scoff as he says mate. I turn and look at the man. Dominic growls. "Got a problem Cain?" He asks, glaring at the younger Alpha. Cain put his hands up. "Not at all. Just find it weird that your mate is so much younger than you." He says, glaring at Dom who growls in return. "That is not your concern. Besides, it's not so weird anymore as its happened to another as well." Dom growls at him before sitting back down. Cain looks shocked. I stand next. "Well then, I am Alpha Heath Michelson of Black Diamond pack. This is my Beta Alex Ramirez, and as you can tell, my mate is not with me today." I glance at Cain with a small glare. "She is turning 17 today and knows nothing of the bond at this moment. So if you all don't mind, lets get this meeting over with." 

I sit down and glance at Dominic who is holding in a laugh. I smirk as I see some of the other Alphas laughing lightly as well. Cain rolls his eyes. This man was interesting. "Well then, shall we begin with the problem at hand? There is a pack of rouges that has formed in the unclaimed territories. Small groups of them have been seen near my boarders. Alpha Dominic, I believe these may be some of the same rouges that attacked your pack a few years back." Pete says this and Dom stiffens. I glance at him and see anger and hatred in his eyes. "They must be eliminated immediately, they are dangerous, especially if their is a whole pack of them." He says. Many nod in agreement. "I think we need to form a plan for if they are to attack any of us. They are all around. Not only here I am sure." Pete says, looking at each of us. 

"We should set up an attack plan and also come up with ways for our packs to train for this not only in our own packs, but together as well." Says one of the other Alphas who's name was Riley. I nod in agreement. "I recommend each pack sending 10 fighters to another pack. Those 10 should spend two weeks in each packs territory, training with that pack. Once finished, they go back to their own pack and train the other members of their packs with these new skills." As I say this I see many of the others nodding in agreement. I smile to myself. I had a good idea for once. "Anyone against this idea?" Pete asks, looking at everyone. Nobody says anything so he nods. "Alright. I say when everyone goes back we take one week to get our 10 members ready and picked out then send them off. We also need to decide who we will be sending where first." He says. I mentally groan, not wanted to do this. But it's important. I just need to focus on this meeting and hope its over soon.

Four and a half hours later I was still sitting in the meeting room, discussing the final plans. "I do believe that is all we have today." Pete says, sitting finally. He had been standing this entire time. He looked exhausted. I pull my phone out. It's three, an I have five texts. Damn that took longer than I thought. "We should be going Heath. If we don't then we'll miss the end of the party. It will take us at least an hour to get home. Not to mention stopping to pick up Violet's other gift." He tells me. I nod and look at Dominic. "You're welcome to join us for the party." I tell him. He looks to be thinking then he smiles. "I think that would be fun. Wanna go Jocelyn?" He asks his mate. "Of course! I can't wait to see the look on Violet's face. Plus it wouldn't be so bad to see my little sister." She smiles at Alex who smirks. I nod. "Then it's settled, you'll be joining us." I say with a smile. They nods and I stand, stretching. Some of the other Alphas were already leaving. I look at my phone again and open the texts. Two are from Violet and three are from Fred. I open Violet's first.

Thank you Heath :)

You never told me what that means! You said when I pin you that you would finally tell me!

I smirk as I read her texts. She was right, I had told her I would tell her what it means when she finally managed to pin me down. I guess I did have to tell her, but it wouldn't be a problem now if I said it to her. I follow Alex out to the car and slide in as I type out a new message to Violet.

I guess I do have to tell you don't I, mio piccolo smeraldo. But I do not wish to tell you what it really means. Maybe if you're lucky I will tell you when I get there with your little gift. Do you still have the necklace?

I send it, smiling at my screen. I open Fred's texts and all three are pictures of my Violet. The first was her walking down the stairs in a beautiful blue dress that she had bought for the party. The second was her outside with her friends. The last was her sitting alone, opening gifts. I smile at each picture and save them all to my phone. I send Fred a 'thanks, heading home now' right as my phone beeps, telling me I had a new text from Violet. I click it and see a picture of her smiling and showing off her necklace. I smile. She is so beautiful. I quickly save the image and send back one phrase.

Sei così bella

I send it then set my phone down. I sigh and lean my head back, smiling to myself. I hear Alex chuckle. "I'm assuming something she said made you happy?" He asks as he keeps his eyes on the road ahead. I laugh and nod. I couldn't wait to get back home to my little Violet. Alex and I sit in silence the whole ride as I text Violet. Her fighting me to tell her what the two phrases mean. The car pulls up to the place where I was picking up Violet's gift. "What exactly did you get her Heath?" Alex asks, giving me a funny look. Is smirk "You'll see. I will be right back." I say, stepping out of the car and walking up to the store. I see Dominic park beside Alex and roll down the window to talk to him. I walk in and the different scents hit me. I hear the different sound of dogs barking and birds chirping. 

I walk up to the counter. The man recognizes me and goes to the back. He comes back with a crate and I smile. "She tends to not like the crate. Here are the other things you asked for." He hands me the bag and I nod. I look into the crate as I hear the small meow. "She's going to love you little one." I say with a smile. I give the man the money and I grab the crate and the bag, leaving the store. I walk over to the car and put the bag and crate in the back seat. I hear the meows of protest and Alex turns to glare at me. "You bought her a fucking cat?!" He asks. I chuckle and nod. "They are her favorite." I say. I open the crate and pull the small kitten out and shut the door, moving to sit in the front seat with the small bundle of fur in my hands. Alex gives the cat a dirty look and I shake my head. I look over and see Jocelyn smiling. "I wanna see!" She says. I laugh and hold up the small cat that fit in my hands. "It's so cute!" She exclaims, making Dominic laugh and shake his head. "How do you expect that cat to live in a house of wolves?" Alex asks. I pull the kitten down on my lap and it curls up, purring softly. "I don't think it will be a problem." I say, smirking. He rolls his eyes and stares the car. I just laugh.

We get back around 4:30 and I realize the main event will be happening soon. I slide the sleeping kitten into my jacket as I step out of the car. Nobody knew we were here because we parked in the back. I quickly go off to find Violet. I was way to excited for this. I walk through the forest, glancing at the kitten every few seconds to make sure it was alright. I stop when I hear Violet's voice. I sneek through the trees and see her standing with her friends. I smile and listen as they speak. "When do you think your mate will show up?" One of them asks her. I watch her frown and sigh. "I don't know.. I thought I'd have met him by now.." She says in a sad tone. "Well who do you think it is?" Asks one of the other girls. "I know who she wants it to be!" Says another. I frown, what did that mean? "Shut up Rose.." Violet growls to her friend who giggles. 

"Oh please Vi, just admit you wish your mate was Alpha Heath, it's so obvious the way you act when someone mentions him." The words of Rose make me smile and makes my wolf howl with excitement. "It doesn't matter how I feel about Heath.. I'm just his student.. He will never like me.." She says. Her friends all roll their eyes. "But still, you like him Vi." They say. I pull my phone out and send her a text, telling her I'm home with her gift. I watch her look down at her phone and her friends look at it as well. "He's here. With a gift? I wonder what he could have got you." Rose says with a smirk at Violet. "Shut up Rose.. it's not like that. He sees me as a student. I'm never going to be more than that.. besides... my mate is somewhere.." She says in a sad tone. I frown and start making my way over. None of them notice me. I step up close behind her. "You sure about that, mio piccolo smeraldo." I say in a quiet voice close to her ear. She gasps and turns to face me. She stops and stares at me with shock. I just give her a cheesy smile. "H.. Heath.. you.. you're my... My mate?"

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