Day 2

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"is it safe to say am hungry?" I asked the kind women standing opposite me.
"Definitely ma'am, I remember when I was pregnant with Sam here, I almost ate for the whole of a thousand people, but it pays off when the baby is three times the normal baby size"Marta joked." I'll fix up something for you miss Lewis"
" It's Antonia, please call me Antonia"I corrected.
" My bad, sorry Antonia"she smiled sweetly and walked into the kitchen. Now am left with her super handsome son Sam.
"So, have never seen you around here. And you're pregnant for Mr Pierce"he started the convo.
" It's actually a long story"I responded and changed the topic" so, how long have you been here?"
"Mum started working for Martin, since I was 17.he pays for my tuition and we also live at the Bq at the back there. He's actually a nice man. Mum adores him"he answered smiling.
" Martin, nice. I can't imagine that. He's always being rude and arrogant. "I disagreed.
" Well, he's probably trying to show his bad side to scare you away. Cause this man is nothing like you just described "he stood up from the sofa and moved to the bar to get us drinks. "We argue, almost all the time, but still, I don't hold grudges. He's good are more than the bad"he placed a glass in my front. And opened the bottle of the wine.
" I shouldn't be drinking this" I shook my head.
"Just a drop, it won't hurt." He gave me the puppy dog eyes.
I laughed"you look really weird doing that, can you stop"
He still continued. "Pretty please".
"Alright" and I downed the drink.
"Another cup" he poured.
"No, Sammy no, it isn't good for the baby" i refused.
" As a toast to our new found friendship"Sam proposed.
I agreed and raised my cup to his..... When we heard that voice behind us"what the hell Samson" he yelled. None other than Martin Pierce.
"Hey man, calm down. It's just a little harmless drink" Sam argued.
"She's pregnant".Martin roared.
" Everyone knows that Martin." I rolled my eyes.
He walked over to us, dropped his briefcase and dragged me by the arm. All the way to my room.
"You stay here" and he locked the door leaving me in the room. I tried to turn the lock but it was locked from the other side. I started banging the door. "Am hungry Martin" I shouted.
I resigned myself to the bed as I heard Martin and Sam arguing downstairs.
Now, let's do a little rewind shall we.........
So after our little chat yesterday, Martin left the house and spent the night God knows where, and he was just returning now all clad in a blue suit. Which looked really nice on him. Everything looked nice on him.
Earlier this morning, I met Marta and her son sam. Marta was the housekeeper and also the cook. Marta was about 46 and Sam was 23. we've been having the time of our lives untill He came.
"Arrogant, cocky, proud and rude bastard."
"All those names for me"I heard him say from the opened doorway.
" All those and more" I stood up and made to walk pass him. He held my arm."let me go".
"I wanna make a few things clear,I don't ever want to see you with him or any other guy. You're carrying my baby"
""I snatched my arm.
" You stay in here." He pushed me gently back to the bed.
" Am hungry"I whined.
" I'll bring your food"and he walked out locking the door again.i took my pillow and screamed into it.
He came back a couple of minutes later,fresh from bathe with my yummy looking meal.He placed it in my front on the bed and I dug in immediately with him looking at me,probably disgusted,I couldn't care less.After eating , I looked up at him and I saw something in his eyes.i was still trying to analyze it when he spoke"you eat like a pig"
I hissed."psycho".
He smiled"wacko"
"You can't beat me in this game......and also,I wanted to discuss something with you"I pushed the tray aside and patted the spot next to me.Asking him so sit.he shook his head" am fine this way."
"So,this flirting game,I would like you to stop.i believe that it is highly inappropriate and uncalled for"I swallowed.
" Really...... Antonia,cause it seems to me that you are the one who's doing all the flirting"I blushed.
" You're beginning to get fat antonia.cant wait till you're all fat and ugly."
I screamed while he laughed loudly along with me." I hate you Martin"
"The feeling's mutual Antonia" he replied.
" Well,I didn't ask to be pregnant Mr Pierce so fuck off" I dismissed standing to walk to the closet." And I absolutely love your shirts"I heard him walk up to me.
" Don't touch those have your shirts too" he warned.
"I like mine,I love yours." I picked a white transparent shirt"this looks nice.
" Don't wear that"
" Why not"I purred.
" Oh gosh,you're are fucking crazy" he walked out frustrated." I can't believe this ,and you started this no flirting rule,you are fucking sick Antonia,fucking sick".
I burst into laughter as I watched him leave my room.

Earlier,I saw the swimming pool and now am going to go check it out.i wore my swim suit with Martin's shirt and I looked like a seductress in the mirror.
I moved to go out when I heard him talking to someone and the person was laughing.
".......she's fucking sick, she's a clown man....." I coughed and they both turned to look at me.
I saw his partner's jaw drop as he looked at me.amd I smiled internally."hello" I whispered.
"Hmmn, hi,am Chris ,Martin's best friend,also,his only friend."he introduced stretching his hand out for a handshake.
" Shut the fuck up Christopher" he tapped his head.
Something I noticed about Martin was that he doesn't use the short form of someone's name.
"Am Antonia,it's nice to meet you" I took his hand.he brought my hand up and kissed it.i blushed tomato red.
"My pleasure beautiful" Christopher replied .
I excused myself and went out to the pool.

Martin's pov.

"Man,she's beautiful" Christopher exclaimed.
" Thanks for telling me,I couldn't see,all this while"I answered sarcastically.
" How do you cope.?"
" I left the house with a boner yesterday.had to find a girl to suck it out.same as right now.i can't spend a night in the same house as her and not fuck her brains out" I admitted.
" You're in deep shit bro"
" I agree"
I knew I was in trouble from the first day that doctor introduced us. I knew I couldn't keep up.I always knew. And it didn't help that she was flirting with me too. Yesterday,I could see her nipples poking out of the shirt calling my name,but I choose to ignore,little did I know that there was no panties too.
She's killing me. I knew that my resolve wouldn't last long,but damn,I was trying really hard. She wanted it too,but common sense is warning us not to do it.i could keep my end of the bargain if we both kept our distance.i was falling,really hard and the only one to save me,would be the forbidden fruit.
"You still up for Friday night?" Christopher asked.
" Yeah,I am"
" Bring her with you "
" No, I can't.she won't even agree. She's so hard headed."
" Am sure she will."
" Whatever man,am going to bed."I stood up, expecting him to do the same.he didn't.
" I'll stay here for a little longer."he answered my unasked question.
"You waiting for her?"
"What !!! no" he denied.
"Get out of my house Denise" i commanded.
" Calm down man"he stood up" jealousy looks bad on you"
" What,am not jealous"I argued.
" Possessive then"
" You're losing it "I urshered  him out and closed the door.
I walked to the pool to take a peek and I saw the most beautiful girl I had ever encountered,swimming laps in the Jean tightened as I retraced my steps back.
This spells TROUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!


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