Hey guys I did want these to be two serprate but they were both to short unfortunately so here they are together enjoy
The day of kiris and bakugos wedding quickly arrived. Bakugo was worried that everything wouldn't look perfect. No matter howany times mina said everything would be fine bakugo kept worrying he wanted everything to look perfect for kiri. Eventually bakugo stopped worrying but nervousness took over. Bakugo stood at the alter waiting for his bride. Then the toon rnad through the church bakugo looked at their firneds and family (minus kiris parents) and knew this was exactly where he wanted to be.
Then the two large doors opend showing kiri. Her hair was braided and small little flowers decorated her braid.
(this was her dress)
Bakugos p.o.v
I was so nervouse that things wouldn't be perfect however as I saw thoes doors open and I saw kirishima all my worrys flow away. She looked like an angle sent form heaven. I just stare at her gobsmacked as she walked down the aisle. Aizaw smilled as he walked kiri dien the aisle, since kiris parents refused to even show up. Kiri was heart broken but she didn't let that ruin her day. Kiri blsuhed gently ad I just stared at her.
Sd the priests spoek I held kiris hands and just smilled looking at her. Nothing could take this moment away.After the ceremony we parted late into the night with our firends. Ofocurse before we left the church she got all the girls to gather around and throw her bouquet. And the lucky momo caught it. I saw her look at jrio and blush.
-a few months later-
Kiri had gone into labour a few hours ago and I was sitting next to kiri while she gave birth. She has almost broke my hnads a few times but it was worth it. I kissed her head and said encouraging things to her to try and make her feel better since I hated seeing her in pain. After a few long hours she successfully gave birth to 4 healthy baby puppies, 3 boys and our beutiful baby girl.
Kiri lay on her bed resting holding one of our sons and our daughter and I held our other sons. I kisses their heads gently and smilled.
Kiri smilled at me and said "you name our two sons if you want to?"
"ofocurse how about ren and haru??" I asked making sure kiri liked their named.
She noodrd "I love them so much now for these two what about Akio and kat?" kiri asked
Bakugo kissed her head "they're perfect"
Okay guys that's wlthe end sorry its not the best but I still heop you enjoyed. Please feel free to suggest any idea you guys want or wpudl like to see.
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