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I was running, laughing, giggling and playing with the cutest baby alive....and it is none other than.....BAMIEE!
Yes, Jeon bam...He is a doberman, He has big body, big tail, and his actions are soo cute...Godd, i love him asf.

He also got very friendly with me, right now me and bam are playing in the living room meanwhile Mr Jeon is attending a important call..*sigh* he is always on work... can't he leave it for sometime?

I plopped on the couch being all exhausted, Bam came to me running,i chuckled and pulled him up making him sit on half my lap and half the couch.

"My bamie loves me right?"

He barked making me chuckle, i leaned in and kissed his forehead and face multiple times but......A cough made me look in that direction, Yeah...it was Mr Jeon

Goddd...He looks jealous, Eommaaaa , i shouldn't have kissed bam, W-what i will do now?

I gulped as i found him coming closer to us, He called bam and told him to go outside.

Now only me and him were in the room,
He sat beside me, looking straight at me, i gulped looking down playing with my fingers.

HE shifted closer to me, Lifting my chin with his Long Finger
"Yolu disobeyed me?"
I gulped again, what should I do?
"Look at me Mrs Jeon"
I looked up at him, his dark aura
"Don't you think you should do something to make up with me?"
Shit! I know what he is talking about...But i can't do That i have never even held his hand by myself and he wants me to do That???
"W-what c-can I do?"
He chuckled,
"I know you know Princess"
Princess, A new nickname for me..?

I bite my lips .. looking down again.
"You forgot that night's deal?"
Ofcourse not! I DIDN'T!

Flashback yesterday night

"No matter When, No matter How, No matter Where, You have to give me at least 3 kisses... Everyday from tommorow"

I gulped, My eyes widened hearing his proposal.


He groaned feeling annoyed.


God...I am shy! How should I tell him that I am okay with everything but I am just too shy to do something!


He raised his eyebrows in confusion and amusement at my sudden change.

"O-one k-k-kiss a day"

He smirked, His dark hot smirk, he nodded.

"One kiss"

Flashback ends

"I-i remember"

"Then do what you have to Mrs Jeon"

I nodded, looking up at him...His hypnotic eyes, his rosy lips, his dark orbs, his lips piercing, his milky skin, his everything is insane.
I leaned in, shifting closer to him, i closed my eyes, too shy to look at him at this moment I turned to the left side and Placed a kiss on his cheek.
When my lips met his skin, it gave me a sudden butterfly sensetion, my heart beating faster, my legs trembling, these butterflies in my stomach and His presence...it's Nervousfull but also Tempting.

I disattached my lips from his cheek, looking down being embarassed and shy cause.. Did i really kisses my husband?
People might think i am insane but it's really a big deal for me to even kiss my husband.

He let out a satisfied groan and looked at me His playfull gaze.

"Waiting for the day when I'll taste those juicy pink lips of yours"

I just sat there shyly cause What can I even do?
Mr Jeon also sat with me, after some minutes of silence he burst out into a light chuckle.
"Don't be this much shy Princess, Well...i wanted to ask you something "

"What is it?"

"You are an artist right? So how about a special art room for My Mrs Jeon?"

My eyes widened in surprise hearing his words, Cause OFCOURSE I WANTED IT! i quickly nodded and automatically a wide smile spread on my lips.

"OMG! Are you serious Mr Jeon??!"

He chuckled, Probably he thinks I am acting like a baby.

"Do you think I would joke?"

I shooked my head as no and jumped on couch again.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you so much Mr Jeon!!!!"

I said excitedly, he chuckled again and leaned in

"So how about one more kiss?"

He looked at lips licking his own

"Maybe somewhere else this time?"

My cheeks flushed red as i quickly got up and ran upstairs.

He chuckled behind me


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