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I was sitting inside Our bedroom . It was a huge luxury room with a King sized bed centred in the middle. The room's theme was dark as expected, Rose petals were spread everywhere and smell of an addicting cologne was hitting my nostrils making me bite my lips out of nervousness. My husband is not here yet, I am hella scared and nervous thinking about what will happen when he will come... Gosh....

I thought to use my phone until my husband arrives, i grabbed my phone from the nightstand sat resting my chin on my palm scrolling through The thousands of messages I have got . I ignored them all and clicked on "Angels" group chat of me, Lisa unnie , Jennie unnie and jisoo unnie.
They were just blabbering about how it was on the wedding and about my Tomato face. I backed and checked other messages which were from My school mates, congratulating Me for wedding. I thought to reply them letter and switched off my phone and at the same time i heard a click sound of door opening as i diverted my gaze to the bedroom door caughting the sight of My husband , coming inside while staring the shit of me.

I shifted uncomfortably and looked down as i felt my cheeks heat up. My heart beat increasing as i felt him walking towards my direction slowly. He stopped straight infront of me and stares me with his intense gaze.

"You should have changed, Mrs Jeon!?-"

His voice.....

"Umm...I-i a-am s-sorry-"
"What you are sorry for?"

I gulped as i felt him coming closer to me. He sat on the bed closer to me and lifts my chin up with his long, hot fingers. My red cheeks became dark red when my eyes met his intense gaze.

"I told you not to be scared of me, Didn't i?"

His face dangerously close with mine, i tried to look down but he didn't let me and looked at me with an expression which wanted me to give an answer to his question.

"Again Mrs Jeon?"

He chuckled darkly and leaved my chin. He laughed to himself and then again looked at me making me look down instantly.

"you know what? You are so cute"

He said and go up, Going inside a room which is attached to our room, Maybe dressing room? I kept biting my lips and after few minutes and few drops of blood bleeds from my lips, he came with his clothes.

"I will change in the guest room, Go get changed Mrs Jeon, your clothes are in the wardrobe"

He said waiting for me to reply and i just nodded and he headed outside.

I let out a heavy sigh when he went outside and jumped off from the bed, Heading to take my clothes. I scanned the wardrobe perfectly and after ruining the perfectly folded clothes, i finally found the pair of my Yellow night suit.
"Perfect"I said to myself and  went to change.

Time skip

After taking a good 40 minutes shower, i came out of the bathroom, drying my hairs nd humming my favourite song. But as soon as I came out I saw My husband. He was laying on the bed, doing something on his phone. He was already changed into comfortable clothes, black shorts, black sleeveless shirt..Uff i don't think this man has anything else except Black, Black and Black. He noticed my presence and shut off the phone, He came to me with steady steps making me look down out of nervousness. But for my surprise he changed the direction and went to the dressing table, he pulled out hair drier from a cabinet and handed it to me.
"You should use this Mrs Jeon"
I took it from him as he continued further

"You are My wife now , So just tell me what you want, whatever is it...it will come to you running "
I gulped by his dangerous aura and nodded. But somehow I felt good that there's someone who cares about my choices and willings. I smiled a Lil and started drying my hairs but cause i have never used a 'hair drier' before, i didn't know what to do.
He understood the situation and came to me chuckling. His dark chuckle, oh my God.
"Such a kid"
I am not a kid!! He made me sit on a chair and started drying my hairs. His perfect body full on display cause of his tight outfit, his vieny hands combing my hairs and drying them....uffff....My heartuu... It is beating so fast, faster than the speed of light and my cheeks...Shit!!! They are also red. I looked down hiding my face and he chuckled again.


I bite my lips and finally after 10 long minutes he was done.


I nodded and got up and he went to keep the dryier on it's place. I stood there playing with my fingers....WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW??

He came and we both made an 0.0068963369 sec. Eye contact but i quickly looked away.

"You ate anything?"

I shooked my head as no.

"Wait here, i am bringing food for you"

He went without listening to my reply. I sighed and sat on the couch , grabbing my phone.

After some time the door opened revealing him. He came with a plate of food filled with different types of dishes and sweets. He sat next to me resting the plate on his lap, he took a spoon and offered me. My cheeks flushed red again,

"I-i c-cant eat by m-myself"

He Sighed and placed the plate away from his lap. He sat on his knees on the ground making my eyes widened. He took my hand in his , rubbing his fingers into mine and spoke softly.

"You are so scared, Aren't you?"

He asked looking straight into my eyes, i bite my lips looking here and there but him.

"Answer me...Mrs Jeon"
His voice dimanding and dominate.
I was so nervous, i didn't know what to do....

I hardly uttered making him humm.

He rubbed his fingers against mine and spoke

"Please don't be"

His voice kinda more than soft making me look at him instantly with wide eyes. Never in my life i thought this will be.

" You know what? I want this whole damn world to be scared of me.... Except Youu"

I gulped looking into his eyes. He spoke further

"I know you were not willing to marry me....

He knows?

....but Can't you give this marriage just one chance? I want to give you all the happiness of this world, want to cherish you, love you . Will you give me a chance Mrs Jeon??"

I don't know why but my eyes strained tears and i said but my voice came out broken

"B-but y-y-yo-you h-hate m-m---"

He cutted me off

"Who the fuck said that?"
His voice being tensed.

"Y-y-yo-you didn't c-came in the c-cafe that d-day”

He Sighed and looked down chuckling. He grabbed his phone and showed me...It was a wallpaper of me? I looked at him confused. It was the same day when we were gonna meet.

" I came there Mrs Jeon, but You were busy playing with some kids so i didn't bothered and left"

Everything makes sense to me now. He held my hands again and said in a soft tone, soft enough to melt my heart.

" Will you give this marriage a chance? Will you give me a chance??"

I was so shocked already... I didn't know what to say....


He smiled widely and kissed the top of My hand.

"Thank you so much Mrs Jeon, You don't know how happy I am....

Me too

..... let's start our happy marriage life, Mrs Jeon"


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