Chapter ⁵

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I pack some clothes, my spare toothbrush and toothpaste, and of course some of my makeup products into my suitcase before my phone rings on my bef and I quickly zip up my suitcase. I pick the phone without looking at the ID. "Hello?" I answer. "Miss Sana?" Mr. Son calls from the other side, "Oh hello, Mr. Son." "Hi, uh sorry for the sudden call. I needed to tell you that Mr. Kim doesn't want you to drive here yourself so I'll be picking you up tomorrow morning because there is some personal reasons, will that be alright?" He says.

"Oh of course that's fine. I'll text you my address." I reply, "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow Miss Sana." "Bye, Mr. Son." I end the call and placed my phone down on my desk. "Hm, personal reasons?" I say before walking into the washroom to shower.



-Next morning-

After eating breakfast I quickly put my hair up before putting on light makeup. I changed my clothes to black jeans and a white shirt tucked in. My phone dings and I assumed it was Mr. Son telling me that he's here so I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. I grab my house keys and suitcase before opening the front door and locking it behind me. "Good morning, Miss Sana." Mr. Son walks up to me, I bow down. "Morning." "Please let me." He grabs my suitcase and walked to the car. "Thank you." I say before hopping in the black range rover.

"Excited?" Mr. Son asks, "Yes, a little nervous though." I smile nervously, "Don't worry Mr. Kim won't go hard on you. He's only moody when he's had a hard day at work." I nod, I sure hope he has a good day at work.. "Also I was wondering, is there any other maids other than me?" I ask, "Yes of course but they're a bit older than you and are very well experienced in a lot." He replies.

"We're here." Mr. Son announces as I open the passenger door and hop out while Mr. Son takes my suitcase. "I'll show your room first then Mr. Kim will meet you when he gets here to tell you what you need to do since he's parents aren't here at the moment." Mr. Son opens the door for me and I enter, "He's the only one here?" I ask, "Yeah he's parents are in Canada for a very important meeting and will be back in a few days." "Any siblings he has?" I ask, "Yeah he has a five year old little sister back at Daegu with their grandparents."

Interesting, Mr. Son leads me to a white hallway with two doors at each side, he stops at the far right, "This will be the room you're staying at." He opens the door and enter first, "If you need anything, my office and Mr. Kim's will be at your left." He smiles and bows down, "No problem, I'll be checking up on you when Mr. Kim is here." He leaves and closes the door. The room has a king sized grey and white bed, a balcony and a grey couch in front of the huge window. I enter the bathroom and there's a walk-in shower with a big mirror on my sight.

After exploring my room, I start to unpack my things before Mr. Son checks on me when Taehyung gets here. I sigh, "Hopefully I don't miss anything." A knock on the door stops me and I quickly went to open it, "Oh hello Mr. Son is Mr. Kim here?" I ask and he shakes his head, "No not yet, in 10 minutes he'll be here. I came here to give you the uniform for you to change into." He hands me a white t-shirt and a black dress.

I take it, "Thank you." I bow again and he does it back before walking away. I close the door and I look at the uniform again. He lets his maid wear this? I put it on in the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. The t-shirt under the black dress that was down below my knee, which was a good thing since I don't really wear short dresses other than that. I looked pretty great and I decided to put my hair up in a bun.

Someone knocks on the door again and I quickly put away my clothes that I wore before opening the door. Mr. Son appears again, "He has arrived and wants to see you." He says and I nod, closing the door behind us. "Will you be around the house?" I ask, "Sadly no I won't be since I have stuff to do at the building but Mr. Kim will be here for the day because of paperwork's." He replied. I nod, great. He knocks on the door, "Open!" Taehyung shouts from the other side, "Good luck and make sure to have fun." Mr. Son smiles before opening the door for me and I enter, leaving me and Taehyung alone in a room.

He still hasn't left his eyes on the papers I look down and clear my throat. He finally looks up, "Oh right, Miss Sana." I look up, I play with my fingers from nervousness. "Sit." He says and I do, he should at least have manners I thought. "Alright today will be an easy day for you since it's your first time." He says.

"First you'll have to sweep the floor upstairs and then mop it. Next you're gonna make sure the pool and game room is clean since it was used a few days ago, after that you will also be cleaning my office for a little bit and help the others to make dinner. You will be eating with the others after that." He looks up and down at me before clenching his jaw.

"Got that?" His voice is low and I quickly nod my head.

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