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"Oh no no its uhm fine, I insist" You say, knowing that of you stand it will only cause you to cum.
"No no please let us help you into the car, or, atleast to the door." Ann says
"Well if you insist!" Your boyfriend says while smirking at you
"I uh-" you say before your boyfriend turns the vibrater on high
"Fuck!" You say
"Exuse me? Is something wrong?" Joe says
"Just my stomach it, really um hurts.." You respond with
"Well come on then, let's get you to the car." Ann says while taking you by the arm.
While walking to the door your boyfriend turns it from high to low, making sure you can't say anything.
"Well, it was lovely meeting you Y/n."
Ann says
"You to.." You manage to get out
"Well, bye mum! Bye dad!" Your boyfriend yells before driving away
That's when he turns the vibrater on high.

"Don't you dare cum." He says
"Wha-" you say, but you were cut off
"You heard me, you pissed me off with that dumb exuse." He responds with
"What did you want me to say! Oh I'm sorry there's a vibrater in my puss-" you say before he turns it on.
"Oh my god!! Baby! I'm sorry!!!!" You moan
"Don't you dare cum." He says bluntly
"It a 20 minute drive! How am I supposed to not-" you yell, but he turns it on high.
As you moan and whimper in pleasure, you catch him with a boner.
Around half way through of him changing to every setting you hold you pussy in despier amd eventually, you cum.
"ohhh my godd, please im done, I can't do anymore!" You moan
"You broke the one rule I had. Don't cum." He says.
"No I'm sorry, please" you say
But he doesn't turn it off, he keeps it on a steady, but high, so very high.
You moan the whole way home and he makes no eyecontact the whole drive.
When you pull into the driveway he comes round to your side and picks you up.

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