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I had been working with Mr Jones for a week now and trust me when I say it's not easy. I barely have time to rest. Even on my break. I was always doing one thing or another.

So far, I hadn't heard anything that could show he was a criminal or something so let's say I'm still safe.

The intercom rang just when I was planning on having a few minutes rest. I sighed, answering it. "Miss Eri, I need you to do something for me." With that he hung up.

He had been such a frustrating boss to work with, maybe that was why Miss Donna resigned.

When she had told me she resigned willingly, I had thought she was not sane, why would anyone leave a job where they got paid $10000 a month. She said she had been working for 2 years and she had enough money to go on holidays and have fun.

I got up from my chair, took my tab and a pen which I was sure I was going to need then walked towards the door that separated both our office.

When I was inside his office, I sighted him typing something on his laptop. Miss Donna had pitched it on me that that was my queue to walk to the opposite side of the table and just stand there till he started talking.

I waited for 2 frustrating minutes of him just typing on his laptop, I mean why call me and not say a word when I arrive. He was so annoying. He took some papers that were beside him, handing it to me while still typing on his laptop with the second hand.

"I need you to work on these papers." He said not even staring at me, so annoying.

I collected the paper from him. "Okay sir."

"Make some corrections on the parts marked red and the parts marked green need to be mended on, also lay more emphasis on the part marked purple" He was still typing. I didn't leave because according to Miss Donna, leaving when he didn't ask you to was also a problem.

"Also," he turned to face me and for some reason those dark blue eyes on my hazel eyes made my heart flutter a little, just a little, "I need you to find a time next week for me to have a meeting with the Dilly's international." I wrote that down on the tab, that was when I remembered.

"You have a meeting with Mrs Zach in twenty minutes time."

"That's today?" Although he sounded surprised, his expression showed no such thing.

"Okay then Miss Eri," he was interrupted by a knock on the door that brought a frown to his face, "come in." I wondered if he ever spoke without sounding so stern.

The door opened, a female walked in. She was wearing a dark green gown that lay a little below her butt and showed an awful lot of her cleavage.

She had straight blonde hair that was brushed neatly. We were going to be about the same height and size. The sound of her heels was loud in the silent office as she walked towards us.

I tried to figure out who she was but no one came to mind. Maybe she was his friend. Don didn't look like someone who had friends so I tried to study his expression but he had a blank expression on.

What was wrong with this dude? I turned back to the lady who was now standing beside me.

"I want to have a word with you." Her voice possessed wealth.

She was obviously going to be a millionaire or billionaire's child. She spoke wealth in every area of her. Her gaze turned to me which I assumed was my queue to leave.

"I'll be in my office Mr Jones." I was about to leave when he spoke.

"Did I ask you to leave?" His voice still had that superiority in it. He obviously never felt inferior to anyone.

"Huh?" I turned to him, confused. This lady here wanted to talk to him, why would he want me to still stay here. That was when I remembered Miss Donna letting me know that I'd know a lot of his secrets and I'd be there even when he's talking personal stuff.

"Come here." He directed me to stand beside his chair which I immediately complied to.

The lady let out a scoff. "Must she really be here?" The way she said it made it clear that the presence of every other secretary Don had always infuriated her.

Don continued typing on his laptop. I had no idea what she was so busy doing on that laptop, in fact I wondered what he ever did on the laptop, he was always with it.

I just faced the floor remembering when Miss Donna told me that no matter what, whenever Don was talking to someone about personal matters in my presence, I must not act like I can hear a word. I should just totally ignore or else my attention is bought to the conversation.

"Why are you here?" Don asked, not raising his head from his laptop. Gosh this guy was so frustrating, I could imagine being this lady and how frustrated I'd be.

"Don," she sounded like she was trying to suppress her choler but to no avail, "we're getting married in 3 weeks time, don't you think we need to talk."

Married? Whoa, I was literally standing in front of the anonymous fiancee. If not because of the contract I signed, if I were to reveal this to the media, I'd get a lot of money. I wondered who she was, there were 3 different female everyone guessed was going to be the bride. Was this girl part of them, I didn't know their faces.

"Than talk."

"Listen, I want you to know that I love you so much and although this was supposed to be an arranged marriage—"

"It not supposed to be." He cut her off, dramatically stopping his typing on the keyboard.


"It's not supposed to be an arranged marriage," he turned his head to her direction, "it is an arranged marriage and I have no idea why you decided to let yourself expect any other thing apart from the way it'd favour both companies."

I turned my head to see her expression immediately before turning it back to the floor. She was totally agitated, she looked like she could lose it any moment. "Is this marriage only about the benefit it would have to our companies."

"Yes." He showed no emotion in his tone and just continued typing on his laptop.

"So you don't even feel a little bit of attraction."

"No June, now can you leave me alone. I have a meeting to attend to." He said, checking the time on the obviously dispendious watch on his right hand.

June, as in June Silver. So he had gone for her. Woah, if I were to tell Rose, she most definitely wouldn't believe me. If I really hadn't signed the contract, I'd let the world know this.

"We'll reschedule." June said, turning to me. "Hey, reschedule our meeting to when he's less busy. Make sure you pick a date before the wedding." With that, she stomped out of the office slamming the door behind her.

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