Moments later Four was shoved into the car next to an unconscious Lexi resting her head on the window. He looked at her in shock for a second before turning to Jeanine who was now sitting up front.
"What the hell did you do to her?" He asks through gridding teeth as he struggle against the hand cuffs on his wrists.
"Don't worry, I need her alive so she's not dead, only sedated." Jeanine replies, not turning to look at him.
Lexi gasped waking up and leaned over the chair she was sat on to cough up clear liquid as the wires stuck on her head ripped off.
Feeling a little dizzy, she rubbed one of her eyes as she took in her surroundings. Four was in a chair next to her sitting up straight and not blinking, only staring forward. That's when she realized she was at Dauntless but Erudite were everywhere.
Tris walked in and her eyes immediately fall on Four, luckily they were in the back of the room so no one could see Tris approaching.
"Tris!" Lexi whispers trying to get her attention.
"Oh, my god, Lexi are you okay?" Tris looked the girl up and down.
"Yeah, I'm fine but I don't know what's wrong with Four." Tris uses a knife to cut the straps off her wrists then they both turn back to Four who's now staring at them and whatever he sees projects on a monitor above his head.
"I got four. You try to shut this thing down then we'll come help." Lexi says as she gets up and walks over to Four.
"Yeah, okay." Tris hands Lexi the knife and leaves.
Lexi guard is down as she cuts a strap off of Fours wrist but he just catches her wrist and pushes her back against a wall as he gets up.
Lexi is taken back as he doesn't seem to have any emotion. "Four... Four, it's me. You're in a sim."
"He can't hear you." Jeanine walks over with some of her minions behind her. "I'm surprised you can even hear me. How do you do it?" Jeanine scuffs and walks to Four. "Amazing, isn't it? Everything we think of that makes up a person, thoughts, emotions, history... All wiped away by chemistry."
"Yeah well whatever serum you gave me is now on the ground." Lexi gestures to where she threw up the clear liquid.
"Hm. That's the interesting part... we gave you and Four the exact same thing. Now why is it effecting him but not you?"
Lexi ignores her. "Four..."
"He's gone. And we're all safer for it."
"Safer?" Lexi scuffs a laugh. "Jeanine, as long as I'm alive, you're as good as dead. But please, enlighten me on how we're safer."
"The brilliance of the faction system is the conformity to the faction removes the threat of anyone exercising their independent will." Jeanine walks up to Lexi. "Divergents threaten that system." She walks back to four. "Don't get me wrong. There's a certain beauty to your resistance, your defiance of categorization. But it's a beauty we can't afford." Jeanine walks away and one of her minions start to do something to Fours brain on an iPad.
Lexi rushes up to him. "Four, it's me. It's me. Please, Four, look at me. Look at me." Four grasps her neck is his hand and pushes her up against a wall again but Lexi acts fast and somehow gets her leg around his neck and flips them both.
Lexi tries to put some distance between them but four throws her into a metal cart. She quickly gets up and dodges every punch he throws at her.
"Four! It's me!" She gets him in a chokehold then he flips her off. He gets a punch in before she kicks him.
Four finally gets Lexi back on the ground after some more hits. She scrambles back with her now blood lip then finds a gun laying on the ground and she picks it up pointing it a him. "Four, stop. Stop." Four other guards point their guns to Lexi. "Stop..." four inches closer. "Four... please..." She turns the gun to face her forehead and he quickly gets on her and holds the gun. "It's okay, it's okay. I love you. It's okay." Lexi whispers as she closes her eyes, tears threatening to fall out of them.
Four looks into her eyes once she opens them. "It's okay." She breaths out. "I love you. It's okay." Four looks away a he puts his finger on the trigger but Lexi makes him look at her. "Four, look at me. Look at me. It's me. It's me." She repeats and he pants as he goes back to normal and takes the gun off her forehead.
"Lex..." Lexi smiles as the four minions still have their guns pointing at them.
"Go." Lexi nods and he quickly shoots them. Lexi gets up and grabs the knife off the ground also helping Four as she sees Tris start to take over the system. Four finally runs out of bullets so he just starts fighting.
Lexi sees Jeanine typing something ton the board so she throws her knife and it goes throw Jeanine's hand. Lexi smiles to Tris who's by Jeanine now then she goes back to fighting with Four.
Lexi tosses a guy into a shelf full of serums as Four slams another to the ground. After Lexi and Four fought everyone they turn to Tris who looks at an unbroken serum and an injector.
"Maybe you're not quite as Dauntless as you thought you were." Jeanine says.
"You're right. I'm not." Four quickly picks up the two, puts them together and tosses it to Tris. "I'm divergent." She sticks it in the side of Jeanine's neck. "Now shut it down and wipe the program." Four types something into an iPad and Jeanine does as Tris says.
"Simulation abort. System-wide shutdown." A woman of the PA says and all the monitors go out.
"No... No..." Jeanine whines as Lexi leans her back on Four, letting out a breath and looking at Jeanine. Little does she know Four and Tris are just staring into each others eyes but break away once Jeanine starts touching monitors and stuff trying to get her work back. "No!" She groans.
"Don't get me wrong. There's a certain beauty to your resistance." Lexi smirks leaning off of Four. Jeanine tries to come at her with the serum but one hard punch for Lexi knocked her cold out on the ground.
"Lexi... Tris..." Four looks at the monitor showing a bunch of Dauntless heading their way.
"Lockdown now in effect."
"We've gotta go. Now."
The three rush to the sliding metal door and Tris opens it revealing Marcus. Out of instinct Lexi punches him in the face then covers her mouth.
"Oh, man. That's my bad." She looks past him and sees Caleb.
"Caleb!" She rushes to him and he picks her up in a hug. "I missed you." Four was not happy.
"Tobias." Marcus looks to Four as Caleb finally puts Lexi down. Four looks him up and down before also walking past him.
"We need to keep moving." He picks up a gun off a dead guard and they all get out of the building seeing all the confused initiates. "All right, move!"
"Woah. Ew, Peter. Why are you even here?" Lexi scuffs as she finally noticed him. He doesn't respond but only gives her a dirty look as they run and follow Four.
Lexi runs behind Four and everyone starts to get on the train. "I got it!" Yells to Four who's trying to help her get on the train.
"I know you do." Four grasps her waist and bring her onto the train. They look into each other's eyes before Lexi fully gets on the train.
Four and Lexi stood by the open door. Lexi had her back pressed to Fours chest while his arms were wrapped around her shoulder and she leaned her head against his bicep. They stood in comfortable silence as they watched the land fly by.
"I don't want to go back to Amity." Lexi whispered, breaking the silence.
"I know."
"You know?" She took her head off his bicep and looked up at him. "Yeah, I know." This made Lexi's heart skip a beat and she looked back outside. "The only difference is I'll be there to protect you this time. I'd never hurt you." He placed a kiss on the top of her head before resting his chin there.
"You'll finally meet my sister." Lexi smiled as another long comfortable silence happened.
"I heard you... while I was in the sim." Four started. "I just want you to know I love you more, Lex." He slightly squeezed her like a hug which made Lexi smiled even more.
Yeah they didn't have a faction or anything but they did have each other. That's all that mattered to Lexi in the moment.
Finally done with the first movie, guysss!!!
Words 1515
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