"I didn't think you were afraid of anything." Lexi says as she starts to climb again and Four takes a deep breath looking down and then continues up after her.
"Come on, Lexi." Four whispers to himself as they go higher.
Lexi starts to climb up the middle of the Farris Wheel to get a little higher. "Really?" Four asks as he reaches the top of the ladder and Lexi continues climbing from poll to poll. "Are you even human?" He hesitated to follow but did anyways.
Once Lexi stops at her desired point Four came up to where she's standing. "This isn't so bad." Lexi said, looking up at Four who was looking around and gripping the poll.
Four looked around at how high up they were. "Good eye." He breathed out, locking eyes with Lexi again.
Lexi looked behind him and saw a green light coming from the tower. "Look!" She pointed out and Four followed her line of sight. "There it is."
(Your author is lazy so she's not gonna write the rest of the capture the flag or the zip line. Sorry!)
Lexi walked into The Pit where the rest of Dauntless stood around talking amongst each other and Four glanced over to look at her.
"Lexi!" Four called out to the lost looking girl and they both walked towards each other. "Hey."
"Hi." Lexi greeted as the two stopped in front of each other.
"Congratulations." Four said making the girl smile.
"Thank you."
"You know, I wanted to say that you were really good tonight." Four said, looking down at Lexi. "You were brave."
"Thanks. Was I looking hot while doing it." Lexi innocently smiles making Four chuckle and roll his eyes.
"If I say yes will you stop." He asked locking eyes with the shorter girl again.
"Stop what?" She shrugged and walks away back towards her friends.
"Fuck." Four said under his breath as he watched Lexi walk away.
"If you're ranked above the red line, you'll move on to the second stage of training." The darker guy from earlier announced. "If you're below it, we'll waste no more time on you. Here are your rankings." Lexi stood between Cristina and Will as they waited for the rankings to come up.
Cheer's erupted through the room as people saw their names up on the board. Lexi smiled as she saw her name at #1. Lexi turned to Will and he turned to her and they hugged as his name was #7. Lexi then turned to Cristina who was #9 and they hugged too.
"You made it, Tris." Cristina says. Tris got #20 and the three of them smiled at her.
"Yay, we did it, guys!" Lexi exclaims with a smile.
The next day all of dauntless helped carry bags of food into trucks from a warehouse.
Lexi picked up a bag and through it over her shoulder walking over to the truck. "Toss it up!" The guy in the truck bed yelled and Lexi tossed it up.
"So we pass the first stage of training, and this is our reward." Cristina says walking next to Lexi as they both walked away from the trucks back to get bags.
"Glamorous." Lexi scoffed as she stretched her back and looked up seeing Tris walk further into the warehouse. Cristina had left Lexi alone and Lexi decided to follow Tris. "Hey Tris, what are you doing?" Lexi jogged up to the taller girl. Tris didn't say anything, she was caught off guard by a hand being placed on her shoulder.
With a gasp the two girls turned to see Tris's mom, Natalie. "Mom?" Natalie brought her into a hug and then looked over to Lexi and brought her into one too. Lexi was like the daughter Natalie never had and they mainly knew each other through Lexi being best friends with Caleb but Natalie still grew very fond of the girl.
"Oh, my girls!" Natalie whispered, having both girls in her arms.
"Mom, what are you doing here?" Tris questions.
"I knew they'd assign you here sooner or later." Natalie responds, look between the two girls. "Look at you two! God, you're so strong and beautiful." She then turns to Lexi. "Oh, Lexi. You remind me so much of your mother."
"Nat, you can't be here." Lexi says as Tris looks around.
"I know, but you two are in danger."
"What?" The two girls question in unison.
"I have to ask you something. What were your test results?"
Tris looks down to her right locking eyes with Lexi.
"Honey, it's okay. You can tell me."
"They were... they were inconclusive." Tris stuttered before Nat turns to Lexi.
"Lex, please tell me."
"Divergent..." Lexi puts her head down, not wanting to make eye contact with Natalie.
"You guys can't tell anyone. You can't tell your friends, your instructors. You can't trust anyone but each other." Natalie says as she placed her hand on the side of Lexi's face to make eye contact again.
"We're not." Lexi replies just above a whisper.
"People have always been threatened by Divergents. That's how your mom died."
"My mom?" Lexi starts. "She was divergent?"
"Yes. But now Erudite is looking for them everywhere. They're actively seeking them out."
"Why?" Tris asks. "Mom, what are we?
"You don't conform. Your minds works in a million different ways. They're scared of you. Stage two of training is where you are most at risk. They're gonna get inside your head and swatch how you respond to fear. But you can pass. You can make it through Dauntless. I have seen it before."
"How do you know so much about this? About Dauntless?" Tris asks as Lexi thinks.
"Never mind about me. Do not let them know who you are."
"My mom." Lexi assays and the two girls look to her. "My mom. You said you've seen it before. Was it my mom? Were you two in Dauntless?" Lexi tries to put pieces together.
"Hey!" A guard cuts Natalie off and the two girls look back to him. "What are you two doing?" They look back to Natalie and she was gone. "Trucks's loaded. Let's go." He walks away and the two girls look at each other then start following him.
Lexi sat between Christina and Tris as all the initiates sat in a room waiting to be tested or something. They didn't know. The door open and two guards were supporting a very drowsy Molly.
"What'd they do to her?" Cristina asked as the three girls watched her being hauled away.
"Lexi." Fours voice was heard from the door way where Molly came from and the three girls heads shot towards him. Lexi hesitated for a second before getting up and following Four into the room.
"Take a seat." Four said closing the door and Lexi did as told. "I'm going to inject you with a serum that stimulates the part of your brain that processes fear."
Lexi didn't say anything, she just sat in the chair as Four put together the serum.
"It induces a hallucination, and then transmitters in the serum allow me to see the images in your mind."
"You can see inside my mind?" Lexi finally speaks up, a little scared at what he's gonna see.
"Mmm-hmm." Four holds eye contact for a minute before approaching Lexi. "Lay back." He holds the side of her face as he sticks the needle into her neck and injecting her. "Now, you're gonna be facing your worst fears, Lexi. Most people have 10 to 15 really bad ones. You have to calm yourself. Slow your heart rate and your breathing, and deal with what's in front of you. Be brave." That was the last thing Lexi heard from Four before passing out.
Lexi woke up on the ground in the middle of a corn field. She got up and looked around at her surroundings.
"Lexi..." a creepy voice called her name and she looked to where the voice was coming from only to be met by a floating red balloon. Lexi breath got caught in her throat. "Lexi!" The voice says again from another direction as the corn started to rustle and move with the wind. Lexi frantically looked around until her eyes laid on him.
The clown creepily smiled turning its head as Lexi started to run the opposite direction and it followed. "You can't run from me Lexi!" He yelled from behind her. She turned to look back once she got out of the field and didn't see him but once she faced forwards she came face to face with him.
"Got ya." He smiled as he stabbed Lexi with his knife and she gasped in pain.
She started running away again holding her abdomen so she wouldn't bleed out. The clown we quickly caught up to run and grabbed her, tossing her to the mud right next to a puddle.
'This isn't real.' Lexi through and she rolled into the puddle as the clown was about to stab her again.
She swam around through the open water and nothing surrounded her. It was like she was in the middle of the ocean not knowing where up or down was.
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