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3rd person

Isabel dances with Aurora to Christmas music in their living room. The Gaviras were kind enough to invite the young girl to their annual Christmas tree decorating and she couldn't be anymore grateful.

"Can you two help me" Pablo complains as he hangs up ornaments.
Aurora ignore her little brother and keep pushing Isabel to dance making the girls laughs.
"Maybe if you ask in a nicer tone Pablo" his mom says, sitting next to his dad on the couch sipping on tea.
Pablo throws his head back.
"could you guys please help me, set up the tree" he says in a softer voice.
Aurora stops dancing her hands still in Isabel's.
"I don't know...should we Isa?" She asks the girl.
Isa smiles and shrugs.
"Nope!" Aurora says then keeps dancing with her brothers girlfriend.

"Mama!" Pablo complains.

The older lady shrugs at her youngest child.
"should've asked nice the first time mijo"
Pablo groans and keeps setting up the tree on his own.
Eventually the girls decided to help Pablo out. Isa really just handed them the ornaments because she wasn't sure if his family set them up a certain way. She had gotten really close with the family in the short time she's know them and them welcome her in with open arms but she forgot to ask Pablo and she was to scared to ask anyone else.
the girl smiles as she watches Pablo take a step back examining the tree that he mostly decorated. He fixes the hat he had on and turns to his girlfriend.
"didn't I do such a good job?" He grins, taking her hand and pulling her closer. She nods hooking her arm with his. Aurora had left a like 20 minutes ago to go pick up her boyfriend from the airport and Pablo's parents were currently in the kitchen, preparing dinner in which they also denied the girls offer to help them.
Isa leans against Pablo. "Do you want to go watch a movie while we wait?" He asks.
Isa nods and follows the boy up to his room. He pulls out his laptop before opening up Disney plus.
"Can we watch the nutcracker?" the girl asks sitting on his bed.
"Sure" he replies getting in next to her, quickly finding the movies before placing the laptop on his lap, angling it so she could see.
He swifts in his bed, wrapping an arm around her, as she leans into him, resting her head on his chest and a hand on his stomach.
Pablo gently strokes the girls arm up and down as the movie starts.

The two teenagers have only been dating for a little over a month and yet they couldn't be happier together. They would probably say the only thing that sucks right now is the fact that neither of them could drive since they're only 17 and finding rides sometimes is hard.
Other then that everything was perfect. Only close friends and family knew about them which both of them enjoyed the privacy and just overall enjoy just being kids.

Isa unconsciously starts tapping her fingers against Pablo causing the boy to place his free hand ontop of hers on his stomach. "That tickles" he whispers.

After only about 40 minutes into the movie the two got called downstairs by Pablo's dad.
Pablo was quick to introduce Javi, his sisters boyfriend to Isabel.
"Never thought I'd see the day that Pablito gets a girlfriend, it's nice meeting you" he jokes, shaking her hand.

Pablo rolls his eyes then pulls his girlfriend off to the dining room.


"Today was fun" Isabel says has her a Pablo stand outside of his house, waiting for her dad to come pick her up.
"Of course it was, you got to hang out with me" he says. The girls shakes her head "no, it's cause I got to hang out with Aurora"
Pablo's mouth falls open. "Wow"
"Don't even lie to yourself you like me more".
The pique girl shrugs her shoulders.
Pablo stares at the girl in front of him.
He leans down pulling her into a passionate kiss.
Their lips move together, the girls hands moved to his chest while the boys were on her waist pulling her closer.
"Thank you for coming over" he whispers pulling away.
The girl leans her head onto his shoulder, her arms moving to be placed around him waist.
The way this boy made her feel but unspeakable.


the two whip theres head around to see the girls dad sitting in his car in the driveway. Waving at them.
"Text me when you get home" Pablo says giving her on last kiss.
She nods wishing him a goodbye and to tell his parents thank you again for inviting her over.
She gets into the car, buckling her seatbelt.
"Did you have fun" he dad asked pulling out of the drive way
She smiles "yeah, you know dad I really like him"
Her dad looks over at her for a second, he felt happiness fill his chest with his daughters words. Yeah he hated that she was growing up but nothing could beat the feeling of knowing your child is happy.
"That's good mija" he whispers softly a small smile on his face.
"I'm happy to here that"
The young Pique girl and her father sit quietly on the car ride home, with nothing but soft music playing in the back ground in English. The girl hummed soft know most of the words because her mom took it upon herself to teach the girl English because it'll be helpful in the future. Her dad reaches over and changed the channel to a Spanish one.
"I don't really know what it's saying" he mumbles

A/n: pretty short but i hope you like it <3

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