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3rd Person

Isabel shifts on her bed, reaching up too grab her phone and check the time. 8:30

She mentally groans. She woke up 30 minutes early.
The brunette sighs sitting up on her bed for a good 4 minutes just staring off into space before finally grabbing clothes to shower and slowly walks to the bathroom.
Leaving the restroom in a random shirt and shorts, her hair wrapped in a towel. The girl throws her dirty clothes in the basket before sitting down on her vanity.

Pulling out her hair dryer and her brush she gets to work on her hair drying to go for the blowout look.
She does a simple makeup look, a little concealer, blush, mascara and little highlighter.

"What are you doing you so early?" Isabel finches, she turn to see her dad leaving against her door frame.

"Papa you scared me" she mutters.
Pique doesn't say anything to his eldest but just waits for an answer.

"I want to go to training with you" she says going back to her mascara.

Pique nods and pushes off the door frame.
"Thanks Pa! did you take the boys to school?" She asks

Pique rolls his eyes
"Yes I took the boys to school"

His eldest smiles at him before standing up putting her things away.
"I'm making some oatmeal you want any?" He asks walking away.

The girl walks to her closet "only if it the brown sugar one"

The girl pulls out a cute pastel blue tank top, pairs it with her low rise straight leg blue jeans, and her white airforces.
She grabs her phone and her small purse, throwing it over her shoulder before heading down the stairs.

"Well don't you look cute" he dad said with a mouth full of food.

"I always look cute" she jokes, walking up to get her bowl of oatmeal.

"You get those look from me" he says
Isabella chuckles. "How would I know"

Pique looks up at his daughter, mid bite.
Isabel laughs at her dad's reaction
"You sure got her humor" he mutters

she giggles taking a bite of her food


New Message from
at 9:15 am

Isabel smiles and picks up her phone, angling it slightly away from her dad. He could be quite nosy sometimes.


good morning

good morning pablo

woah why the first name

cause I like it

okay isabel πŸ™„
how'd you sleep?

very well actually
how about you?

that's good, I slept good 😊

Isabel chuckles at the choice of emoji the young boy used.

"What's so funny" he dad asks standing up walking over to her.
The girl turns her phone off and places it on the counter.

Gerard squints his eyes at her before walking back to his bowl, picking it up and taking it to the sink.

"Your manger called earlier..he said it's time to stop the break and go back to Instagram"
Isa rolls her eyes.

"I love giving my fans content dad but I hate how he always wants me to promote things that aren't actually good" she says

Pique walks back over to her
"I know but you get money nena"

Isa groans standing up and takes her plate to the sink.
"I'll worry about that later, I'll be upstairs in my room"

Isa pulls out her phone


damn got left on read

sorry I was talking to my dad

Gerard Pique 😳

yes him

why is your dad so tall yet you're so short?

you aren't one to talk
you're like 5'6

5'8 actually



we're the same height when I wear heels

but I'm taller if you don't wear them


why can't you be your mothers height

idk ask her not me

shakira is tiny

shakira ain't my biological mom πŸ’€
i'm going to tell her that though

she's not??
you sure love that emoji

ofc πŸ’€

my bad πŸ’€

you're good pablito

don't call me that

I will cause I want too

read 9:30 am


Isabel closes the car door and starts walking to the training center's entrance.

"Walk right ahead like you own the place" he mocks from behind her

Isabel ignores him and walks through the door's greeting the lady at the desk with a soft smile and wave.

The blue eye girl makes her way out towards the locker room where so told Pablo they won't meet outside of.

She leans against the wall texting one of her friends as she waits.
"Maybe walk a little faster next time" her dads voice calls out sarcastically from behind her.
"sorry" she whispers

"Get off your phone you've been one it since you woke up" he complains as he walks passed her and into the locker room.

Someone woke up in a mood today.

After a few more minutes of waiting a family brunette walks out of the locker room, wearing that black with pink FC Barça training jersey.

"Hey" he smiles turning to her

Isabel meets his eyes and a smile crosses her face.

The pair talked and they walk out to the field, Pablo sitting in front of her spot on the bench as he stretched, talking about anything that came to mind.
Pablo actually enjoyed talking to her, once you get passed the awkward stage she's a breeze to get to start conversations with.

During the entire practice Pablo kept taking small glances at the Pique girl and he made sure to leave his water bottle next to her so whenever they gave them a break he'd have an excuse to walk over to her.

Isabel watches as Pablo jogs over to her and his things after training ends.
"Give me like 20 minutes and I'll meet you out the locker room?" He says picking up his stuff and running into the tunnel behind Alejandro.

Isabel walks over to her dad who was talking to Jordi.
"Papa, sorry but I forgot to ask you if it was okay if I could hang out with a friend"

Pique looks down at his daughter.
"What friend?"

Isabel looks down at her feet. "Just a friend, I'm like 20 minutes i should be gone"

Pique analysis his daughter closer trying to make sure she's not lying about something.
"Yeah..that's fine. Just be safe and be home before 10"

Isabel wraps her arms around her dad's waist before saying a quick goodbye to bike as she walks to the tunnel.

Isa wasn't worried about her dad finding out it was Pablo she was hanging out with, simply because he likes showering at home after practices so he'd probably leave through the field exit like always.

After a couple of minutes Pablo walks out with damp hair, he was wearing cargo black jeans with a plain grey tee shirt and his airforces.

"Ready?" She asks
He nods and they starts walking to the exit.

"Where are all your stuff?" Isa questions noticing he does have any of his football gear.

Pablo looks over at her
"Oh, I asked Pedri if he could take it with him"

She nods and the pair take of walk towards the city, simply just talking and getting to know each other even more.


"You're claustrophobic?" Pablo ask as he eats his noodle's in front of him.
Isabel nods.
"Like I'm fine in crowds and shit but if I get locked in a room for more then 2 minutes, game over. I start panicking"

The duo were eating dinner and sharing one another biggest fears.
"I feel like this has a story to it" Pablo says

Isabel chuckles.
"Yeah..I was like 4 and my dad was in the shower and I decided to go into his closet. I don't know how but the door closed and locked. I panicked and it just started the fear"

"What about you?" Isa questions takings bite of her food.
"Being forgotten I guess" he mumbles

Isa nods but doesn't ask a follow up question, seeming it doesn't really make him too happy.

The two continue their dinner switching up the conversation around so what some of their favorite things were.


Pablo and Isabel stand on the side walk waiting for her Uber to pull up.
"I had a lot of fun" she smiles

Pablo playfully kicks her shoes
"I really did too...and I'd like if we could do it again sometime...?"

Isabel's cheeks heat up but she's nods at him.
"Yeah..yeah, I'd like that a lot"

Pablo smiles at her.

Isabel felt her heart flutter at the smile. Literally the cutest smile she had ever seen.

The sound of a car pulling up behind Pablo makes the girls heart slightly crush. Pablo steps aside and open the door for her, which she gladly excepted.

"How are you getting home?" She asks once she's inside.
"La masia is only 2 blocks from here, I'll walk" he says.

She smiles at him before saying another goodbye before he closes the door.

The young girl quickly gives the Uber her address and their off towards her house.

A/n: Im gonna do a time jump like 2 months just to get Pablo and Isabel's friendship going and situated. <3 and cause Im impatient and want them to start dating soon.

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