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Carter's POV:

We walked around for a while, going from animal to animal, and I am completely positive that this might be my favorite place I've ever been. All of the animals are so cute and it's so cool getting to see them in real life. We've seen like twenty different animals and we've been walking for what feels like forever, to my legs at least, but I'm too busy thinking about what we might see next.

'Oh, Carter, you're gonna love this one!,' Rosie squeals from beside me. Oh yeah. We've been walking together the whole time and she hasn't let go of my hand yet. I've learned that I actually really like Rosie and she's been a pretty cool big sissy.

'What is it?' I ask her while she speeds up our pace walking towards the railing.

'You'll see!' She tells me, letting me know it's a surprise. We get to the railing and it's different from the last one. A lot of the eggbits, I think that's what Scarly called them, have different railings which is kinda fun. The only problem is this one is thicker, like trees stacked on each other, so I can't see anything.

'Aren't they so big and cool?'Rosie asks me while she looks over the railing at who knows what. Well I don't know what, everyone else seems to know.

'I can't see.' I pout at her. She turns finally looking at me.

'Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot you're smaller than me.' She apologizes.

'I wanna see too! Please, sissy!' I ask her.

Her face lights up a little but I'm not sure why and she thinks for a moment. 'Can I pick you up? That way we can both see.'

I nod at her, and she lets go of my hand leaning down slightly to pick me up. She quickly adjusts so her hands are holding me from under my bottom and steps closer to the railing.

'Now try, you should be high enough.' She tells me and sure enough I can look over the railing. I gasp in shock and squeal hugging around her neck.

'Look, Rosie! They're elphants!' I squeal pointing at the big, gray animals.

'I know baby. They're pretty cool, huh?' She giggles at me. I nod my head furiously with a big smile on my face. As I look at the animals, I can't help but think about when Scary asked what I wanted to see. I know she didn't promise me that we'd get to see them, but a part of me was happy, believing that she would never let me down.

We stared at the elphants for a couple minutes as Rosie told me some facts about them. Whether I knew it or not, I was tired from the walking and excitement, so I found myself resting my head against Rosie's as she talked. My arms were wrapped loosely around her neck and my legs dangled at her sides. It was nice. Maybe this won't be so bad. I just hope they won't leave.

Eventually, Rose walked away, and headed to wherever, I'm not sure, I was still trying to look at the animals. At some point she stopped walking though, so I just rested my chin on her shoulder since i wouldn't see any animals.

'Rose, why are you holding her?' Someone asked.

'Because she couldn't see and I'm super strong so I can use my big muscles to carry her.' She explained.

'I don't know, love. Carter can walk. She's got her own two feet.' They said.

'But Mama. I feel fine. She's not heavy at all and I like carrying her. Plus, we're both comfy.' Rose argued.

'Is that right?' They asked.

'Uh huh,' rose agreed, 'Right, Carter?'

At the sound of my name I turned around leaning my head against Rosie's and looked up, meeting Scarly's eyesight.

'Are you comfy, baby?' She asked me.

I nodded and explained, 'Rosie's gentle.'

'I'm glad.' She smiled at us and sighed, 'Ok, you can carry her Rosebud, but you have to promise that if you get tired you'll put her down and if at any point one of you wants it to end it will.'

Rose and I quickly agreed, happy to stick together. We were turning to walk when she stopped us again, 'One other condition. I need a picture of this. It's our first family outing and I want a picture of my girls.'

Rose stopped and turned sideways as Scarly got her phone out. we both smiled brightly as she took a couple photos. She told us to take a silky one and I looked at Rosie for ideas but ended up just giggling at her silly faces.

After Scarly's mini photo session, we took off to the next exhibit which felt much father from the rest of them. I laid my head on Rosie's shoulder feeling less excited than earlier and just a little out of it, but I'm not sure why.

'Are you sleepy, baby?' Rosie asked.

'I don't know.' I said while pulling back to look at her.

'I think you are. You're less energetic and keep laying your head on me. It's cute but it also says that you're sleepy. But don't worry I think Mama said something about getting lunch soon and I'm sure you can rest after we eat.' She tells me. She's really smart. I'm pretty sure she's right. Maybe I am sleepy.

We eventually come to a stop at another exhibit but this one's different. Scarly and Daddy stand behind us as we walk up to a little gate. I make eye contact with Scarly and she smiles at me, running her hand over my head in a soothing way. Rosie sets me down and I look at her confused.

'The lady is about to talk to us.' She whispers to me, pointing behind me. I turn around and watch as a group of college students Is my guess walk past the lady to some station. She turns and smiles at us, while I take a step back feeling a little shy. I feel Rosie grab my hand now that I'm standing on my own and another hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Scarlett smiling at me and turn seeing that daddy has done the same with Rose.

'What a cute family!' The lady says, 'Alright well, I'm guessing you're here to food the giraffes?!'

'We are.' Daddy responds. We are gonna feed the 'raffes? Wait! Did she say 'raffes!! I love 'raffes!!

'Great, so how this is gonna work, is your gonna walk past me to that little stand and wash your hands really well. Then, you're gonna head over to my friend, Cooper, and he's gonna give you some lettuce. It's the giraffes favorite. He'll point you to a line and you'll wait your turn until another one of our friends will tell you how to give it to the giraffes.' She explains. I wasn't completely listening.

I was snapped out of my racing thoughts over the fact that I was gonna get to see 'raffes, when I felt a hand guiding me past the lady. I didn't pay much kind to it until we reached a set of sinks. I watched as Rosie washed her hands, quickly realizing I would need a little bit of help, as I was too short to reach enough of the sink. I turned helplessly before Scarlett smiled at me.

'Let me help you, love. We can do it together.' She told me while lifting me up and leaning us over the sink so we could wash our hands, well my hands and her hand. She finished and set me down drying our hands off after she washed hers. We walked over to the guy, Cooper I think, and he gave both Rosie and I some lettuce before pointing to two different lines, but right next to each other.

Daddy went with Rosie as they talked about whatever and Scarly stood with me in line.

'Are you excited to feed the giraffes, baby?' She asked as she leaned down to my level.

'Uh huh! Look how pretty they are!' I smiled at her, excitedly pouting at the raffes.

'They are really pretty, aren't they?!' She asked smiling back and I nodded quickly in response. She ran her hand across my cheek softly and kissed my head standing back up. I was so mesmerized by the giant animals that I didn't even notice the line moving.

'Look, baby, sissy's going right now.' Scary told me and sure enough when I turned my head to their line Daddy was taking a picture of Rosie before she fed the raffe and i watched as gave it the lettuce. It was so cool!

'That was so cool, huh love?' Scarly asked me after and I smiled at her nodding slowly still in a little shock. I shook out of it when we moved up a little again.

'Look, it's our turn now, baby!' She smiled softly as we walked closer to the lady. We stopped in front of her and she smiled down at me.

'Hey, honey, are you ready to feed the giraffe?' She asked with a big smile on her face. I got shy and backed up a little turning into Scarly's leg.

'It's ok, love. You got it!' She encouraged me.

'My name's Jenna, and this beautiful boy is Henry. He's one of our younger ones and sure loves to meet new people. He's pretty curious.' She tells me. I look at the raffes questionably, still excited to actually see one so close.

Scarly leans down and wraps her arm loosely around my back. 'Why don't you say hi, baby?'

I look at her unsure before looking back to the animal and to her.

'Hmm?' She smiles encouragingly. I look at her as she nods at me and slowly turn to the animal.

'Hi, Henry.' I say softly. He moves his head almost in a nod towards me and Scarly and the lady, Jenna, laugh.

'That's him saying hi back.' She tells me and I smile at the thought.

'Ok, this is all really simple. Why don't you stand up here sweetheart and your mommy can take some picture of you and Henry and then you're gonna hold the lettuce as far out for him as you can, I promise he's really gentle, but you'll feel a little tug when he gets it letting you know you can let go and watch him eat the lettuce.' She instructs me. I look at Scarly and she nods in confirmation so I slowly pull away from her and walk towards the railing, smiling nervously at the animal.

I turn around and smile at Scarly pointing her phone towards me to take pictures. Everything seems to be going great until I feel a little nudge on my shoulder and turn to meet the head of the big animal, effectively scaring me. I whimper and flinch back, big tears feeling my eyes, at the scariness of the pure size of the animal.

I watch as he tries to get close again and whimper, turning to Scarly with tears beginning to stream down my face.

'Oh, baby.' She coos and I run to her as she leans down for me. I wrap my arms around her neck burying my head in her chest as she rubs my back.

'He scared you pretty bad, huh?' She asks me as she spills me back to wipe my face of the sticky tears, I nod sadly looking into her eyes for comfort.

'I'm sorry, honey. Henry didn't mean to scare you he just really likes you and wanted to get closer and get a good sniff of you so he could meet you better.' Jenna explains. I look at Scarly and lean back into her, still shaken up.

'Do you still wanna feed him? I'm sure he's really hungry.' Scarly asks me. I think about how cool it was watching Rouse do it and I nod slowly. She pulls me back and hands me a piece of lettuce and nudges me encouragingly toward the raffe. I look up at him and back away again scared to get closer to him. I turn back into Scarly.

'Do you want Mama to help?' She asks and I nod. She lifts me up and holds me with one arm walking closer. I bury my head in her neck, hiding from the animal as she reaches out. I can't help my curiosity and pull away a little to watch the exchange. He doesn't seem as scary when Ma- Scarly is doing it.

'Alright, love, your turn.' She hands me another piece of lettuce but I try to give it back still unsure.

She sighs, 'Why don't we do it together?' She suggests while wrapping her hand around mine and reaching them out towards the raffe. He gently grabs the lettuce with his you guys and I feel a soft tug before I let go. I watch as he eats it and feel a small tug at my lips. Scarly tries to get me to do the next piece alone but I refuse and she helps me again, this time I smile.

'Ok, now it's really your turn, baby.' She tells me while handing me the last piece of lettuce. I look at her and she smiles encouragingly as I turn back to Henry and slowly reach the piece out towards him. He once again takes it gently and I pull away leaning further into Scarly. I smile and giggle a little at the sounds he makes while chewing.

'You did incredible!' Jenna tells me as we walk away.

'I'm very proud of you, baby! You did great!' Scarly tells me and I smile laying my head on her shoulder. My arms hang loosely and I can feel the exhaustion from all the walking beginning to take a toll on my body.

We eventually meet up with Rosie and daddy at the entrance to the eggbit. I can hear them talking about walking to the dining and picnic area before we start walking again. I just snuggle further into Scarly, enjoying the comfort of her arms as I feel my body fighting sleep.

A/N: ok, this was adorable but I've changed updates to Monday nights/Tuesday mornings, depending on where your from. I've been crazy busy over the weekends and it just fits my schedule better. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and please leave anything you want to see in future chapters in the comments. I truly appreciate all your comments and support. See you next week.

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