The Room of Requirement

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florence pov

"Harry are you okay?" I asked frantically.

Everytime a horcrux is destroyed, not only does my father and I feel it, Harry does too. But much worse than me.

It hurts me to see him suffer this much. I just wanted it to stop. And it will. I'll save them all.

On the bright side, Ron and Hermione destroyed the Hufflepuff cup.

"Yeah, f-fine. You?" He breathed as I helped him up.

"Oh yeah, brilliant." I said sarcastically.

"Yeah, silly asking when your father wants me dead and you to be a deatheater." He said, with a joking tone.

Our eyes met. And we both knew he wasn't joking.

It was real life.

"I just want to let you know Florence......" Harry voice trailed off.


"It's you. After all this time, it's still you."

I took his hand and squeezed it tightly. "And it's you."

I could hear another loud rumbling from outside. The force field had fallen. Our time was up.

We ran down the steps, hand in hand, avoiding deatheaters flying in through the windows and attacking students.

"Neville! Are you all right?" Harry asked as we came to a stop next to a large pillar.

"Never better! I feel like I could spit fire! You haven't seen Luna, have you?"


"I'm mad for her! I think it's about time I told her, since we'll probably both be dead by dawn!" He answered excitedly before running off.

I looked down the steps to see Ginny instructing a group of first years to the dungeons. Some of them were injured and struggling to keep up.

"I have to go help them." I said, not taking my eyes of the kids. "Look they're-"

"Flo, I love that you care for other more than yourself, but I care for you more than others and I'm not leaving you."

His words made me realise the situation we were in. As badly as I wanted to help Ginny, I needed to stay with Harry. He's my father's main target. I couldn't bear the thought of leaving him and coming back to a dead body.

I locked my eyes onto his emerald ones. The ones I find so much comfort in. I didn't say anything in response, just pulled him into a long kiss.

And for a moment, as the everything around us was crashing down, we felt like the only two people in the world.

"Harry! Florence!" Ron called, breaking our kiss. He and Hermione were running towards us, basilisk fang in hand.

"Here, take this." Hermione said out of breath, passing me the basilisk fang.

I stuffed it in the back of my jeans for safe keepings.

"Did you find the diadem?" Hermione asked.

"Yes. Follow me." Harry answered quickly before leading us through a few crowded halls, up some more stairs, and to a familiar empty wall on the seventh floor.

A door appeared and we went inside.

The room was cluttered with junk from the floor to the ceiling. There were books, jewellery, furniture, magical equipment and more. If you needed something, it was definitely in one of these piles.

A grin formed on Harry's face as he looked around the room. "Hey Flo? Remember that one time when we-"

"Do not finish that sentence mate." Ron warned.

"Well they don't just call it the come and go room for no reason, do they?" I joked, laughing as Ron gagged and Hermione covered her mouth in shock.

"This is not the time, you two." Hermione said as she pulled out her wand and began walking further into the room.

I followed closely behind her through the make-shift hallways of junk.

Harry and I turned towards the same item on a large pile. A dusty brown box. I heard voices, whispers coming from it. He must hear it too.

"What is it?" Ron asked, looking at us strangely.

Harry walked closer towards it and carefully opened the box to reveal a sparkling silver tiara with a blue jewel in the middle of it. He slowly took it out of the box and raised it up for us to see.

"Well well. What brings you here, Potter?" A familiar voice asked from down the hall.

We all quickly turned around.

Draco, Goyle, and Blaise had their wands pointed directly at us.

"I could ask you the same." Harry answered as he too, pulled out his wand.

"You have something of mine. I'd like it back."

"What's wrong with the one you have?" I asked as I nodded my head towards the wand in his hand. Harry had his so he must have borrowed someone else's.

"It's my mother's. It's powerful, but it's not the same. Doesn't quite.....understand me. Know what I mean?" He paused as his eyes met mine. "It's good to see you."

"You too." I said, looking at him. "How about as a welcome home present, you leave us alone to do this? How about it?"

"No can do, darling."

"Why didn't you tell her?" Harry asked suddenly. "Bellatrix. You knew it was me. You didn't say anything."

Draco looked nervous at his words.

"Come on Draco. Don't be a prat." Goyle whispered to him.

Honestly, if Goyle and Blaise weren't here, I bet Draco would've stood down. His need for his fathers approval is the reason for this..... and for every dumb thing he does.

"Expellairmus!" Hermione yelled, catching him off guard. The wand flew out of his hand and he quickly retreated.

"Avada Kedavra!" Goyle yelled to Hermione.

I shot a spell back at him just in time to avoid his spell hitting Hermione. The tiara was knocked high into the air and landed on top of a large pile of junk, almost at the ceiling.

"That's my girlfriend you numpties!" Ron yelled as he chased after them.

Hermione smiled greatly at his words as I turned to her in surprise.

"Girlfriend?!" I repeated excitedly.

"It's- I'll tell you later." She waved off, the smile on her face continually growing.

I followed after Harry, who was already climbing the massive pile to get the tiara. A cornish pixie nearly sent me falling down. The three of us tossed junk out of the way as we climbed higher and higher up.

"Got it!" Harry exclaimed.

I stopped digging and jumped down. I peered around the corner at a loud thudding noise.

"RUN!" Ron yelled frantically as he sped towards us. "Goyle's set the bloody place on fire!"

He pushed past us and grabbed Hermione's arm. A huge fiery snake burst out from a pile of junk behind him and charged right at us.

Harry grabbed my hand and we ran as fast we could, away from the growing flame. Everything the snake passed caught fire.

Harry sent a spell flying back. It knocked over enough junk to momentarily block the fire form spreading. We continued running from the flames as kept hold of Harry's hand. I refuse to die in a fire created by bloody Gregory Goyle.

We turned a sharp corner where more fire was waiting for us. We're surrounded. It's everywhere.

I cast a powerful  bubble charm around us and looked around for an escape. Thankfully, Harry noticed a set of old brooms sitting next to us. He quickly tossed one to each of us. I mounted mine just as the bubble charm broke and we took off into the air.

Ron lead us over to the fire and to the door. "Come on this way!"

"FLO!" I heard a voice shout far in the distance.

Oh shit.


"We can't leave them!" I yelled before turning around and heading back into the fire.

"She's joking right?" I heard Ron ask.

I scanned through the mountains of burning objects for a head of blonde hair. He and Blaise were at the top of one of the piles, hanging on for dear life.

I flew down to them and held my arm out for Draco to hold on. He grabbed on tight and mounted the broom behind me.

"Thank you, thank you." He whispered, trying to catch his breath.

"Anytime." I sighed in annoyance as I flew towards the door. Harry was behind me with Blaise on the back of his broom.

The fire was still growing, making the exit seem miles away.

"If we die for them Flo, I'm going to kill you!" Ron called.

Hermione shot a spell at the fire blocking the door. It moved away enough for the six of us to get through without being burned alive. The fire hit the back of my broom just as we were leaving and it sent Draco and I tumbling off to the ground just outside the door.

Draco landed on top of me as we made a second of eye contact.

Harry watched and got up. "Off my girlfriend." He said as he nudged Draco off. "Yeah thanks."

"Are you alright?" He asked me.

"I'm fine."

The fiery snake was moving towards us, still, at an alarming speed.

"Harry!" I called to him as I tossed the basilisk fang from my back pocket and to him.

He caught it and immediately smashed it into the tiara. A huge explosion of black smoke arose from it. I removed the fang and stuffed it into the back of my jeans just in case. Ron kicked the tiara into the now burning room of requirement.

The tiara exploded in the fire just as the doors slammed shut, trapping the fiery snake.

Suddenly, I felt a gut wrenching feeling inside of me. One I had felt before, but the pain was intensified. I squeezed my eyes shut.

My breathing quickened and I saw a flash of something, something scaly, but it was so quick I couldn't make it out.

I looked over and saw Harry leaning against the wall, feeling the same. Except, he looked worse.

The pain for me was over after a few more seconds while Harry's lasted still.

"Harry!" I said as I hurried over to him and cupped his face. "Harry, snap out of it. It's okay, it's okay."

He gasped like he had just taken his first breath of air in years. His breathing slowed and he took my arm.

"It's-it's the snake. She's the last's the last horcrux."

It wasn't until Harry said that out loud that something inside me clicked.

I looked at Hermione and Ron. My brows furrowed and I blinked profusely as all the pieces started falling into place.

Nagini was not the last horcrux. 

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