It's Complicated

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harry pov

I awoke to the warm heat of the sun shining on my face through the window of shell cottage.

After Dobby's funeral yesterday, we began staying at Bill and Fleur's house temporarily.

I rolled over to see Florence still fast asleep. I decided it was best to leave her. She needed the rest after yesterday, after what happened........ after what her own mother did to her.

I'll never forget it. I'll make Bellatrix pay, if it's the last thing I do.

I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Harry!" A familiar voice called as the door to our room swung open.

I looked to the door and smiled. "Moony!"

Moony quickly covered his eyes and looked away from the bed as if he saw something criminal. "Oh oh sorry, didn't know you were......busy."

He was probably referring to the fact I was lying in bed with Florence, shirtless, wearing only my boxers.

"Oh no, it's fine." I said, my cheeks blushing. "It's great to see you. What are you doing here?" I asked as I put on my glasses and chucked on flannel shirt and trousers.

"I have exciting news. Come." He grinned as he nodded his head towards the hallway.

I quietly got up and followed him to the hallway where he had pulled out a picture from his pocket. "Meet Edward Remus Lupin, or as we call him, Teddy."

I looked down at the picture of the small baby that already had a full head of bright blue hair.

Moony looked at the photo, pride beaming from his face. "He gets the colour changing hair from his mum."

I couldn't help but smile wide. "Congratulations." I beamed. "You're gonna be a great dad. As you have been to me."

He looked touched. "Thank you Harry, really. I also have a rather important question to ask you."


He put his hand in my shoulder. "Will you be his godfather?"

I was shocked as his words. Me? Of all people? I had no idea he'd trust me with the life of his son if he were to pass away.


He nodded.

"Wow. I'm honoured. Of course!"

"And of course, Florence as his godmother."

"Oh I can't wait for you to tell her! She'll be up soon. Oh she'll be so excited, and you can-"

"I don't mean to interrupt, but I'm afraid there's no time. I have to get back to Dora. I promised I'd be home almost an hour ago now. I just wanted to see you while I was out." He cut off. "Would you mind asking Florence for me? I wish I could've stayed."

My expression dimmed slightly. I wanted Florence to see Remus herself, but his child is most important right now. "Of course. Hope you make it back safe."

He ruffled my hair before engulfing me in a long hug. When we pulled away and he handed me the picture of Teddy. "I want yourself and Florence to keep it safe until you see him for real. Okay?"

I nodded. "We'll take good care of it. Thanks, uncle Moony."

His smile grew wide at my words. Sirius once told me how my dad wanted me to call them uncle Moony and uncle Padfoot.

So, I had to. At least once.

"See ya kid." He waved before going down the stairs and disappearing out of the door.

I smiled down at the picture in my hand. Despite the horror of yesterday, it gave me hope. Hope that this will all be over soon. Things will be back to normal.

It got me thinking how desperate I am for the future. I'll be in a townhouse with Florence with our little kids (with secretive names that I still don't know). I smiled at the thought.

I walked back into our bedroom and was surprised to see Florence was up.

"Good morning, chosen one." She greeted through a tired yawn.

"Go back to sleep, Mrs. You need to rest." I said as I sat on the bed beside her.

"I did rest. Resting is boring. I'm bored."

"You're stubborn."

"And you love me."

"That I do." I grinned before kissing her cheek.

"I feel like shit." She groaned.

"You look like it too."

She slapped me lightly and rolled her eyes playfully.

"Guess who stopped by today."



"Oh really? Is he still here?" She asked excitedly as she peered towards the doorway.

"He just left."

She hit my arm and climbed off the bed to go look out the window for him. "He was here and you didn't wake me?"

"I'm sorry. You needed to rest, and he could only stay for a few minutes. But here, look at this." I raised the picture Moony had given me of Teddy.

"Awww, what a cute little baby." She looked at me as I smiled at her. "Why are you showing this to me?"

"That is our godson, Teddy."

"G-godson?! I'm a godmother?!" She exclaimed as she jumped on the bed beside me and took the photo in her hands. She then looked back up at me with a confused expression. "Wait, who's baby is this?"

"Moony and Tonks." I laughed. She is so cute.

"Moony and Tonks had a baby?!" She exclaimed excitedly. "Oh my god, oh my god! Oh, it creeps me out a bit to know that Moony and Tonks, you know, do it." She shivered.

"Well imagine how they'd feel if they knew we 'do it'."

"Touché." She looked back at the picture and smiled. "Look at him, Harry! Tonk's eyes, Moony's nose, oh he's gorgeous."

I watched as she gazed over the picture with such love.

She's going to be the best mother.


florence pov

"It's beautiful here." Luna said as she admired some wind chimes blowing in the gentle breeze.

She was right. I didn't have much time to look around the house yesterday when we arrived. Now, seeing it in the daylight, it is beautiful.

"It was our aunt's. We used to come here as kids. The Order uses it now as a safe house." Bill looked lowly at Fleur. "What's left of us, at least."

Luna looked back to the wind chimes. "Muggles think these keep evil away, but they're wrong."

"Really?" I asked.

She nodded.

"I'll never understand muggles. Never."

"I need to talk to the goblin." Harry stated as he walked into the kitchen.

"Well, good morning to you too."


I pulled myself up to sit on the dresser in the goblin's room. We all stared at him in silence for a moment before Harry spoke up.

"How are you?" Harry asked.


"You probably don't remember-" Harry started before he was cut off.

"That I showed you to your vault the first time you came to Gringotts? Even amongst goblins you're famous, Harry Potter." He paused, there was a silence. "You buried the elf."


"And brought me here."

"Yes." Harry said again, sounding unsure of where this was going.

"You are........a very unusual wizard." The goblin said slowly. Then his eyes landed on the sword of Gryffindor, leaning against the wall by a cabinet. "How did you come by this sword?"

"It's complicated." Harry answered.

"Why did Bellatrix Lestrange think the sword should be in her vault at Gringotts?" I asked the goblin.

I hoped that because I was her daughter, I might get an answer from him.

"It's complicated."

Or not.

The goblin clearly wasn't going to give us answers until we gave him answers. Harry stood his ground and stayed quiet, daring the goblin to give up and answer first.

"The sword presented itself to us in a moment of need. We didn't steal it." I answered after a few more moments of silence.

The goblin nodded, seemingly accepting my answer.
"There is a sword in Madam Lestrange's vault identical to this one, but it is a fake. It was placed there this past summer."

"And she never suspected it was a fake?" Harry asked.

"The replica is very convincing. Only a goblin would recognise that this is the true sword of Gryffindor."

"Who is the acquaintance?" Hermione spoke up from beside me.

"A Hogwarts professor. As I understand it, he's now headmaster."

"Snape?" Ron asked. "He put a fake sword in Bellatrix's vault? Why?"

"There are more than a few curious things in the vaults at Gringotts." He answered gravely.

"And in Madam Lestrange's vault as well?" Harry pushed on.


"I need to get into Gringotts, into one of the vaults."

"That is impossible."

"Alone, yes. But with you, no." Harry said.

The goblin clasped his hands together in thought. "Why should I help you?"

"He just saved your bloody life." I snapped. "Or would you rather be at Malfoy Manor right now?"

The goblin stayed silent in response.

"I have gold. Lots of it." Harry offered.

"I have no interest in gold."

"Then what?"

His eyes fell on the sword in the corner of the room. He pointed to it. "That. That is my price."

Harry looked at the sword, then at the goblin.


Hermione, Harry, Ron, and I huddled together in the small hallway.

"Are you thinking there's a horcrux in Bellatrix's vault?" Hermione whispered.

"She was terrified when she thought we'd been in there. She kept asking Flo what else we'd taken. I bet you anything there's a horcrux in there, another piece of his soul." Harry answered.

"Let's find it and kill it, and then we're one step closer to killing him." I said.

"And what happens when we find it? How are we supposed to destroy it now you've given the sword to Griphook?" Ron asked.

"Stupid name for a goblin." I muttered.

In case you can't tell, I'm not very happy that we had to trade away the sword. That was our only weapon to destroy the horcruxes.

"I'm still working on that part." Harry said as he turned the door knob to the room across from Griphook's.

He pushed open the door to reveal another bedroom. Ollivander was sitting on a rocking chair in the corner.

"Yes?" He asked weakly when he noticed our presence.

"Mr Ollivander, I need to ask you a few questions." Harry said as he moved further into the room.

"Anything my boy, anything."

At least someone is appreciative we saved them from their death, besides Luna.

"Would you mind identifying this wand? We need to know if it's safe to use."

Harry sat down at the edge of the bed and handed Ollivander a dark brown twisted looking wand.

"Walnut. Dragon heartstring. Twelve and three quarter inches. Unyielding. This belonged to Bellatrix Lestrange. Treat is carefully." Ollivander said before handing Harry back the wand.

Harry handed him the next wand. "And this?"

I recognised this wand. It was Draco's. We traded wands one day in fourth year. Let's just say it involved a lot of broken objects, screaming from professors, and a detention from Snape.

"Hawthorn and unicorn hair. Ten inches. Reasonably pliant. This was the wand of Draco Malfoy."

"Was?" I repeated.

"Is it not still?" Harry asked.

"Well perhaps not, if you won it from him. I sense it's allegiance has changed." He said as he handed Harry back the wand.

"You talk about wands as if they have feelings.....can think." Harry said slowly.

"The wand chooses the wizard, Mr Potter. That much has always been clear to those of us who have studied wandlore." He then turned to me. "I know that wand you hold dear, is not truly the wand that chose you."

I nodded. "My old one was broken. This one seems to work fine." I waved off, though I did miss my old wand. Don't get me wrong, this one is great, I just feel as though it's not really mine.

"Come here, Miss Riddle."

I looked at him. I was taken aback. I didn't know he knew my real name.

I sat next to Harry on the edge of the bed. "How do you-"

"I remember the day you walked into my shop. You talked of how excited you were to attend school in France. The man with you, Mr Malfoy, I knew immediately he wasn't your real father. One accidental touch of your fingertip to my hand was all it took, and I knew you were the daughter of Voldemort and Bellatrix. I felt it. I heard it." He paused. "At first I was terrified, but dear girl, after helping you pick out your wand, I had hope, real hope that you would be the one good thing that came from those monsters. And, as it seems, you are."

What did he mean by he felt that I was Voldemort and Bellatrix's daughter? How could he just feel it? Was it........inside me?

I remember that day in Ollivander's. To think, if I hadn't gotten sent away to Beauxbatons, I would've gotten to go to Hogwarts sooner.

Find my family sooner.

Find my soulmate sooner.

"And what do you know about the deathly hallows?" Harry asked Ollivander, bringing me back to reality.

"It is rumoured there are three. The elder wand, the cloak of invisibility to hide you from your enemies, and the resurrection stone to bring back loved ones from the dead. Together they make one the master of death." He paused. "But few truly believe that such objects exist."

"Do you? Do you believe they exist, sir?" Harry asked.

"W-well, I see no reason to put stock into an old wives tale." He stuttered awkwardly.

"You're lying. You know one exists."

"You told him about it. You told my father about the elder wand and where he could go looking for it." I accused.

Ollivander's expression dropped. "He tortured me. Besides, I only conveyed rumours. There's no telling whether he will find it."

I don't blame him.

There were many times when I wanted to give up, join my parents and become a deatheater, just for momentarily relief. But the difference between Ollivander and I, I have more to fight for.

"He has found it, sir." Harry said slowly as he took the wands back from him.

Ollivander slowly looked up. The look in his face sent violent shivers down my spine. "I'm sorry."

None of us spoke a word. It's not exactly something you can forgive easily.

"We'll let you rest." Harry said finally.

We all got up to leave. Just as we were about to exit the door, Ollivander spoke up.

"He's after you two, Mr Potter and Miss Riddle. If it's true, what you say, and he has the elder wand....... I'm really don't stand a chance."

I hadn't actually heard anyone say it before. We always knew he was after Harry. But now he was after me too.

The difference was, he won't kill me for the some reason, and the first thing he'll do is kill Harry. And now I think I know why.

"Well, I suppose I'll have to kill him before he finds us then."

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