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Aizawa's POV"

"Problem child you have to tell me what they did.." I was getting super tired, Midoriya won't tell me what's wrong or what happened back there. "Nu nu nu!" He's throwing a fit.. Great. I grunt softly, "Okay okay.." I can't fight with him right now.. "Aizawa!" My head immediately shot up, that is definitely Bakugo. "Daddy! Dada!" Izuku squealed, I sighed happily. "We're taking a break." Kirishima said, oh shit. "Did what happen get out?!" I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Yup. The whole thing, from the fighting to the hospital." Kirishima says softly while Bakugo turned around and hugged him, guess his anxiety is kicking in. "Daddyyyyyyyyy" We all stopped and looked at the innocent green fluff ball, "Babyyyy!" Bakugo squeals while going to pick up Izuku, this is probably the only time Izuku will have peace of mind.. "Kirishima, take care of Midoriya and Bakugo for the next few weeks.." I say while placing a hand on his shoulder, he nods in agreement. "Alright, well I'm off." I walk away waving. "Buh byee!" Izuku yells, I smile softly and keep walking.

Kirishima's POV

"Okay my two adorable babies, we need to get Izu checked out so that we can take him home." I says enthusiastically, I can't wait to go home and just pamper my two love birds to the fullest!

Time skip brought to you by your lazy author!

"Baku you wanna drive or want me to drive?" I ask while digging in my pockets for my keys and holding Izuku in one arm. It ain't easy. "Chu dwive!" My explosive little blonde says happily, "And I want Izuzu!!" He stomped his foot causing Izu to shake and tear up. "Bakugo Katsuki. Get in the car right now." I hate being stern with him but.. He needs to learn he can't be a brat right now. "NU!" I hear the explosions popping around in his hands, "S-stwop! P-pwease!" I felt Izuku's tears meet my neck as he tried his best to defuse the situation, and then Baku starts to cry. I sigh, "Ok my little explosion, up ya go." I say while picking Bakugo up, "Cmon guys stop crying.." I whisper softly, I don't want them getting unnecessary stares from people. "We'll get stuffies after Izu takes a shower~" Bribery always works with Bakugo, not sure about Izu.. "Yay yay!" Both my beautiful babies squirmed in my arms, "Okay okay! We gotta chill out and get home first." I says while placing Bakugo down, "What type of bull-?" I hear some voice say behind us, Izuku shivered. "It's okay it's okay, I got you baby.." I whisper in Izu's ear while grabbing Bakugo's hand and turning around. "The top 2 hero's and number 4, Deku, Dynamite, and Red riot." The person says, venom laced around his words, camera in hand. "Bastard." Bakugo says angrily, guess he's out of little space.

Third Person POV

Izuku was full on crying at this point, all the stress from his past two days and this rando were taking a huge toll on him. "Baby boy please don't cry, it's okay.. I know everything is overwhelming, we got you." Bakugo whispers while taking the poor greenette from Kirishima's arms. "I w-wanna gwo home!" Izuku mumbles while burring his head in the crook of Bakugo's neck, "We know bub it's okay, he won't do anything even if he wanted to~" Kirishima said while stroking Izuku's hair. "Disgusting." Both Kirishima and Bakugo's heads shot up as soon as they heard that, Bakugo started to make explosions in his free hand, "Unless you want to see the moon in .3 seconds I'd advise you run for your life." Bakugo threatened, Kirishima shot the man a death glare, "O-okay dudes!" The guy said while backing away, soon doing a complete 180 and running away back to wherever he came from. "Sorry about that Zuzu.. We'll get you home and just chill there. Okay?" Kirishima suggested, he earned a nod from the shaken greenette.

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