Chapter 9

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Zayn's POV

This was all definitely interesting. After I had left lunch with Niall yesterday to go back to work, we had had been texting none stop. Even during his concert he was texting me and while I pierced some guys nipples at the tattoo shop I was able to respond to him. I felt like I was back in high school flirting with guys that I knew I could get them in bed or even just for someone to talk to because I liked them. With Niall, he was both.

I had left the radio studio a little earlier so I could go home and study for a big test I had. That was the nice thing about being a student intern. Your boss is forced to let you leave if it's something school related. So I took advantage of that and got back to my flat that still had no electricity and no hot water. I've just resorted to using candles and flashlights and taking thirty second showers. I would pay for my utilities, but I kind of didn't have any money. I would ask my parents, but they didn't need to pay for me anymore. I'm too old for my parents to help me out.

As I sat in my semi lit living room, I continued to text Niall and study at the same time. He was actually a really smart person for not finishing school. I had learned that fun fact yesterday when he told me. I set my phone down to looked through my notes really fast, but my phone started ringing next to me before I could get anything done. I picked it up and saw it was Niall.

"What do you want?" I asked over the phone like he was a huge nuisance in my life. Really he was the opposite, but it didn't hurt to start a little banter.

"I want to suck you off. Where do you live?" He replied softly. I wasn't really expecting that comment so I sat there with my mouth open and my imagination slowly beginning to take off somewhere it shouldn't.

"I live in Bradford. Where do you live?" I asked Niall in return, trying to sound cool, but my voice was a little too thick. Niall sighed happily and laughed before telling me he didn't have a home then asking me the question again but this time it was more serious. I gave him my address and asked him why he needed it, but I never got an answer to that. All I got was Niall telling me a long story about how last night during the concert Liam dumped a whole water bottle down the back of Louis' jeans.

My intercom buzzed in the middle of me and Niall's conversation, which I figured it would be the land lord asking me if I liked to sit in the dark or if I wanted to pay for utilities. He was a grumpy sarcastic old man that hated me because he thought I would throw some wild party, but I never have so he can calm his wrinkled old balls.

"Niall, there's someone at my door. I'll call you back in a few." I told Niall. He told me he hoped it was a murderer to kill me, but then hung up before I could yell at him back that his comment was completely unnecessary. With that scary feeling, I went to my door and unlocked it before opening it slowly only to be met with beautiful blue eyes and nearly styled blonde hair.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked in shock that Niall Horan was now at my door. He blushed and took and few steps forward. I knew that ment he wanted a kiss so I kissed his soft lips, then opened my door to let him into my flat that I was actually embarrassed he would be seeing.

"I was in the area again and decided to visit an old friend. How are you, mate? What has it been? Less than twenty-four hours?" Niall joked. I laughed as I locked all the locks on my door before turning to see he was already looking around my flat a little.

"Let me show you around." I mumbled to him. I hated where I lived, but I figured it was better than living in a dorm room. I don't do well with people, so I just rather live here on my own.

Niall laced his fingers with mine as I showed him my kind of dark flat. It was a small place actually. The kitchen was only separated by a wall in the living room and there was a tiny hall that led to the single bedroom and bathroom. Niall looked at the pictures I had of the girls and my parents hanging up and also looked at the small amount of musical instruments I had kind of stashed in a corner in my small bedroom. At one point he reached to flip on the light switch in the kitchen and then he realized it didn't work. I looked down and felt like screaming at him to get out or crying because my life is so pathetic.

"How long has that been off?" Niall asked me softly. I looked away from him, but he reached up and gently gripped my chin so I was looking in his blue eyes that looked like he cared too much.

"A few days. It's fine though. Do you want something to drink or eat? I have... I actually don't have food. I have water cold water. Do you like water?" I rambled to him as I moved out of his touch so I could get a glass for him. He stood there silently as I looked through my cabinets for crackers or something to offer him. I was kind of living off of what Nick has in the break room. Tonight was a night to go to my parents house for dinner so I didn't have to worry about that.

Niall came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I set down the full glass of water and just stayed there. Neither of us said anything, we just stayed quiet. I was embarrassed to an extreme. It's not that I'm poor or anything, I just don't spend my money wisely. For instance, this month I spent my money on new clothes and shoes instead of utilities and groceries. I don't really eat allot so that's not a problem to pay for, but now that I have someone that never has to worry about how to spend their money in my flat I'm just really embarrassed.

"When I was growing up, my dad was rarely home. He sometimes forgot to pay for utilities or stuff like that so me and my bother had to sit in the dark or go to the neighbors to eat dinner. My mum always offered for us to go live with her again, but I felt like my dad would feel bad that there were times he didn't always take care of us the best. Zayn, don't forget that before I had all that I have now, I used to know what living in the working class was like. That's why I'm so grateful for what I have now." Niall told me as he rest his head on my back. I moved a little to get out of his arms so I could take him into the living room to sit on the couch.

"Tell me more..." I whispered to him, my eyes burning because I just wanted something that I could understand from Niall. I wanted to relate to him in the worst way that way I could stop feeling like a freak trying to fit into someone's normal life. Niall scoot closer to me and rest his head on my lap.

"When my parents were married, we wall lived in a small two bedroom house in Ireland. Me and my brother Greg never got along so we couldn't share a room. I ended up with a tiny bed in my parents room right by the window. I would stay up all night just thinking about how much easier life would be if we won the lottery or something like that. Then there were times that I sat there and asked God why my life wasn't like all the rich kids at school. I remember making deals with him that if he could help my family out just once I would stop misbehaving in class. It all changed when the X Factor auditions came. I stood in line in my bothers old hand me down clothes and could only hope that was what I could do to help my family. I didn't have much growing up, but I guess had what I needed." Once Niall finished, I felt like I found that thing that felt like he had an obtainable substance in him. It made him seem less like Niall Horan from One Direction and just become Niall.

"I liked that. Not that you had to struggle or that it was hard, I just liked hearing that." I whispered to him. He sat up from where he had been laying on my lap and looked at me. He leaned in to kiss my lips softly then pulled back.

"I like being around you. You just remind me of things my life could have been. It's nice in a way. At first I found it frustrating that you were so tied down, but now it's almost like a weight pulling me back to reality." Niall whispered. I kissed his lips then reached to pull him on my lap.

"I like being around you. You make my boring, pathetic life seem a little more colorful and interesting." Niall giggled at that then leaned in to kiss me. My eyes closed and my hands rested on his soft hips. We kissed each other slowly, the heat increasing only slightly as the minutes ticked on.

My tongue licked into his mouth first causing him to wrap his arms around my neck to pull me in closer. I slipped my hands under his shirt then started playing with his nipples. He groaned and broke the kiss to pant to me to stop. I only kept going with my assult on his chest until I saw he was much too sensitive to be touched there any longer.

My hands lifted him up so his legs hooked around my waist and I could carry him into my bedroom. I set him on my bed and ripped off my shirt. Niall scoot back on my bed and pulled off his shoes then just sat there. Once I was down to my boxers, I got on the bed and started taking his clothes off until he was completely bare. Roughly, I flipped him so he was on his stomach then grabbed a pillow to put it under his curvy hips.

"Zayn, I don't want..." Niall started off in a scared tone. I cut him off by leaning forward and kissing his cheek softly. His tense body relaxed under me like he understood I wasn't going to go all the way. We're just having fun, and if he's not enjoying it then it's not fun.

I begin the press kisses from his neck to his shoulders then down his wonderfully defined back. I got to the two dimples on the bottom of his spine and sucked two love bites right on them. Niall gasped a little and whined, but I didn't stop until two satisfying red spots were there. More kisses were placed over his squishy bubble bum and I couldn't help myself but to bite at one cheek.

"Are you good?" I asked him, hoping he knew I was asking him if he was clean. He nodded and mumbled yes multiple times into my pillow. I smirked because he was falling apart before it had even properly touched him.

I spread him and leaned in to kiss at his sensitive hole. Niall moaned and fisted the blankets below him. He only started to wither more as I begin to lick his rim. His arse was actually surprisingly sweet and I felt like I needed to taste him more. I begin the press my tongue against his ring of muscle, hearing Niall hiss and moan in pain and pleasure. I sucked at his rim then pressed my tongue in deeper until it was past his resistance. I fucked into him with my tongue at a slow pace that was sending Niall isn't a fit of mumbled that sounded close to tears. This wasn't even about me getting pleasure anymore, I just really wanted Niall to feel amazing.

I reached one hand around his waist to get his throbbing member while my mouth continued to work him closer and closer. My now Niall was sobbing into my pillow and biting it to keep screams back. My hand worked over his member and I felt him twitch as I thrust into his hole particularly hard. I moaned, sending vibrations through his body and pushing him over the edge. I worked him through it until he shakily reached back to move my face. He just laid there trying to catch his breath and I finally got to see his face was bright red with tears soaking my pillow.

"Niall, are you alright?" I asked, actually worried I hurt him. He nodded and let a few finally after shocks hit his body before he rolled over on his back and wiped his face. I got some tissues to wipe my hand and him then took off my pillow case that was now dirty. I was still hard, but I didn't really care because I felt like this was about Niall now. I pulled the blankets back and put Niall under them and climbed in next to him.

"That was amazing." Niall breathed out. I laughed and pulled him so he was my little spoon. He must have felt how hard I still was, but I gripped his hip hard so he knew I didn't want anything from him.

"I have to leave soon. Alberto is probably tired of waiting in the hall." Niall giggled. I rolled my eyes because that's ridiculous that some guy drove him all the way here so he could hook up with me and have some conversation and wait while we did that. I guess that's the life that I didn't really understand, but as I drifted off into a short nap holding Niall to my I thought of the thing I did understand about him. I thought of his humble beginning.

Niall's POV

I slipped out of Zayn's bed after a short thirty minute nap. As fast as I could, I got my clothes on and all my belongs then kissed Zayn's forehead. He didn't even budge, so I sent him a text saying I needed to get back to London for the show tonight.

Alberto was waiting in the hall just like I expected him to be. He looked beyond happy that I was done and we could leave this very cheep looking building. Zayn's flat made me a little sad because if it were up to me he would have a much nicer one. He deserves nicer than what he had, but I knew he couldn't afford that. He's only a student.

Once I got to the lobby, I walked over to the receptionist that was sitting there. It was a middle aged man that looked done with my shit before it even started. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wallet, slipping him a few dollars to make him happier to help me.

"Can I pay for utilities for someone's flat? Just as an act of kindness?" I asked him. He set a long list of people that were behind on paying so I went through until I found Zayn's name. It wasn't allot of money actually, but then again to me it's never allot of money any more.

"I'd like to pay for this month and the next six months after. Can you make that possible?" I asked the man, sliding him back the list and my debit card. He took it and swiped it like he just wanted me to leave him alone.

Once it was all done, I left the building feeling something in me tell me that I wanted to do more than what I had just done for Zayn now. I wanted to make sure he always had what he needed, such as food and electricity. I also wanted to make sure he knew he was a very special man in my life. Even if it was only temporary, he was the best thing for me.

A/N: this is the last update before I dissappear! I hope you liked it, it's 3k words haha What's your first name?!?!?!? Comment / Vote!
- Bri;)

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