Chapter 13

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Zayn's POV

Niall and I got back to his hotel room after Niall did allot of shopping. I didn't even know what he was buying by the end of our little outing, he just bought allot of stuff that I ended up carrying for him. There were only a few stops where people asked him for pictures and there were one or two paparazzi men out, but it wasn't anything too extreme. If anything, it was just a reminder to me that the Niall I know is an actual famous guy that everyone wants to be with. That's when I feel weird about being with him. I don't feel like I deserve it.

"Do you like golf?" Niall asked me when we walked into his hotel room. Alberto shut the door behind us and for the first time today we were alone. I knew Niall had completely forgotten about the body guard that stocked us all day because it was normal for him, but I didn't. I hated it the most when we were at that store I bought Niall some personal items. I just tried to act cool about it even though on the inside I felt my skin crawling with a feeling like that man really knew what was going on. I shook my thoughts and walked over to where Niall was sting on the ended of the bed flipping through some sports channels on the telly.

"I've never really liked sports. I always just stayed in the art room or the music room while the rest of the kids went to play football and stuff." I told him as I sat next to him. I felt his eyes on me as I took off my jacket and my shoes, but I didn't really want to get into the whole talk about how I've been alone since birth.

"Did you have friends that went there with you?" Niall asked me, making me know I wasn't getting out of this. It also reminded me of how much we still didn't know about each other.

"I never made friends because everyone thought I was weird. They also questioned my race quite a bit and some of the kids parents said to stay away from me. I realized when I was seven that I was different and I told myself different was cool just so I wouldn't feel bad about not having friends. I've lived by that every day of my life because even at twenty-two, I still have trouble making friends and talking to people." I said quietly, like I was trying to keep this a secret between us both. Niall set down the remote and crossed his legs to sit and listen to me more.

"I think you're great at making friends. You walked into that meet and greet with your sisters and all of us really liked you. They could relate to you because you were literally doing something you never would do a day in your life, but it was for your sisters so you did it. I liked you because you had a nice smile and to me a smile is the best thing to make some friends." Niall whispered back to me. I rolled my eyes at him, but couldn't help but smile at him. Niall leaned in and kissed me shortly then looked over my face like he was wondering if I was real.

"I bet you had allot of friends. Your smile is contagious." I chuckled quietly to him. He shook his head and scoot back on the bed so he was sitting in the middle of it. I moved to sit next to him and looked at his blushing cheeks.

"I had crooked teeth until I was seventeen and finally got braces. That was very embarrassing because I was in this huge boy band and I was the ugly one with braces. I had allot of friends, but only because I tried really hard to get everyone to like me. I was short and didn't hit puberty till really late so I could have been bullied. I just kept the enemies close to me and tried making everyone laugh." Niall told me, but I knew he didn't want to say that he knows everyone loved him the second they meet him. It's just his personality to be drawn to him and to want to like him. To add to his amazing personality, he's pretty cute too.

"I think you're just a loveable person. You're cute, cuddly and happy. What more could you want from someone?" I chuckled to him. Niall moved so he could move the way I was sitting so he could straddle my lap. He fit perfectly there and his arms wrapped around my neck, his hands playing with the hair in the back on my neck. I had both arms around his waist that had a soft curve to it that drove me crazy.

"You make me sound like a fucking puppy." Niall giggled to me. I laughed and nodded  because that's kind of what he is. He's a puppy stuck in a man's body. Plus, I think puppies and dogs are just the best things on earth so Niall could be one too.

Niall smiled at me before leaning down down and kissed me softly. My eyes slipped shut to enjoy the feeling of his lips on mine. There was always something about kissing Niall that was special each time. From rushed kisses to the ones that were only soft pecks on the lips, they all held something to them that left me craving more each time. It felt like the first time you went out into the snow when you were a kid. It was amazing and left you in wonder of how something could be so amazing then you went back inside and could only look forward to the next time.

I slowly laid back on the bed as our lips moved in a passionate kiss. My hands slid down to Niall's bum and just held him in place right where he was on top of my body. Our tongues simultaneously licked out and tangled with each other before Niall pulled back to looked at me with a look in his blue eyes that had my heart doing things it shouldn't be doing. It was falling and I couldn't have that happen.

"Want to go cause some trouble?" Niall asked me with a cheeky grin. I leaned up to kiss him shortly before sitting up with him sitting in my lap to listen to his devious plans.

Somehow, we ended up on the roof of the hotel with a bag of balloons and multiple water bottles. Niall told me the balloons were from his birthday that the boys were going to blow up for him, but didn't get around to it so they just gave him them instead. I stood back and watched Niall fill one balloon up with water then tie it before throwing it off the side of the building.

"What are you doing? Are you crazy?" I asked him, running to look over just in time to see the balloon it the ground right in front of a someone on the sidewalk. Niall laughed and pulled me back from the side of the building.

"I'm crazy, that's why I don't care that I'm doing this. Try it." He told me once he stopped laughing as hard. I looked at him and saw his blue eyes sparkle in a way that seemed too happy for me to tell him no. So I ended up filling one of the orange balloons up with water then throwing it over the edge. We both watched it for a minute, but when it hit the bottom it hit some man on the ground.

"This isn't a good idea." I chuckled to Niall as we both filled up more balloons. Honestly, this was the most fun I've had in a long time. Then adding how happy Niall looked kind of made me forget about anything but having fun.

Soon, on the ground there were a group of girls and paparazzi people looking up as us. Niall and I made it our game to hit the paparazzi because they were starting to take pictures of us. Niall threw one balloon over the edge that caused the girls to scream when it hit the ground. I laughed and walked up behind Niall to wrap my arms around him as he waved down to the group of fans that were gathering.

"They must really love you. You're throwing water balloons at them and they're still excited to see you." I chucked into his ear. He turned his head back to look at me with a childlike gleam in his eyes. It felt like I was looking at the Niall that was in side him before he was ever famous. I held him tighter in my arms as a way to hold on to that because once again I could relate to him and I wanted it keep that.

"I know I could light them on fire and they would be happy." He giggled to me then ran out of my arms to go get more balloons. I went over and filled a few more up before walking over to the side of the building and looked down at the fans. They all screamed so I looked behind me to see if Niall was there, but he was still filling up his balloons. I waved at them a little and blushed when they screamed.

"They like you too." Niall laughed, then threw down five balloons full of water. I threw down my other five and watched as they all hit someone, mostly the paparazzi though. Unfortunately, that was when our fun was ended by Alberto walking up on the roof with a few hotel security people. Niall scoot closer to me and nervously grabbed my hand.

"I think you both have had your fun. Let's stop before someone gets hurt. Some people are starting to complain." Alberto told us, sounding the exact way my dad does when he was tired of me terrorizing my sisters when I was little. The hotel security men looked at me and shook their heads like this was all my fault. I would take all the blame of it kept Niall out of trouble, but it was all Niall.

Both of us got lead back inside and to a conference room that we had to talk to the security for a few minutes and promise we wouldn't throw anymore balloons. Half way though the short meeting, Niall bumped me under the table and showed me he still had on full balloon in his hand. I smirked and took it from him.

"Do you both understand that you can't do this anymore?" The hotel security man asked us. Niall nodded and stood up to shake both the security men's hands. I did the same, hiding the balloon behind my back. Just before we left the room, I threw the balloon at the security men then took Niall's hand in mine to run down the hall.

"You're the crazy one!" Niall laughed to me as we ran down the hall to the stairs. I laughed back and kept pulling him until we were safely back in Niall's room. I locked the door behind us and pulled Niall into my arms.

"I like bad boy Zayn." He giggled to me then ran out of my arms to the shopping bags that were set on of the couched. He pulled out a gray jumper he had bought. He flipped it over to me and showed me the minions on it and I realized I had looked at that earlier but couldn't afford it.

"Can bad boy Zayn put this on for me?" Niall asked me, taking a few steps to me with the jumper in front of him. I shook my head and blushed, looking down at my black boots. I didn't want him to buy that at all. I didn't even know he was going to buy that. All I had know was I looked at that for a long time because minions make me happy then I saw the price and wasn't happy anymore.

"It's okay." Niall whispered to me then kissed my cheek. I looked at him and saw in his blue eyes he really wanted to just make me happy. I took the jumper from his hands and looked over it again. He tugged off my shirt I was wearing and helped me pull on the jumper that fit me perfectly. Niall took off the tag then reached down the unbutton my jeans.

"The rules in this room are no pants." He giggled to me like I should have remembered that. I rolled my eyes but let him get me down to my boxers. I took off his own jeans so he was in his tight underwear that had green stripes on them and made his arse look allot more bubbled out. He took off his shirt and pulled on the long sleeved black one I just had on before pulling me over to the bed.

We both ended up cuddling each other while watching Despicable Me on the telly. Niall's arms were curled up to his chest in a cute way while my arms held him close to my chest. Half way through the film, the Irish man fell asleep, leaving me to look at him rather than the telly. But when you have a sleeping Niall in front of you, it's not even an option of what to look at. It's Niall, always Niall.

A/N: I'm doing much better after my health scare. Yesterday I passed out twice in a twenty minute time period so I was taken to the emergency room. It turns out I had carbon monoxide poisoning from a leak in my house. The leak has been fixed and I'm doing much better. So here's a fluffy update! I think it's so cute how Zayn likes minions!!! What is an animated character you like?!?!?!? Comment / Vote!
- Bri;)

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