Highschool & Meeting Her Family

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Weeks passed and things were going more than amazing with Harry. It seems like the more time we spend together the more and more we learn from eachother. Now that we've been on our first date, it seems like we wanna move to the next step.

Meeting my family.

Harry's been really anxious and nervous but I've assured him that everything will turn out fine. Let's just say that that hasn't been helping. He's still freaking out. I think it's because he's meeting my parents first, officially.

"Bai, why's Harry shaking?" Abner asked.

Harry and I were sitting on the couch waiting for my parents' arrival. The boys were sitting on the floor playing with their race cars and watching Cars. I held Harry's hand in mine in order to comfort him. He squeezed my hand rather tightly.

"Wow," I gasped. "Haz, you're kind of squeezing the life out of me."

He untightened his hold and pouted. "I'm sorry sweetheart I'm just nervous."

Brody stood up and walked over to Harry. "Why are you nervous?"

Harry looked at me. Asking me what I should tell the boys since they didn't know we were dating neither. Well, might as well tell them the truth.

"Guys," I told them as they both looked over at me like Harry. "Harry and I are dating,"

Their faces were different. Abner shrugged like as if he knew it was coming but Brody had a face of disgust.

"Really?" Brody asked. "Harry, why her?"

I gasped while Harry laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "What do you mean Brody? Your sister is cute, funny, and a very very good kisser."

"Ew!" They both exclaimed and put their palms against their ears while I blushed.

Harry and I began to laugh while the boys kept making their 'disgusted' faces. The door soon opened and my parents were soon inside. Harry immediately froze. I grabbed his hand and rubbed my thumb on his side.

"Hunny, can you come help with the groceries?" My mom asked as she carried bags into the kitchen and placed them on the dining table. "Oh Harry, didn't expect to see you here." She noticed.

I got up and gave Harry a sympathetic look while I helped my mom carry the bags inside.

"Uh yeah, it's just.."

"We need to tell you and dad something important." I told her.

Her face was full of surprise. "Oh, okay. I'll go get your dad." She left and went outside.

I sighed and sat down next to Harry again. The boys went upstairs to watch the rest of their Cars movie. They were probably scared of dad's reaction when Harry and I tell them and were trying to stay away as much as possible. Smart kids.

"It's going to be okay." I grabbed Harry's hand in mine again and kissed his cheek.

He nodded and sighed.

"What's this about you kids telling us something important?" Dad came in with mom right behind him.

Harry tensed next to me.

"I think it's better if we tell you after you guys sit."

My parents both sat down on the couch infront of us, confused to what we were going to say.

"Okay, now what?" I can tell dad was curious.

"Um.. Bailey and I... Are... Um.." Harry tried to say but I could tell he was really nervous.

"Harry and I are dating." I said.

"Oh." Was all my mom said. What?

"Wait, what? You're not mad?"

"Of course not Hunny." My mom said. "We knew this was going to happen. We kind of suspected that it'd be Harry. But all in all, I've been waiting for this day to come. Finally getting to see my daughter date."

I blushed and looked at Harry who had calmed down and was now smiling at me. I smiled back at Harry and turned back to my parents. "Dad?"

Dad's face looked serious. Oh no. All of a sudden, his face turned from serious to happiness in seconds. "Just kidding! I'm happy for you two. If you're asking for my permission to date then you do. But Harry, if anything happens to my daughter, you are dead meat."

"That'll never happen sir. I can assure you." Harry grinned.


Now that we got that over with, we were going to a birthday party so Harry can meet the rest of my family. My aunts, uncles, cousins, and others were going to be there. Even the family friends who are always gossiping. We try to stay away from them. My mom says that the only reason they come to these things is for gossip.

I was getting dressed in a pink poke a dot dress that had no straps and red converse that Harry bought me. The boys were wearing formal shirts and jeans while my mom wore a dress and my dad wore a button down shirt and jeans.

I was putting all the stuff I needed in my bag when I felt someone wrap their armed around my waist behind me.

"You look really cute in this outfit." Harry whispered in my ear.

I turned around and wrapped my arms around his waist too. "Thanks."

Harry leant down and gave me a soft kiss. His pink lips soon were filled with my lipstick. I giggled and rubbed myl thumb on his lips to get the lipstick off. Harry just kept staring at me and had a small smile printed on his lips.

I giggled when Harry nuzzled his face in my shoulder, giving my soft kisses against my skin.

"Guys, we're- EW!"

Abner was coming in but he saw what Hazzy was doing and quickly left.

We laughed and walked downstairs where my parents and brothers were waiting for us.

"Took you long enough." My dad said, walking outside to the car while we followed him.

"You should've seen what they were doing! I'm scarred for life." Abner said.

"What do you mean?" My mom asked him.

Abner turned to me and I glared at him meaning that if he said anything, he was dead.

"Uh, nothing."


As we ate the salad and spaghetti they served us at the party, I could feel the gazes we were getting from everyone. I've never brought anyone to the parties especially a boy and they were probably wondering if he was my boyfriend.

My mom and dad were already done eating and were socializing with the family while Harry was having a conversation with the boys. Something about how superman was better than spiderman.

The boys soon left to play with our younger cousins, leaving Harry and I alone.

"You okay?" Harry grabbed my hand rubbed his thumb on my side like I had before.

"Just the stares. They're bothering me." I shrugged.

Harry turned in his chair so his body was fully facing me. "Just ignore them, love. Didn't you say that they're always gossiping?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "They're probably wondering if we're dating."

Harry smiled and kissed me. "Well, now they know."

I smiled and squeezed his hand.

The whole time we were chatting and doing cute coupley things while everyone was watching us. My mom came back to tell me that my family wanted to meet Harry. Harry nodded and went with me to go meet them. He wasn't near as nervous as he was when he met my parents officially.

Harry was such a gentlemen. He shook my male family members hands and kissed my female family members hands while he smiled at the same time.

After that got over with, we played with Abner, Brody, and the other little kids in the jumper they got. We played duck duck goose and mummy. Let's just say that Harry was very good with kids.

In the night they cut the cake and sang happy birthday to my aunt's daughter, Wendy.

They soon played music and everyone was dancing. My parents were wrapped all around eachother while Abner and Brody were dancing with our two little cousins, Chelsea and Carrie.

"Come dance with me." Harry said as we sat at a table.

I got up and walked with him to where everyone was dancing and was soon wrapped in his arms. Harry's arms were around my waist while mine were around his neck. My face was buried in his shoulder.

A few kisses were stolen that night from Harry.

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