xxv - rescue

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โ€” ๐‘๐ž๐ฌ๐œ๐ฎ๐ž โ€”

WE WAITED for any sign of what the doctor had injected us with to show.

"I wonder what they put in us." I ask.

I feel Steve shake his head.

"I don't know, but I hope it takes us out quickly." He says.

I laugh, letting a snort fall out.

"Oh, my god. I told you!" He exclaims.

"What?" I ask, still chuckling.

"You snort!" He says, laughing.

"For the last time, I do not snort!" I say.

He laughs and I join in, unable to control my laughter.

"You so do, (Y/N). You're not even good at lying." He says.

"Sure, I'm a great liar." I say.

We stay silent for a moment, then burst out into laughter. After we laugh for a few seconds, we start to quiet down.

"Honestly, I don't really feel anything." Steve says, "Do you?"

"I mean, I... I feel fine. I feel normal." I say.

"Yeah, I feelโ€” I feel fine." He says, "I kinda feel good."

We both chuckle.

"Wanna know a secret?" I ask him, leaning my head up against his.


"I like it too!"

We both laugh and Steve nods.

"Morons. They messed up the drug." Steve says, still laughing.

"They messed it up!" I yell, laughing with him.

"Morons!" Steve yells.

"Morons. Hey, morons!" I yell in a sing-song voice.

"Hey!" Steve yells in a sing-song voice as well.

We continue to laugh and call for them.

"Woah-oh!" Steve yells.

"Oh, no. There's definitely something wrong with us." I say.

"Something's wrong." Steve agrees.

The buzzer sounds and the Russian guard walks back in with the doctor behind him. The doctor walks over to a table and sets his bag down. The doctor pulls instruments out of his bag and sets them down on the table. I chuckle as he pulls out what looks to be a bone saw.

"Would now be a good time to tell you that I don't like doctors?" I say.

"Let's try this again, yes?" I hear the Russian man say from behind me and in front of Steve, "Who do you work for?"

"Scoops." Steve says and we chuckle, "Scoops Ahoy."

We continue to giggle.

"How did you find us?" The Russian questions.

"Totally by accident." Steve says, chuckling again.

The Russian man then speaks to the doctor in Russian. The doctor grabs an instrument which looked like pliers from the table.

"What is that shiny little toy?" Steve asks.

"Where you going with that, doc?" I ask.

Suddenly, I hear Steve protest.

"Woah, woah, hey, hey. Wait! No! Wait! Wait!" He yells.

"Wait! No!" I yell, "There was a code! We heard a code!"

Steve stops yelling and I hear the Russian man walk over to me.

"Code. What code?" He asks.

"The week is long. The silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west. Blah, blah, blah." I say, staring at the man, "You broadcast that stupid spy shit all over town, and we picked it up on our Cerebro, and we cracked it in a day. A day!" I exclaim.

The Russian man stays quiet, staring at me intensely.

"You think you're so smart, but a couple of kids cracked your code in a day, and now, people know you're here." I say.

"Who knows we are here, suka?" The Russian man yells.

"Uh, well, Dustin knows." I hear Steve say from behind me.

"Hey, Steve?" I say, trying to quiet him down.

"Yeah, Dustin Henderson, he knows." Steve continues.

"Steve!" I yell at him.

Steve laughs.

"Dustin Henderson." The Russian man repeats, "It is your small, curly-haired friend?"

"Oh, curly-haired. Great hair. Small. Kind of like a 'fro. Yeah." Steve says.

"Where is he?" The Russian man asks.

"Oh, he's long gone, you big asshole." Steve says and I laugh, "And he's probably calling Hopper, and Hopper's calling the US cavalry since you kidnapped his daughter. The Chief of police's daughter, by the way."

"Steve!" I yell at him, but still laughing.

"They're gonna come in here, commando-style, guns a-blazin', and kick your sorry asses back to Russia. You're gonna be two pieces of toast." He continues, laughing, and I laugh with him, leaning my head against his shoulder.

"Is that so?" The Russian man says, tauntingly.

"Yeah." Steve says and we continue to laugh, drugged out of our minds.

The Russian man then starts to laugh with us. Suddenly, the alarm starts blaring, again.

I feel Steve's head turn to the door and then back to the Russian man. His shoulders shrug and he leans his head back, against mine. The Russian man leaves the room and a few seconds later, Dustin, Erica and Robin charge into the room. Dustin shoves a stick with electricity coming out of it into the doctors chest and he falls back against the wall and then to the floor.

"Hey! Henderson! That's crazy, I was just talking about you." Steve says.

Robin and Dustin untie the belts that were wrapped around us, then cut our wrists free.

"Woo! Freedom!" I yell.

"Get ready to run." Dustin says.

I stand up and look around, then Robin quickly grabs my hand. She drags me out of the room and then down the hall a bit. We make it to a small car and she pushes me into the back, followed my Steve getting in after me. They close the grate on us and we sit in the trunk of this small car. Robin runs to the front and hops in the drivers seat and Dustin and Erica climb in the front. She starts to drive off and I hit my head on the grate in the back.

"Jesus, slow down!" Steve exclaims.

"Yeah, where did you learn to drive?" I ask, giggling.

"Hey, at least it's better than when you drove." Steve says laughing.

"I'm a great driver!" I protest.

"You hit a mailbox." Steve says.

"Oh... right." I say and we both burst out into laughter.

"What is wrong with them?" Erica asks.

"I don't know." Dustin says.

The small car screeches.

"Robin, watch out!" Erica screams.

"Shit!" Robin yells.

We hit something and I fly back onto Steve. We both groan and then he looks down at me on his chest.

"Well, hello there." He says, trying to make a smirk with his beat up face.

"You guy's alright back there?" Robin asks.

I groan from my head being hit.

"They're fine." I hear Dustin say.

They get out of the car and run to the back, opening the doors for us.

"Come on. We gotta go, now." Dustin says.

"Just five more minutes." I say, putting an arm across my eyes.

"Come on! Get out!" Erica yells.

I sit up and groan and Steve grabs my arm.

"Let's go!" Robin yells, pulling my arm out of the car and pulling Steve with me.

"Ow!" Steve says after being pulled out with me, "We're coming."

"This sucks." I say.

Dustin walks over to the familiar elevator and opens it up, and Robin pulls me towards it.

"Oh no, not this again!" I yell, trying to pull myself out of Robin's grasp, to no avail. She pushes Steve and I into the elevator, his hand still around my arm, and Dustin closes it. The elevator starts to go up and I pull Steve over to a cart used to move boxes. He steps on and I grab the handle. He pretends to surf on it and I move it around a bit.

We whoop and giggle as he tries to stay on top of it.

"Hey! You look like you're surfing!" I exclaim.

"Surfing! Yeah!" He yells, "Woah!"

"They seem drunk." Erica says.

"Why would they be drunk?" Robin asks.

"I'm a natural! Check it out!" Steve yells.

Suddenly, I pull the cart from underneath him and he goes flying forward, landing on the ground and laughing.

"Wipeout!" I yell.

Dustin runs over to Steve and kneels on the ground next to him. He puts his palm on Steve's head as Steve tries to slap it away.

"He's burning up." Dustin says.

"Yeah, he is!" I yell.

"No, you're burning up!" Steve yells back, laughing.

Dustin then leans over and tries to pry Steve's eye open, Steve still trying to push him away.

"One sec, Steve. One sec." Dustin says, trying to calm Steve down.

"God, no." Steve protests, "Ow!"

"His pupils are super dilated." Dustin says to Robin, "Check (Y/N)."

"I'll check (Y/N)." Steve says.

Robin walks over to me and I put my hands up in defense.

"(Y/N), just show me your eyes." She asks.

I look at her and then bat my eye lashes. She smiles and then puts one finger on my eyelid and pulls it up. When she takes her finger away I rub my eye.

"Yeah, her's are dilated too." Robin says.

"Maybe they're drugged." Erica says.

Dustin turns back to Steve and Steve boops his nose with his finger. Dustin pats his cheek.

"Steve, are you drugged?" He asks.

"How many times, Dad? I don't do drugs. It's only marijuana." Steve says, booping Dustin's nose again.

"This isn't funny, okay? I need to know what they did to you." Dustin says and Steve laughs, "Are you gonna die on us.

"Boop." Steve says, booping Dustin's nose for a third time.

"We all die, Dusty." I say, playing with my hair, "It's just a matter of how... and when."

He stares at me in disbelief for a moment, then turns back to Steve.

"They're gonna be looking for us up there, so I need you to tell me where you parked your car." Dustin asks.

"Oh, can we make a pit stop at the food court?" Steve asks.

"I would kill for a hot dog on a stick." I add.

"Ooh!" Steve says, agreeing.

"All right. Yeah, food." Dustin says, "Yes, you can have as much food as you want..."

I exclaim in excitement and I start to giggle and so does Steve.

"...But only if you tell me where your car is parked." Dustin finishes.

"Uh-oh." Steve says and stops giggling.

"Uh-oh?" Robin asks.

"The car's off the board." Steve says.

"What?" Dustin asks.

"They took the keys." Steve says, turning his pockets out, "The Russians, they took the keys. Like, forever ago."

I start to laugh and Steve joins me, both of us becoming a laughing mess.

"That's a bummer, right?" I say, causing us to laugh even more at the horrified looks on the other three's faces.

The elevator stops and the doors open. Steve grabs my arm again and we rush outside and breathe in the fresh air.

"Oh, my god, that tastes so good. Ah!" I exclaim, "Steve, can you taste the air?"

"I taste it! I taste it!"

We laugh and I hear someone yell, then Dustin, Erica and Robin run back towards us. Robin grabs my hand and pulls me to a door and Steve follows.

"Okay, okay!" I yell.

"Why are we running?" Steve asks.

We laugh as we run down the halls. I grab Steve's and off of my arm and interlock it with my fingers.

"Where are we going?" I ask as we run down the backroom halls of the mall.

"Just trust me." Dustin says.

We laugh as we come to another door. Dustin opens it, peering out quickly.

"All clear." He says, then we follow out behind him.

We run behind, then Steve stops me.

"Wait!" He whispers.

I stop running and he pulls my hand back towards him. He grabs a bag of half eaten popcorn out of the trash, then walks in front of me, pulling me behind him. Dustin opens the doors and we are met with the big screen in the theater. We follow him down the stairs and we stop at the front.

"You two, sit." He says, pointing to two seats in front of the screen.

"No, no, no! These seats are too close!" I exclaim.

"Dude, these seats blow." Steve adds.

"Then don't watch the movie." Robin says.

"We wanna watch it." I say.

"Then watch it!" Dustin yells.

A man behind us says 'shh' so I turn around and 'shh' him back.

"Sorry." Dustin says to the man.

"Whatever you do, don't... go... anywhere. Robin and Erica will be watching you." Dustin says.

"Fine, Dad." Steve says and I snicker.

They all walk away and I eye Steve's popcorn bag, going to stick my hand in it. He pulls the bag just as I put my hand inside and I frown. He brings the bag back to me and I reach in, again, and he pulls it back, teasing me. I quickly grab the bag from his hands, spilling popcorn everywhere, and we laugh. I eat a few bites, then he grabs it back to me.

"Wanna go get some water?" He asks.

"Yes! My mouth is so dry." I say, dragging out my words.

He chuckles and the stands up, grabbing my hand. I follow behind him as we make our way out of the theater. We spot a water fountain by the bathrooms and we run over to it. Steve beats me to it and bends down to drink the water.

"That's amazing." Steve says, pulling up from the fountain for a second.

"So, like, I wasn't totally focused in there or anything, but... I'm pretty sure... that mom was trying to bang her son." I say.

"Wait, wait, the hot chick was Alex P. Keaton's mom?" Steve asks.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure."

"But they're the same age."

"No, but he went back in time."

Steve snickers, choking on the water a bit.

"Then why is it called Back to the Future?" He asks.

"He has to go back to the future because he's in the past." I say, "So, the future is actually the present, which is his time."

Steve stays silent for a moment, thinking. He seems like he understands, then he speaks.

"Wh... What?" He asks.

I sigh and walk over to him.

"No, no, it's my turn. You've had enough." I say, pushing him away from the fountain.

I lean over and start to drink the water coming out of the fountain. It perfectly coats my throat and it tastes like the best water I've had in my life. I continue to drink it, refusing to take a break to breathe, and almost choke.

"Hey, (Y/N)." I hear Steve say, "You gotta check this out."

I stop slurping on the water and stand up, wiping my face with my shoulder. I walk over to the middle of the room where Steve was standing and look up with him.

"Check this... This ceiling. It's beautiful." He says.

The ceiling is fuzzy, but the lights stick out. They look like stars dancing in the sky and the panes of the glass look like they are waving at me.

"Oh, wow." I say, chuckling.

I turn in circles, looking up at the ceiling, and I start to feel dizzy. My stomach makes a gurgling noise and I feel something inching up my throat. I grunt a bit, trying to suppress the feeling, but it comes back into my throat, stronger than it was before. I start to gag and what was in my throat and I hear Steve gag too. Suddenly, the contents of my stomach threaten to come up and I run to the nearest bathroom. I throw open the door and I hear Steve run in behind me. I run into the stall and push open the door, immediately throwing myself onto the floor and releasing the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

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