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CHRISTMAS EVE had come faster than I had anticipated. It was also a bit different this year for me, because of how many people I had to buy gifts for. Usually, I would just give my dad one gift and he would give me one too, not having to worry about the rest of the party. This year I felt like I had to do more for the kids, because of what we had gone through together. It was also a bit different because we had a new member of the family, Eleven. Well, El as we have started to call her. My father and I moved out to our family cabin in the woods after Will was rescued. My father started leaving food for El, thinking that she might come back, and then after about a month she showed up, decided to stay with us and hasn't left since.
For El's safety, no one is allowed to know she is alive since the government and scientists at Hawkins' Lab believe she is dead.
El had told us about what happened at the middle school after Jonathan, Nancy and I had left to go fight the Demogorgon. She told us that it had appeared and that she had to use her powers to get rid of it, but it took her into the Upside Down, too. She managed to escape before the portal closed and without her being seen and then just lived in the woods, hunting animals for food. I felt horrible for leaving the boys to have to deal with that by themselves and I also felt horrible for keeping this huge secret from them. Mike was extremely upset. Dustin told me that he tries to contact her every day on his walkie.
In order to protect Eleven, we had to make some changes to the cabin. We rigged the trees with trip wire and had to fix the windows and doors. We fixed up the living and kitchen areas so it looked somewhat livable, since El was going to have to be there all the time. Eleven and I got our own rooms and my dad had an area of the cabin sectioned off with a curtain for himself. I was quite proud of my room after I had finished fixing it up. I went to Melvald's to get some supplies and Joyce helped me pick out a nice white color for my walls. I built my bedframe from scratch, with the help of my dad, as well as some shelves and a desk. I also helped Eleven design her room and since she wasn't able to leave I made sure to bring her home magazines from the store to giver her some ideas.
Picking out gifts for everyone was extremely difficult. I started with my immediate family and bought my dad a travel mug, so he can bring his coffee with him to work, and I bought El a new radio and a mixtape to go with it. The rest of kids were the most difficult to buy for, so I just decided on making them a table to play Dungeons & Dragons on. I made the table from scratch and designed it to my liking. For Nancy, I decided on getting her a small handbag and for Jonathan, I bought him some film for his camera and a photo book for his pictures.
Steve was also difficult to buy for. First, I had to decide if I wanted to buy him anything at all, considering his previous actions. I quickly got over the idea of not buying him anything, because I didn't want to hold a grudge forever.
So, here I am on Christmas Eve, a half an hour before I have to head over to Mike's house with the presents, looking for Steve's gift.
I didn't hold off getting him a gift until last minute. In fact, I have been downtown everyday since the beginning of December looking for Steve's gift. I have been into every shop at least fifty times. I've memorized everything in all of the shops. I've become acquainted with the owners of the shops and seem to have a weird bond with the lady that works at the furniture store.
Pacing back and forth Downtown Hawkins, and getting absolutely nowhere, I make my way over to Melvald's. As I walk through the door, the bell dings and I hear a voice welcome me.
"(Y/N)!" Joyce says as she runs up to me. She quickly quiets her tone and looks at me with a cocked eyebrow.
"Aren't you supposed to be getting ready to go over to Mike's house?" She asks me.
I notice a chair and sit down, putting my face in my hands and sighing.
"I can't find anything to buy Steve." I take my face out of my hands and look up at Joyce who was smiling at me.
"Still looking for something for that boy?" She asks.
I put my face back in my hands and groan. I feel her take the seat next to me.
"Well, (Y/N), maybe you don't need to get him anything."
I take my hands from my face and look over at her.
"I thought about it, but I can't do it. I have to get him something."
She chuckles at me.
"No, no. I mean, maybe you don't have to buy him anything."
I look at Joyce and start to smile.
"I can't steal, my dad is the chief of police!"
We laugh a bit and then Joyce puts a hand on my knee.
"Maybe you can't find him anything because it doesn't speak to you. Its's not from your heart."
I look back at my hands in my lap. I wanted to give Steve my heart, but I couldn't. Nancy and him were still in a relationship and it seemed like it had gotten stronger since we fought the Demogorgon together. I broke from my thoughts when Joyce spoke, again.
"I think you need to free yourself, (Y/N). You've got a lot on your mind. It might be a good thing for both of you."
I look at Joyce and she smiles at me, which I return. Quickly, I get up from my seat and run to the stationary section. I grab a stack of papers and envelops and run to the counter. Joyce checks me out and I tell her thank you, before running out of the store, hopping on my bike and heading home.
The whole ride I thought about what I was gonna say, but nothing came. When I got home I rushed inside and to my room, shutting the door. I saw my father and El sitting on the couch, watching the television, but I couldn't stop and talk since I only had about fifteen minutes until we had to leave.
I threw the paper on my desk and grabbed a pencil out of my cupholder. I sat at the desk and stared at the paper, waiting for the words to magically appear.
I had all of these emotions built up in me, yet nothing wanted to come out.
"(Y/N)?" I heard from outside my door.
"Come in."
I heard the door open and a shuffling from behind me.
"Hey, we have to leave in five." My dad said from behind me.
"Okay, I just need to finish this one thing."
He stayed silent for a moment and I could feel him peering over my shoulder.
"Okay," he dragged out, "Make it quick." He walked out of the room and closed my door.
I turned my head to look at my door and then I turned to look over at my window.
"You okay?"
"You know, Hopper, you totally could've helped me jump that window."
I raise my hands up.
"You said you wanted to test your skills, I didn't want to interfere!"
Steve laughs.
"Yeah well that window was like black-belt level of testing my skills."
You both laugh together.
"Maybe the front door would be a better option, next time." I say.
"Note taken."
I recall the first time Steve came over to my house, well trailer, at the time. I felt the same tingling feeling in my stomach that I felt that night and others, that only seemed to happen when I was around Steve. I look back down at my paper and begin to write.
"Look, I don't know what you think you saw, but it wasn't like that." Nancy says.
"What, you just let him in your room to... study?" Steve says.
"Are you kidding me?" I interject. "I was there too, we were all just hanging out, nothing was going on!" I say.
"Like I can trust you, (Y/N), you wouldn't say anything to incriminate yourself cause your father is the chief of police," Steve says, pausing for a moment, "and who knows what you were doing with them, you're a freak too."
I feel my eyes start to sting as my hands continue to write the words onto the paper, spilling out all of my emotions. I feel a tear threaten to drop from my eye, but I don't stop it. I let it fall out and onto the paper in front of me, soaking the words I had just previously written. I continue to write and I hear another knock on the door.
"Alright, (Y/N). Grab your stuff, lets go."
I grab the paper in front of me as well as a few extra. I put them in my small crossbody bag as well as the pencil and an envelope. I open my desk drawer and pull out my sketchbook, throwing that in as well. I throw the bag over my shoulder and walk into the living room. Hopper gives El the 'no leaving' speech and I grab the wrapped presents for Nancy and Jonathan. I walk over to Eleven and give her a kiss on the top of her head, then ruffing her very short hair with my hand. I run outside and hop into my dad's police truck, noticing that he had already loaded up the boy's table for me. I quickly buckle in and pull my letter back out and continue to write. Hopper then gets in the truck and we start to head off.
We don't say anything to each other the ride to the Wheeler's, mainly because I was fully consumed in this letter. When we get there, I finish out my letter, not bothering to read over it again. I fold it and place it in an envelope. Before sealing it, I grab my sketchbook and flip through it, finding the page I was looking for, rip it out and place it in the envelope as well. I seal it, then write Steve on the front. I place it in my bag and grab my presents for Nancy and Jonathan, hopping out of the truck.
I walk to the front door and Hopper stays behind, leaning up against the back of his truck. I knock on the door three times and, almost instantly, Mike's mom opens the door.
"Hi, Mrs. Wheeler."
She smiles and waves me in. I notice that she waves at my dad and then shuts the door. She takes the gifts from my hands and places them on the counter.
"The kids are in the basement and Nancy is in the living room." She says.
"Thank you." I say and smile at her. She returns the smile and then I walk to the basement door and open it.
I hear the boys talking and I walk down the stairs quietly. I see that they are in another D&D campaign, so I try to sneak up on them. I creep over to the table, luckily not being seen by Mike who was directly facing me. I wait for silence and then I make my move.
"Boo!" I yell, jumping up from behind Dustin.
They all scream and Dustin flails his arms, almost hitting me in the face. I move out of his way and clasp my hands together, laughing at their faces.
"What the hell, (Y/N)? You scared the shit out of me!" Dustin yells.
"Hey, language!" I say, crossing my arm and pointing at him.
The rest of the boys laugh and I throw my arms around Dustin and Lucas.
"So, I have a little surprise for you guys outside. A collective Christmas gift, if you will." I say to them.
All of their eyes light up and they jump out of their chairs. They run up the stairs quickly and I try to catch up with them. I finally make it outside and I see my dad trying to calm the boys down. Hopper looks at me, as to ask if I'm ready for them to see it, and I nod at him. He opens the trunk and the kids all take one step forward, trying to look over him to see what was in the truck. He picks up the table and places it down on the driveway and their jaws drop.
They all exclaim and start jumping and pointing at the table. Hopper clears his throat and then nods his head over to me. The boy's follow Hopper's gaze and then make their way over to me, running over and wrapping their arms around my torso. Multiple 'thank you' s are thrown my way as I try to escape from their grasps.
"You're welcome, you're welcome. Now, let me go, I can't breathe!" I say.
They all let go and then walk back over to their table, only to realize that Mike's dad was already bringing it inside for them. They walk over and follow Mr. Wheeler inside and I look back over at my dad.
"I just have to give Nancy her gift and then I'll be out, okay?" I say to him.
"And Steve..." He says, a small scowl on his face.
I smile at him.
"Jonathan too, when he gets here."
Hopper huffs.
"Alright. Don't take too long, we have to get home." He says, walking to his truck and hopping in the drivers seat.
I walk back inside and grab the presents I was going to give off of the counter where Mrs. Wheeler set them. I then walk to the living room, where I see Steve and Nancy cuddled up on the couch watching the television. When I walk in the room, Steve's eyes are immediately on me. He pushes Nancy off of him, gently, and motions to me. Nancy notices my presence in the room and smiles at me. I smile back and she stands up and walks towards me, Steve following behind her.
"Hey, (Y/N). Merry Christmas." She says, sweetly.
I smile at her.
"You too, Wheeler."
The front door suddenly opens and Jonathan walks in. I turn and give him a wave and he smiles. He walks away and goes to the basement.
"Hey, I'm gonna go grab him his gift." Nancy says, "Wait for me?"
I nod my head at her and she runs off, leaving Steve and I. We stand in silence for a moment before he clears his throat.
"So, how have you been?" He asks.
I nod, looking down at my feet.
"I'm okay for the most part."
He nods his head and then runs a hand through his hair.
"One sec." He says, before walking back to the living room and reaching into a jacket. He grabs a wrapped rectangular box and then makes his way back to me.
"I, uh, got you something." He holds the box out to me and I wave my hand at him.
"You really didn't have to get me anything, Steve."
He holds the box out closer to me, urging me to take it.
"I wanted to." He says.
I smile at him and grab the box. I begin to unwrap the paper from the box and reveal a black case. I open the case and reveal a thin gold necklace with an oval pendant on the end.
"Steve, this is too much."
He smiles.
"No, it's not. You deserve it."
"Seriously, I cannot accept this." I protest.
"You can." He says. He grabs the box out of my hand and pulls out the necklace. He closes the box and holds it up in front of my face.
"Don't get rid of this, okay?" He says.
I nod my head and he places the box in my bag. He then holds up his pinky.
"Pinky promise?"
I take his pinky and interlock it with mine. He then takes the necklace and unlatches it. He walks behind me and pushes my hair to the side. His hand brushes my neck as he puts the necklace around my neck and latches it. He pulls my hair back to its place and walks back in front of me.
"Beautiful." He says.
I feel my face start to heat up and I look down at the necklace, playing with it between my fingers. I notice the clasp on the pendant and push it down, opening the pendant to reveal two empty photo frames. I look up at Steve and give him a questioning look.
"No photos?" I ask.
A smirk begins to appear on his face.
"Not yet."
I smile at him, again, which he returns. I then reach into my bag and pull out the envelope. I stare at it for a second before finally deciding to hand it to him. He looks at it questioningly for a second and then goes to open it before I quickly stop him.
"Don't open it yet!" I say.
He stops trying to open it and then places it in his back pocket. Nancy, Jonathan and Will then walk into the living room with us. Steve wraps an arm around Nancy and I notice Jonathan's eyes peer into the floor. I try to break the sudden silence.
"I should get going."
Jonathan looks up at me.
"Yeah, us too." He says, putting his arm around Will's shoulder.
We say our goodbyes to Nancy and Steve and then walk outside. I walk with Jonathan and Will over to Jonathan's car. Will hops in the car and I give him a wave. I look at Jonathan and stick a finger up, signaling him to wait. He chuckles and I hand him his gifts.
"For me?" He asks, "You shouldn't have."
I smile at him.
"Just a little something, not much." I say.
Suddenly, he sticks his finger up, just like I had done to him. I laugh and he runs to the driver's side of the car and places his gifts in the backseat and pulls something else out. He speed walks back over to me with something hidden behind his back.
"Whatcha got there?" I ask.
"Just a little someβ" Jonathan begins, before he is cut off with the sound of Hopper's truck horn beeping.
I roll my eyes and Jonathan smiles. He pulls out the item that was hidden behind his back and I grab it from his hands.
It was the picture of me, smiling and throwing up a middle finger, that Jonathan had taken the day Will went missing. I smiled at the picture and then Jonathan took it from me, flipping it over and handing it back.
Words will never begin to describe how grateful I am that you are in mine and my family's life. You have always been there for us whenever we have needed you, even when it wasn't the most convenient for you. I'm not great with words, but I want you to know that I will always be there for you as you have been for me. There's no other person I would rather fight monsters with.
β Jonathan
I look up at Jonathan with tears in my eyes and pull him in for a hug, which he accepts. I squeeze him until I have no squeeze left and then let him go. I wipe my tears that spilled out with my sleeve. A horn honks again and I groan.
"I'll leave you so you don't get yelled at." He says.
I nod my head and laugh lightly.
"I'll see you?" I ask.
"Of course." He says.
this is just an extra chapter i decided to write before getting into season 2
now let's ACTUALLY get into it...
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